Process payment proof

Note: This endpoint should be called once the Qr-code is executed.

It will fetch info from add qr code text call and validate payment proof fields rfc issuer, rfc receiver and fiscal invoice and return response.

It will notify Organization's organizationPaymentProofApiUrl with POST request and CFDI data as payload: CFDI data:

  • rfcIssuer
  • issuerName
  • rfcReceiver
  • receiverName
  • fiscalInvoice
  • issueDate
  • certificationDate
  • rfcPac
  • totalCfd
  • voucherEffect
  • cfdiStatus
  • cancellationStatus
  • cancellationDate
  • validationCode
  • messageCode
  • status
  • errorMessage
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!