API Batch Processing

Batch-process onboardings via API

About batch processing

Batch processing refers to calling the Incode Onboarding API's in sequential order to completely run an onboarding process without using any of the available SDKs.

Since there's no Incode's SDK capturing the data, you are assumed to already have the user's images to process.


Keep in mind

The results of these API-based onboardings might not be as good as the ones done using the standard onboardings via SDK's, since Incode can't guarantee the quality of the images captured.

First Steps

Before getting started, it is highly recommended to review the basics of the onboarding process and have a clear understanding of Incode's concepts. The API is heavily dependent on access tokens, so make sure you also take a look at how to get an access token and the api reference intro.

To follow all the steps in this guide, make sure to have the following ready:

  • Api Key (provided by Incode)
  • Configuration Id. You can copy it by clicking in the button shown in the following image:

  • Postman. Sample code and cURL requests are shared in this guide. You can use the cURL samples to import them into postman to try them.

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