Process government validation

This endpoint reads the country code from the interview which can be set at the moment of calling the start endpoint or
is updated based on the processed id. Request body can optionally contain data from id in JSON. If omitted, data from
scanned ID is read.

Country codes:

MEX: Mexico - INE Validation. When government face validation is enabled this method compares the user's selfie against
the image in the INE database. The method should be called after add-face is over and
one of (process-id or document-id) is over.

Request parameters:

  • fallbackEnabled: Boolean, optional. If it is not sent, it will default to false.
  • scrapingMethod: Boolean, optional. If it is not sent, it will default to false.

If parameter fallbackEnabled is true and there's some connection or infrastructure error with the INE service, validation by
scraping will start. If parameter scrapingMethod is true, then direct connection to INE service won't be attempted and
the scraping approach will be used instead.

Request Body is optional - if not sent, data will be taken from the session:

  • ocr: String, mandatory for INE and IFE.
  • cic: String, mandatory for INE.
  • nombre: String, optional.
  • apellidoPaterno: String, optional.
  • apellidoMaterno: String, optional.
  • anioRegistro: String, optional.
  • anioEmision: String, optional.
  • numeroEmisionCredencial: String, mandatory for ife.
  • claveElector: String, mandatory for ife.
  • curp: String, optional.

COL: Colombia - Registraduría Validation. Currently there's no option for face validation. Can validate registraduría or
extranjería (foreign citizens living in colombia). Note: Government Validations for Colombia acquired via TusDatos

Request Body is optional - if not sent data will be taken from the session:

  • idNumber: String, mandatory.
  • fechaEmision: String, mandatory when Nationality is not Columbia. Format dd/mm/yyyy
  • nombre: String, optional.
  • apellidoPaterno: String, optional.
  • apellidoMaterno: String, optional.

ARG: Argentina - Renaper Validation. Currently there's no option for face validation.

Request Body:

  • idNumber: String, mandatory.

PER: Peru - Reniec Validation. Currently there's no option for face validation. Can validate Reniec. Note: Government
Validations for Peru obtained by checking against TOC, a risk database. ID must include DNI in order to validate.
Request Body is optional - if not sent data will be taken from the session.

  • idNumber: String, mandatory (corresponds to DNI number)
  • nombre: String, optional - if not provided ocrValidation for FistName will be UNKNOWN
  • apellidoPaterno: String, optional - if not provided ocrValidation for PaternalLastName will be UNKNOWN
  • apellidoMaterno: String, optional - if not provided ocrValidation for MaternalLastName will be UNKNOWN
  • birthDate: String, optional - if not provided ocrValidation for BirthDate will be UNKNOWN
  • gender: String, optional - if not provided ocrValidation for Gender will be UNKNOWN

CHL: Chile - Sinacofi Validation. Currently there's no option for face validation. Can validate Sinacofi. Note:
Government Validations for Chile obtained by checking against TOC, a risk database. ID must include DNI in order to validate.
Request Body is optional - if not sent data will be taken from the session:

  • idNumber: String, mandatory (corresponds Serie)
  • personalNumber: String, mandatory (corresponds RUT/RUN)
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