1:N Authentication Links

An introduction to authentication links

Authentication links are our no-code solution for authentication. This integration is designed for simplicity and speed.

How it works?

Authentication links provide a hosted capture experience and utilize our 1:N API endpoints to perform the authentication. We recommend setting up our authentication webhook so that the results of the authentication are securely delivered to your backend as soon as processing is complete. In practice, the flow of an authentication can be broken down into the following steps:

  1. A user completes an onboarding successfully and a new identity is created for that user.
  2. Then when a user needs to be authenticated in the future, an authentication link can be sent to the user using Incode's SMS API. Once the end user clicks the authentication link they are prompted to capture their selfie.
  3. After a selfie is submitted, a 1:N search is performed between their selfie and the set of identities previously onboarded by your organization.
  4. The results of the 1:N search are securely sent to the client via Incode's authentication webhook.
  5. Using the data returned in the webhook response (see below for details), the client can make a determination as to what action they want the user to take next. For example, if the client receives, faceMatch: true and the returned customer ID matches the expected customer ID, the end user may be granted access to an in-app resource, an account unlocking procedure could be continued, or an agent on the line with a customer could take follow up actions, etc.

How do I obtain an authentication link?

Authentication links are available for both your demo and production environments. To use them simply, replace the your_client_id text with your actual Incode provided client ID.

  1. Demo environment authentication link: https://demo-onboarding.incodesmile.com/your_client_id/hello
  2. Production environment authentication link: https://saas-onboarding.incodesmile.com/your_client_id/hello

What information will be included in the authentication webhook response?

See the example below for what you can expect to receive in the event of a successful authentication. If the authentication fails, a failed response will be provided, however other customer data will not be exposed.

    "children": [],
    "customerId": "63hshkdfkjhajkafasdf",
    "email": "johnnyappleseed@example.com",
    "faceMatch": true,
    "interviewId": "63hsjlkdhfkhahjk1hkj",
    "interviewToken": "sdfhasdjhfjkhkjf.etfasdfsdfsadfasdfzZXJJZCI6IjYfasdfasdfasdfasdfsdfjwjefjjslkdjlfjklsadjfkjsdfasdf",
    "overallScore": 0.923182,
    "overallStatus": "PASS",
    "recognitionConfidence": {
        "candidates": [
                "confidence": 0.923182,
                "identityId": "sdfasdfwer223r321b9f"
        "confidence": 0.923182
    "secondFactor": false,
    "spoofAttempt": false,
    "spoofConfidence": 0.0009008919,
    "token": "sdfhasdjhfjkhkjf.etfasdfsdfsadfasdfzZXJJZCI6IjYfasdfasdfasdfasdfsdfjwjefjjslkdjlfjklsadjfkjsdfasdf",
    "transactionId": "53lkjkjfjshifhasdhfh"