Authentication webhook

This webhook will only trigger during 1:N Authentications. It contains information about the login attemp, the identities which could match the face reported by the login, and the interview which best matches the biometric of the face used to login.

  "customerId": "<customerIdentityId>",
  "token": "", //jwt
  "interviewId": "", 
  "interviewToken": "", // jwt
  "transactionId": "c3448d3bc3a14721ab4cf23e", // Id which represents this login's Id
  "faceMatch": true, 
  "spoofAttempt": false,
  "secondFactor": false,
  "children": [],
  "spoofConfidence": 0.0018711557,
  "recognitionConfidence": {
    "confidence": 0.8929258,
    "candidates": [
        "identityId": "65eb5ca1f430218bb4b5ebd5",
        "confidence": 0.8929258
  "overallScore": 0.8929258,
  "overallStatus": "PASS"