Country | Country Code | State | Type of ID | Subtype of ID | Version | Description |
Albania | ALB | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2005 | Leje Drejtimi (Driving License) |
Albania | ALB | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2015 | Certifikatë Aftësimi Profesional (Driving License) |
Albania | ALB | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2019 | Leje Drejtimi (Driving License) |
Albania | ALB | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2013 | Letërnjoftim ID (Identity Card) |
Albania | ALB | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2010 | Pasaportë (Passport) |
Andorra | AND | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 1990 | Permis de Conduir (Driving License) |
Andorra | AND | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2005 | Passaport (Passport) |
Andorra | AND | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2007 | Passaport (Passport) |
Andorra | AND | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2017 | Passaport (Passport) |
Austria | AUT | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVER_LICENSE | 2010 | Führerschein Republik Österreich (Driving license for the Republic of Austria) |
Austria | AUT | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVER_LICENSE | 2013 | Führerschein (Driving License) |
Austria | AUT | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2014 | Identity Card of the Republic of Austria |
Austria | AUT | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2021 | Identity Card |
Austria | AUT | ALL | MedicalCard | MEDICAL_CARD | 2020 | Medical Card |
Austria | AUT | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2014 | Passport |
Austria | AUT | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2024 | Passport |
Austria | AUT | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_DOCUMENT | 2012 | Aufenthaltskarte (Residence Card) |
Austria | AUT | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_DOCUMENT | 2017 | Legitimation Card Republic of Austria - Residence Permit |
Austria | AUT | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_DOCUMENT | 2021 | Aufenthaltsberechtigungskarte (Residence Permit Card) |
Austria | AUT | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2011 | Aufenthaltstitel (Residence Permit) |
Austria | AUT | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2020 | Aufenthaltstitel (Residence Permit) |
Austria | AUT | ALL | Visa | VISA | 2020 | Visum / Visa |
Belarus | BLR | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2012 | Driving License |
Belarus | BLR | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2021 | Identity Card |
Belarus | BLR | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2010 | Passport |
Belarus | BLR | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2021 | Passport |
Belgium | BEL | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVER_LICENSE | 2010 | Rijbewijs / Permis de Conduire (Driving License) |
Belgium | BEL | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVER_LICENSE | 2013 | Rijbewijs / Permis de Conduire (Driving License) |
Belgium | BEL | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2014 | Identiteitskaart / Carte D'Identite (Identity Card) |
Belgium | BEL | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2020 | Identiteitskaart / Carte D'Identite (Identity Card) |
Belgium | BEL | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2014 | Passport |
Belgium | BEL | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2022 | Passport |
Belgium | BEL | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_DOCUMENT | 2013 | Verblijfstitel (Residence Permit) |
Belgium | BEL | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_DOCUMENT | 2015 | E Kaart / E Card (Residence Document) |
Belgium | BEL | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_DOCUMENT | 2021 | Document de Sejour / Verblijfsdocument (Residence Document) |
Belgium | BEL | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2021 | Aufenthaltstitel (Residence Permit) |
Belgium | BEL | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2021 | Aufenthaltstitel (Residence Permit) |
Belgium | BEL | ALL | ResidenceDocument | SPECIAL_IDENTITY_CARD | 2013 | Special Identity Card |
Belgium | BEL | ALL | Visa | VISA | 2019 | Visa |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | BIH | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2015 | Vozacka Dozvola (Driving License) |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | BIH | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2013 | Licna Karta (Identity Card) |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | BIH | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2014 | Pasos (Passport) |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | BIH | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2015 | Pasos (Passport) |
Bulgaria | BGR | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2013 | Driving License |
Bulgaria | BGR | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2014 | Driver Card |
Bulgaria | BGR | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2010 | Licna Karta (Identity Card) |
Bulgaria | BGR | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2024 | Licna Karta (Identity Card) |
Bulgaria | BGR | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2010 | Passport |
Bulgaria | BGR | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2019 | Passport |
Bulgaria | BGR | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_DOCUMENT | 2015 | Certificate for EU Citizen (Residence Document) |
Bulgaria | BGR | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2019 | Residence Permit |
Bulgaria | BGR | ALL | Visa | VISA | 2023 | Visa |
Croatia | HRV | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 1994 | Vozacka Dozvola (Driving License) |
Croatia | HRV | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2013 | Vozacka Dozvola (Driving License) |
Croatia | HRV | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2024 | Vozacka Dozvola (Driving License) |
Croatia | HRV | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2003 | Osobna Iskaznica (Identity Card) |
Croatia | HRV | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2015 | Osobna Iskaznica (Identity Card) |
Croatia | HRV | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2021 | Osobna Iskaznica (Identity Card) |
Croatia | HRV | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2009 | Putovnica (Passport) |
Croatia | HRV | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2020 | Dozvola boravka (Residence Permit) |
Croatia | HRV | ALL | Visa | VISA | 2023 | Viza / Visa |
Cyprus | CYP | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2014 | Driving License |
Cyprus | CYP | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2014 | Identity Card |
Cyprus | CYP | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2015 | Identity Card |
Cyprus | CYP | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2020 | Identity Card |
Cyprus | CYP | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2010 | Passport |
Cyprus | CYP | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2014 | Residence Permit |
Cyprus | CYP | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2020 | Residence Permit |
Czech Republic | CZE | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2004 | Řidičský Průkaz (Driving License) |
Czech Republic | CZE | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2012 | Občanský Průkaz (National Identity Card) |
Czech Republic | CZE | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2021 | Občanský Průkaz (National Identity Card) |
Czech Republic | CZE | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2009 | Cestovní Pas (Passport) |
Czech Republic | CZE | ALL | Passport | EMERGENCY_PASSPORT | 2024 | Emergency Passport |
Czech Republic | CZE | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2006 | Residence Permit |
Czech Republic | CZE | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2013 | Povolení k Pobytu (Residence Permit) |
Czech Republic | CZE | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2015 | Identity Card and Long Term Residence Permit |
Czech Republic | CZE | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2020 | Povolení k Pobytu (Residence Permit) |
Czech Republic | CZE | ALL | Visa | VISA | 2022 | Visa |
Denmark | DNK | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVER_LICENSE | 1997 | Kørekort (Driving License) |
Denmark | DNK | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVER_LICENSE | 2013 | Kørekort (Driving License) |
Denmark | DNK | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVER_LICENSE | 2018 | Kørekort (Driving License) |
Denmark | DNK | ALL | MedicalCard | MEDICAL_CARD | 2014 | Sundhedskort (Health Card) |
Denmark | DNK | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2012 | Passport |
Denmark | DNK | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2021 | Passport |
Denmark | DNK | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_DOCUMENT | 2018 | Opholdskort (Residence Card) |
Denmark | DNK | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 1998 | Opholdstilladelse (Residence Permit) |
Denmark | DNK | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2010 | Opholdstilladelse (Residence Permit) |
Denmark | DNK | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2018 | Opholdstilladelse (Residence Permit) |
Denmark | DNK | FAROE_ISLANDS | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2020 | Faroe Islands Driving License |
Denmark | DNK | GREENLAND | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2010 | Kalaallit Nunaat Driver License |
Estonia | EST | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2013 | Juhiluba (Driving License) |
Estonia | EST | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2020 | Juhiluba (Driving License) |
Estonia | EST | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2011 | Isikutunnistus (Identity Card) |
Estonia | EST | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2018 | Isikutunnistus (Identity Card) |
Estonia | EST | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2010 | Passport |
Estonia | EST | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2014 | Passport |
Estonia | EST | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2021 | Passport |
Estonia | EST | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2016 | Rahvusvahelise Kaitse Taotleja Tunnistus (Certificate of Applicant for International Protection) |
Estonia | EST | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2018 | Elamisluba (Residence Permit) |
Estonia | EST | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2020 | Elamisluba (Residence Permit) |
Finland | FIN | ALAND | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2015 | Aland Körkort (Driving License) |
Finland | FIN | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2000 | Ajokortti Körkort (Driving License) |
Finland | FIN | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2013 | Ajokortti Körkort (Driving License) |
Finland | FIN | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2019 | Ajokortti Körkort (Driving License) |
Finland | FIN | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2011 | Identitetskort (Identity Card) |
Finland | FIN | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2017 | Identitetskort (Identity Card) |
Finland | FIN | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2021 | Identitetskort (Identity Card) |
Finland | FIN | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2023 | Identitetskort (Identity Card) |
Finland | FIN | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2000 | Passport |
Finland | FIN | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2012 | Passport |
Finland | FIN | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2017 | Passport |
Finland | FIN | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2006 | Passi / Passport |
Finland | FIN | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2012 | Finnish Residence Permit |
Finland | FIN | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2017 | Identitetskort (Identity Card) |
Finland | FIN | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2020 | Identitetskort /Identity Card (this document authorizes residence in Finland) |
Finland | FIN | ALL | Visa | VISA | 2019 | Viisumi (Visa) |
Finland | FIN | ALL | Visa | VISA | 2022 | Viisumi (Visa) |
Finland | FIN | ALL | MedicalCard | MEDICAL_CARD | 2024 | Health Insurance Card |
France | FRA | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVER_LICENSE | 1999 | Permis de Conduire (Driver's License) |
France | FRA | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVER_LICENSE | 2013 | Permis de Conduire (Driver's License) |
France | FRA | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVER_QUALIFICATION_CARD | 2020 | Driver Qualification Card |
France | FRA | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 1994 | Carte Nationale D'Identite (Identity Card) |
France | FRA | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2021 | Carte Nationale D'Identite (Identity Card) |
France | FRA | ALL | IdentificationCard | PROFESSIONAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2024 | Professional Identification Card |
France | FRA | ALL | Military | MILITARY_ID | 2009 | Carte D'identité Militaire (Military Card) |
France | FRA | ALL | Military | MILITARY_ID | 2020 | Carte D'Identite Militaire (Military ID Card) |
France | FRA | ALL | Passport | DIPLOMATIC_PASSPORT | 2008 | Passeport Diplomatique (Diplomatic Passport) |
France | FRA | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2008 | Passeport (Passport) |
France | FRA | ALL | Passport | EMERGENCY_PASSPORT | 2023 | Passeport D'urgence / Emergency Passport |
France | FRA | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2001 | Residence Permit |
France | FRA | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2011 | Titre de Séjour (Residence Permit) |
France | FRA | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2020 | Titre de Séjour (Residence Permit) |
France | FRA | ALL | Visa | VISA | 2010 | Visa |
France | FRA | ALL | Visa | VISA | 2020 | Visa |
France | FRA | ALL | MedicalCard | MEDICAL_CARD | 2023 | Medical Card |
France | FRA | ALL | MedicalCard | MEDICAL_CARD | 2024 | Medical Card |
France | FRA | NEW_CALEDONIA | DriversLicense | DRIVER_LICENSE | 2024 | New Caledonia Permis de Conduire (Driving License) |
Georgia | GEO | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2006 | Driving License |
Georgia | GEO | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2013 | Driving License |
Georgia | GEO | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2012 | Identity Card |
Georgia | GEO | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2010 | Passport |
Georgia | GEO | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2016 | Passport |
Germany | DEU | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVER_LICENSE | 2011 | Führerschein (Driver's License) |
Germany | DEU | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVER_LICENSE | 2013 | Führerschein (Driver's License) |
Germany | DEU | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2007 | Personalausweis (Identity Card) |
Germany | DEU | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2010 | Personalausweis (Identity Card) |
Germany | DEU | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2021 | Personalausweis (Identity Card) |
Germany | DEU | ALL | IdentificationCard | TEMP_GERMAN_IDCARD | 2004 | Vorlaufiger Personalausweis (Temporary Identity Card) |
Germany | DEU | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2007 | Reisepass (Passport) |
Germany | DEU | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2017 | Reisepass (Passport) |
Germany | DEU | ALL | Passport | TEMPORARY_PASSPORT | 2014 | Vorläufiger Reisepass (Temporary Passport) |
Germany | DEU | ALL | ResidenceDocument | FICTIONAL_CERTIFICATE | 2024 | Fiktionsbescheinigung (Fictional Certificate) |
Germany | DEU | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2011 | Aufenthaltstitel (Residence Permit) |
Germany | DEU | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2019 | Aufenthaltstitel (Residence Permit) |
Germany | DEU | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2021 | Residence Permit |
Germany | DEU | ALL | Visa | VISA | 2018 | Visum (Visa) |
Germany | DEU | ALL | MedicalCard | MEDICAL_CARD | 2024 | Medical Card |
Gibraltar | GIB | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2020 | Identity Card / Carte D'Identite |
Gibraltar | GIB | ALL | Other | CIVIL_REGISTRATION_CARD | 2020 | Civilian Registration Card |
Greece | GRC | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2009 | Driver's License |
Greece | GRC | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2013 | Driver's License |
Greece | GRC | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2023 | Driver's License |
Greece | GRC | ALL | IdentificationCard | DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2016 | Identity Card |
Greece | GRC | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2016 | Identity Card |
Greece | GRC | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2023 | Identity Card |
Greece | GRC | ALL | Military | MILITARY_ID | 2022 | Military ID Card |
Greece | GRC | ALL | Passport | DIPLOMATIC_PASSPORT | 2006 | Diplomatic Passport |
Greece | GRC | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2020 | Passport |
Greece | GRC | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2024 | Passport |
Greece | GRC | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2013 | Residence Permit |
Greece | GRC | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2020 | Residence Permit |
Greece | GRC | ALL | ResidenceDocument | ASYLUM_SEEKER_CARD | 2020 | Asylum Seeker Card |
Greece | GRC | ALL | Other | FIREFIGHTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2024 | Firefighter Identity Card |
Hungary | HUN | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2013 | Vezetői Engedély (Driving License) |
Hungary | HUN | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2012 | Személyazonosító Igazolvány (Identity Card) |
Hungary | HUN | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2016 | Személyazonosító Igazolvány (Identity Card) |
Hungary | HUN | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2022 | Temporary Identity Card |
Hungary | HUN | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2012 | Útlevél (Passport) |
Hungary | HUN | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2018 | Tartózkodási Engedély (Residence Permit) |
Hungary | HUN | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2020 | Tartózkodási Engedély (Residence Permit) |
Iceland | ISL | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 1997 | Ökuskírteini (Driving License) |
Iceland | ISL | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2002 | Ökuskírteini (Driving License) |
Iceland | ISL | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2016 | Ökuskírteini (Driving License) |
Iceland | ISL | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2024 | Ökuskírteini (Driving License) |
Iceland | ISL | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2013 | Vegabréf (Passport) |
Iceland | ISL | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2018 | Vegabréf (Passport) |
Ireland | IRL | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVER_LICENSE | 2013 | Ceadúnas Tiomána (Driving License) |
Ireland | IRL | ALL | DriversLicense | LEARNER_PERMIT | 2013 | Cead Foghlamor (Learner's Permit) |
Ireland | IRL | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2015 | Passport Card |
Ireland | IRL | ALL | IdentificationCard | AGE_CARD | 2020 | Age Card |
Ireland | IRL | ALL | Other | PUBLIC_SERVICES | 2013 | Public Services Card |
Ireland | IRL | ALL | Other | PUBLIC_SERVICES | 2014 | Public Services Card |
Ireland | IRL | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2006 | Pas / Passport |
Ireland | IRL | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2013 | Pas / Passport |
Ireland | IRL | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2017 | Residence Permit |
Ireland | IRL | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2020 | Residence Permit |
Ireland | IRL | ALL | VoterIdentification | VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2020 | Electoral Identity Card |
Italy | ITA | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVER_LICENSE | 2000 | Patente di Guida (Driver's License) |
Italy | ITA | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVER_LICENSE | 2013 | Patente di Guida (Driver's License) |
Italy | ITA | ALL | IdentificationCard | DOMESTIC_DOCUMENT_OF_IDENTITY | 2000 | Carta di Identità (Identity Card) |
Italy | ITA | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2004 | Carta di Identità (Identity Card) |
Italy | ITA | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2016 | Carta di Identità (Identity Card) |
Italy | ITA | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2023 | Carta di Identità (Identity Card) |
Italy | ITA | ALL | MedicalCard | HEALTH_CARD | 2022 | Tessera Sanitaria (Health Insurance Card) |
Italy | ITA | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2005 | Passaporto (Passport) |
Italy | ITA | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2010 | Passaporto (Passport) |
Italy | ITA | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2011 | Permesso di Soggiorno (Residence Permit) |
Italy | ITA | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2013 | Permesso di Soggiorno (Residence Permit) |
Italy | ITA | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2021 | Permesso di Soggiorno (Residence Permit) |
Italy | ITA | ALL | TravelDocument | CONSULAR_CARD | 2023 | Consular Card |
Italy | ITA | ALL | Visa | VISA | 2005 | Visto (Visa) |
Italy | ITA | ALL | Visa | VISA | 2019 | Visto (Visa) |
Jersey | JEY | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVER_LICENSE | 2014 | Driving License |
Kosovo | RKS | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2008 | Driving License |
Kosovo | RKS | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2021 | Driving License |
Kosovo | RKS | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2013 | Identity Card |
Kosovo | RKS | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2011 | Passaporte / Passport |
Kosovo | RKS | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2013 | Passaporte / Passport |
Kosovo | RKS | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2024 | Passport |
Kosovo | RKS | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2021 | Residence Permit |
Latvia | LVA | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2014 | Vadītāja Apliecība (Driving License) |
Latvia | LVA | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2012 | Personas Apliecība (Identity Card) |
Latvia | LVA | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2019 | Personas Apliecība (Identity Card) |
Latvia | LVA | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2012 | Pase (Passport) |
Latvia | LVA | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2015 | Pase (Passport) |
Latvia | LVA | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2024 | Pase (Passport) |
Latvia | LVA | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2021 | Permanent Residence Card |
Liechtenstein | LIE | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2018 | Permis de Conduire (Driving License) |
Liechtenstein | LIE | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2016 | Passport |
Liechtenstein | LIE | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2020 | Aufenthaltskarte (Residence Card) |
Lithuania | LTU | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2000 | Permis de Conduire (Driving License) |
Lithuania | LTU | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2010 | Vairuotojo Pazymejimas (Driving License) |
Lithuania | LTU | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2011 | Vairuotojo Pazymejimas (Driving License) |
Lithuania | LTU | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2013 | Vairuotojo Pazymejimas (Driving License) |
Lithuania | LTU | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2017 | Vairuotojo Pazymejimas (Driving License) |
Lithuania | LTU | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2010 | Personal Identity Card |
Lithuania | LTU | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2012 | Personal Identity Card |
Lithuania | LTU | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2021 | Identity Card |
Lithuania | LTU | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2019 | Passport |
Lithuania | LTU | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2012 | Leidimas Gyventi (Residence Permit) |
Lithuania | LTU | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2020 | Leidimas Gyventi (Residence Permit) |
Lithuania | LTU | ALL | Visa | VISA | 2020 | Viza / Visa |
Luxembourg | LUX | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2013 | Permis de Conduire (Driving License) |
Luxembourg | LUX | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2008 | Identity Card / Carte D'Identite |
Luxembourg | LUX | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2014 | Identity Card / Carte D'Identite |
Luxembourg | LUX | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2021 | Identity Card / Carte D'Identite |
Luxembourg | LUX | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2015 | Pass / Passport |
Luxembourg | LUX | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2013 | Titre de Sejour (Residence Permit) |
Luxembourg | LUX | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2020 | Titre de Sejour (Residence Permit) |
Malta | MLT | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2013 | Driving License |
Malta | MLT | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2020 | Driving License |
Malta | MLT | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2014 | Identity Card |
Malta | MLT | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2020 | Identity Card |
Malta | MLT | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2008 | Passaport (Passport) |
Malta | MLT | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2021 | Passaport (Passport) |
Malta | MLT | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2020 | Permess Ta 'Residenza (Residence Permit) |
Moldova | MDA | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2015 | Permis de Conducere (Driving License) |
Moldova | MDA | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2007 | Buletin de Identitate (Identity Card) |
Moldova | MDA | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2014 | Buletin de Identitate (Identity Card) |
Moldova | MDA | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2015 | Buletin de Identitate (Identity Card) |
Moldova | MDA | ALL | Other | TEMPORARY_PROTECTION_IDENTITY_DOCUMENT | 2023 | Temporary Protection Identity Document |
Moldova | MDA | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2014 | Passport |
Moldova | MDA | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2023 | Passport |
Monaco | MCO | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2009 | Identity Card / Carte D'Identite |
Monaco | MCO | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2018 | Carte D'identité (Identity Card) |
Monaco | MCO | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2005 | Passeport / Passport |
Monaco | MCO | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2017 | Carte de Resident (Resident Card) |
Montenegro | MNE | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2008 | Vozacka Dozvola (Driving License) |
Montenegro | MNE | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2020 | Vozacka Dozvola (Driving License) |
Montenegro | MNE | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2008 | Licna Karta (Identity Card) |
Montenegro | MNE | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2020 | Licna Karta (Identity Card) |
Montenegro | MNE | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2023 | Dozvola za privremeni boravak i rad (Temporary residence and work permit) |
Montenegro | MNE | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2008 | Pasos (Passport) |
Montenegro | MNE | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2020 | Pasos (Passport) |
Netherlands | NLD | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVER_LICENSE | 2006 | Driving License |
Netherlands | NLD | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVER_LICENSE | 2013 | Driving License |
Netherlands | NLD | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVER_LICENSE | 2018 | Driving License |
Netherlands | NLD | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2014 | Identity Card |
Netherlands | NLD | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2006 | Paspoort (Passport) |
Netherlands | NLD | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2014 | Paspoort (Passport) |
Netherlands | NLD | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2014 | Dutch Residence Permit |
Netherlands | NLD | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2020 | Residence Permit |
Netherlands | NLD | ALL | Visa | VISA | 2023 | Visa |
Norway | NOR | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVER_LICENSE | 1989 | Driving License |
Norway | NOR | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVER_LICENSE | 2007 | Driving License |
Norway | NOR | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVER_LICENSE | 2013 | Driving License |
Norway | NOR | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVER_LICENSE | 2018 | Driving License |
Norway | NOR | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVER_LICENSE | 2023 | Driving License |
Norway | NOR | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2015 | Handelsbanken BankID |
Norway | NOR | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2020 | Identity Card |
Norway | NOR | ALL | MilitaryCard | MILITARY_CARD | 2024 | Military Card |
Norway | NOR | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2011 | Passport |
Norway | NOR | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2021 | Passport |
Norway | NOR | ALL | Passport | IMMIGRATION_PASSPORT | 2023 | Immigration Passport |
Norway | NOR | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2020 | Residence Card |
Norway | NOR | ALL | ResidenceDocument | TEMPORARY_RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2012 | Residence Permit |
Poland | POL | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2000 | Prawo Jazdy (Driving License) |
Poland | POL | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2001 | Permis de Conduire (Driving License) |
Poland | POL | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2002 | Prawo Jazdy (Driving License) |
Poland | POL | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2013 | Prawo Jazdy (Driving License) |
Poland | POL | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2013 | Dowód Osobisty (Identity Card) |
Poland | POL | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2015 | Dowód Osobisty (Identity Card) |
Poland | POL | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2019 | Dowód Osobisty (Identity Card) |
Poland | POL | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2022 | Karta Polaka (Pole's Card) |
Poland | POL | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2011 | Paszport (Passport) |
Poland | POL | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2018 | Paszport (Passport) |
Poland | POL | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2018 | Karta Pobytu (Residence Permit) |
Poland | POL | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2020 | Karta Pobytu (Residence Permit) |
Poland | POL | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2024 | Residence Permit |
Poland | POL | ALL | ResidenceDocument | SPECIAL_IDENTITY_CARD | 2010 | Special Identity Card |
Poland | POL | ALL | ResidenceDocument | TEMPORARY_FOREIGNER_IDENTITY_CERTIFICATE | 2024 | Temporary Foreigner Identity Certificate |
Portugal | PRT | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 1999 | Carta de Condução (Driving License) |
Portugal | PRT | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2013 | Carta de Condução (Driving License) |
Portugal | PRT | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2014 | Carta de Condução (Driving License) |
Portugal | PRT | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2015 | Cartão de Cidadão (Citizen Card) |
Portugal | PRT | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2024 | Cartão de Cidadão (Identity Card) |
Portugal | PRT | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2009 | Passport |
Portugal | PRT | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2018 | Passport |
Portugal | PRT | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2008 | Título de Residência (Residence Permit) |
Portugal | PRT | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2020 | Título de Residência (Residence Permit) |
Portugal | PRT | ALL | Visa | VISA | 2010 | Visto (Visa) |
Portugal | PRT | ALL | Visa | VISA | 2019 | Visto (Visa) |
Republic of North Macedonia | MKD | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2007 | Vozacka Dozvola (Driving License) |
Republic of North Macedonia | MKD | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2007 | Licna Karta (Identity Card) |
Republic of North Macedonia | MKD | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2008 | Licna Karta (Identity Card) |
Republic of North Macedonia | MKD | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2015 | Pasos (Passport) |
Republic of North Macedonia | MKD | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2017 | Pasos (Passport) |
Republic of North Macedonia | MKD | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2019 | Permanent Residence Permit for Foreigners |
Romania | ROU | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2013 | Permis de Conducere (Driving License) |
Romania | ROU | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2015 | Carte de Identitate (Identity Card) |
Romania | ROU | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2022 | Carte de Identitate (Identity Card) |
Romania | ROU | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2008 | Pasaport/Passport |
Romania | ROU | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2019 | Pasaport/Passport |
Romania | ROU | ALL | Passport | TEMPORARY_PASSPORT | 2020 | Pasaport/Passport |
Romania | ROU | ALL | Passport | TEMPORARY_PASSPORT | 2023 | Pasaport/Passport |
Romania | ROU | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2013 | Permis de ședere (Residence Permit) |
Romania | ROU | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2020 | Permis de ședere (Residence Permit) |
Saint Martin (French part) | MAF | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2019 | Permis de Conduire (Driving License) |
San Marino | SMR | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2017 | Carta D'identità / Identity Card |
San Marino | SMR | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2024 | Carta D'identità / Identity Card |
San Marino | SMR | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2021 | Driving License |
San Marino | SMR | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2015 | Passaporto (Passport) |
Serbia | SRB | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVER_LICENSE | 2011 | Vozacka Dozvola (Driving License) |
Serbia | SRB | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2008 | Licna Karta (Identity Card) |
Serbia | SRB | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2011 | Dozvola za privremeni boravak i rad (Residence and work permit) |
Serbia | SRB | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2008 | Pasos (Passport) |
Slovakia | SVK | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2008 | Vodičský Preukaz (Driving License) |
Slovakia | SVK | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2013 | Vodičský Preukaz (Driving License) |
Slovakia | SVK | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2015 | Vodičský Preukaz (Driving License) |
Slovakia | SVK | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2013 | Občiansky Preukaz (Identity Card) |
Slovakia | SVK | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2022 | Občiansky Preukaz (Identity Card) |
Slovakia | SVK | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2008 | Passport |
Slovakia | SVK | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2024 | Passport |
Slovakia | SVK | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2019 | Povolenie Na Pobyt (Residence Permit) |
Slovakia | SVK | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2020 | Pobyt rodinného príslušníka občana EÚ (Residence Card of EU Citizen Family Member) |
Slovenia | SVN | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2013 | Voznisko Dovoljenje (Driving License) |
Slovenia | SVN | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 1998 | Osebna Iskaznica (Identity Card) |
Slovenia | SVN | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2022 | Osebna Iskaznica (Identity Card) |
Slovenia | SVN | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2006 | Potni List (Passport) |
Spain | ESP | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVER_LICENSE | 2004 | Permiso de Conduccion (Driver's License) |
Spain | ESP | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVER_LICENSE | 2013 | Permiso de Conduccion (Driver's License) |
Spain | ESP | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2006 | Documento Nacional de Identidad (National Identity Document) |
Spain | ESP | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2015 | Documento Nacional de Identidad (National Identity Document) |
Spain | ESP | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2021 | Documento Nacional de Identidad (National Identity Document) |
Spain | ESP | ALL | IdentificationCard | CITIZENCARD | 2020 | Citizen Card |
Spain | ESP | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2008 | Pasaporte (Passport) |
Spain | ESP | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2015 | Pasaporte (Passport) |
Spain | ESP | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_DOCUMENT | 2017 | Certificado de Registro de Ciudadano de la Union (Union Citizen Registration Certificate) |
Spain | ESP | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2010 | Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero (Foreigner Identity Card) |
Spain | ESP | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2011 | Permiso de Residencia (Residence Permit) |
Spain | ESP | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2020 | Permiso de Residencia (Residence Permit) |
Spain | ESP | ALL | TravelDocument | CONSULAR_CARD | 2020 | Consular Card |
Spain | ESP | ALL | Visa | VISA | 2019 | Visado (Visa) |
Spain | ESP | ALL | Visa | VISA | 2021 | Visado (Visa) |
Sweden | SWE | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2007 | Körkort Sverige (Driving License) |
Sweden | SWE | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2013 | Körkort Sverige (Driving License) |
Sweden | SWE | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2016 | Körkort Sverige (Driving License) |
Sweden | SWE | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2012 | National Identity Card |
Sweden | SWE | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2013 | Identiteskort (Identity Card) |
Sweden | SWE | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2017 | Identiteskort (Identity Card) |
Sweden | SWE | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2021 | Nationellt Identitetskort (National Identity Card) |
Sweden | SWE | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2022 | Identiteskort (Identity Card) |
Sweden | SWE | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2012 | Passport |
Sweden | SWE | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2022 | Passport |
Sweden | SWE | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2011 | Residence Permit |
Sweden | SWE | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2021 | Residence Permit |
Switzerland | CHE | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2003 | Führerausweise (Driving License) |
Switzerland | CHE | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2023 | Führerausweise (Driving License) |
Switzerland | CHE | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2003 | Identitatskarte (Identity Card) |
Switzerland | CHE | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2023 | Identitatskarte (Identity Card) |
Switzerland | CHE | ALL | IdentificationCard | DIPLOMATIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2024 | Diplomatic Identification Card |
Switzerland | CHE | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2010 | Passport |
Switzerland | CHE | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2022 | Passport |
Switzerland | CHE | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2016 | Aufenthaltstitel (Residence Permit) |
Switzerland | CHE | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2019 | Aufenthaltstitel (Residence Permit) |
Switzerland | CHE | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2020 | Aufenthaltstitel (Residence Permit) |
Switzerland | CHE | ALL | Visa | VISA | 2023 | Visa / Visum |
Ukraine | UKR | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 1996 | Permis de Conduire / Driving License |
Ukraine | UKR | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2005 | Driving License |
Ukraine | UKR | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2014 | Driving License |
Ukraine | UKR | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2021 | Driving License |
Ukraine | UKR | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2016 | Passport of the Citizen of Ukraine (Identity Card) |
Ukraine | UKR | ALL | IdentificationCard | PENSIONERS_IDENTITY_CARD | 2024 | Pensioner's Identity Card |
Ukraine | UKR | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2007 | Passport |
Ukraine | UKR | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2015 | Passport |
Ukraine | UKR | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2005 | Permanent Residence Permit |
Ukraine | UKR | ALL | ResidenceDocument | TEMPORARY_RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2018 | Temporary Residence Permit |
United Kingdom | GBR | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVER_LICENSE | 2006 | Driving License |
United Kingdom | GBR | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVER_LICENSE | 2007 | Driving License |
United Kingdom | GBR | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVER_LICENSE | 2013 | Driving License |
United Kingdom | GBR | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVER_LICENSE | 2015 | Driving License |
United Kingdom | GBR | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVER_LICENSE | 2019 | Driver Qualification Card |
United Kingdom | GBR | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVER_LICENSE | 2022 | Driving License |
United Kingdom | GBR | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVER_CARD | 2018 | Driver Card |
United Kingdom | GBR | ALL | DriversLicense | PROVISIONAL_DRIVER_LICENSE | 2007 | Provisional Driving License |
United Kingdom | GBR | ALL | DriversLicense | PROVISIONAL_DRIVER_LICENSE | 2013 | Provisional Driving License |
United Kingdom | GBR | ALL | DriversLicense | PROVISIONAL_DRIVER_LICENSE | 2015 | Provisional Driving License |
United Kingdom | GBR | ALL | DriversLicense | PROVISIONAL_DRIVER_LICENSE | 2021 | Provisional Driving License |
United Kingdom | GBR | ALL | DriversLicense | INTERNATIONAL_DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2023 | International Drivers License |
United Kingdom | GBR | ALL | IdentificationCard | CITIZENCARD | 2010 | CitizenCard - Proof of Age Card |
United Kingdom | GBR | ALL | IdentificationCard | CITIZENCARD | 2011 | CitizenCard - Proof of Age Card |
United Kingdom | GBR | ALL | IdentificationCard | CITIZENCARD | 2012 | CitizenCard - Proof of Age Card |
United Kingdom | GBR | ALL | IdentificationCard | CITIZENCARD | 2021 | CitizenCard - Proof of Age Card |
United Kingdom | GBR | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2009 | National Identity Card |
United Kingdom | GBR | ALL | Military | MILITAR_IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2017 | British Army Identity Card |
United Kingdom | GBR | ALL | Military | MILITAR_IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2024 | Military Identity Card |
United Kingdom | GBR | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2006 | Passport |
United Kingdom | GBR | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2010 | Passport / Passeport |
United Kingdom | GBR | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2015 | Passport / Passeport |
United Kingdom | GBR | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2020 | Passport / Passeport |
United Kingdom | GBR | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2004 | Residence Permit |
United Kingdom | GBR | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2008 | Residence Permit |
United Kingdom | GBR | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2021 | Residence Permit |
United Kingdom | GBR | ALL | Visa | VISA | 2010 | Entry Clearance (Visa) |
United Kingdom | GBR | ALL | Visa | VISA | 2020 | Visa |
United Kingdom | GBR | GUERNSEY | DriversLicense | DRIVER_LICENSE | 2013 | Guernsey Driving License |
United Kingdom | GBR | ISLE_OF_MAN | DriversLicense | DRIVER_LICENSE | 2022 | Isle of Man Driving License |
United Kingdom | GBR | MONTSERRAT | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2022 | Montserrat Driver's License |
United Kingdom | GBR | SCOTLAND | IdentificationCard | CITIZENCARD | 2020 | Scotland National Entitlement Card (Saltire card) |
United Kingdom | GBR | WALES | DriversLicense | DRIVER_LICENSE | 2013 | Wales Driving Licence |
Vatican City | VAT | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2010 | Passaporto / Passport |
Vatican City | VAT | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2013 | Passaporte / Passport |
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus | XCT | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2021 | Pasaport / Passport |
Updated 16 days ago