Global watchlists webhook

An introduction to the Global Watchlists Webhook

Global watchlists supports continuous updates for a session if continuous updates were subscribed to via the API. The Global Watchlists Webhook will asynchronously send updates if the search has any updated security information. The received ref and search_id fields are both identifiers that were assigned when the initial search was performed. Any of the received fields can be used to retrieve the new search result using the updated watchlist endpoint. To configure your callback URL, navigate to the Dashboard and select Configuration -> Webhooks, and then enter your URL under WATCHLIST UPDATE WEBHOOK URL (OPTIONAL). For more information see the webhook introduction page.

Endpoint details

POST https://{client-defined-url}


Below is an example of the payload that you will get when the webhook triggers

	"interviewId": "",
  "ref" : "", // Reference number received when search was created
  "search_id": "" // Search id created when search was created.

If you are authenticating your webhook requests , the webhook will contain the Authorization header along with the OAuth2.0 bearer token:

Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>

If you configured additional custom headers, they will be included as well.


To avoid our retry policy to keep sending the same notification over and over, make sure your endpoint returns one of the following:

  • Status code 204 No content
  • Status code 200 OK with a response type application/json, for example { "success" : true }
	"success" : true 