Platform Release Notes 2024

Below are the release notes for the Incode Omni API, dashboard, and webflow onboarding changes. To view release notes for the SDKs, please view the corresponding sections.

2024 December 03 - planned production deployment

(release notes published 25/11/24, deployment was on Demo environment 25/11/24 - version 1.28, originally planned demo env 21/11/24)

Web app:

  1. Onboarding/ID capture - A wrong message was displayed on the back ID and Selfie tutorial when voice-over mode was turned o
  2. Onboarding/ID capture - “idType” has been removed from the thresholds object, and the new scores have been added to ”framesData” in the capture logging
  3. Onboarding/eKYB - Spaces could have been present when submitting eKYB

Update 05/12:

  1. Onboarding/Government Validation - User was stucked on Government Validation screen
  2. Onboarding/OIDC - The face was not detected in 1to1 and 1toN authentication
  3. Onboarding/ID capture - When the user reaches 0 attempts remaining, the attempts label was not hidden
  4. Onboarding/Video Selfie - The VS module was not resumed when the network outage occurred


  1. Dashboard/Provisioning – HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) modules behaviour has been added to the provisioning
  2. Dashboard – Server error screen has been added for the following three tabs: Authentications, Identities, and Sessions
  3. Dashboard/Rules – New rule has been added
  4. Dashboard/Compliance – A new 'Email' filter has been added to the Audit Logs filter option
  5. Dashboard/Rules – Workflow condition validation has been added
  6. Dashboard/Identities - Added Personal Id Number as data point to Identities tab
  7. Dashboard/Workflows - Some PDF files could not be validated for certain document
  8. Dashboard/Face authentication - User can save 0 in Number of Capture attempts
  9. Dashboard/Authentications - The confidence filter was showing incorrect results
  10. Dashboard/Workflows - The toggle for Allowed devices in Edit Workflow - Settings options has been disabled
  11. Dashboard/Rules - Liveness has been added in the Rules Engine
  12. Dashboard/Session - New set of modes for liveness has been added in the Liveness Detection tab under new Deepsight section
  13. Dashboard/Crosschecks - Added Fuzzy and Exact configuration severity for the Name from POA in the crosscheck comparison and standard string comparison for Custom Field

Update 05/12:

  1. Dashboard/Identities - Personal id number has been added to identities table view and as a field within identity details
  2. Dashboard/CURP - Failed curp validation was not stored data in the curpVerification
  3. Dashboard/Session - The liveness checks have been renamed in the Liveness tab: Physical Check, Digital Check, and Evasion Check
  4. Dashboard/Session - New Deepsight (Beta version) section has been added in the Liveness Detection tab


  1. Server/Compliance – A new 'Email' filter has been added to the Audit Logs filter options
  2. Server/Government validation - Government validation failed when the maternal last name was missing
  3. Server/Authentication - The spoofAttempt field for 1to1 authentication was missing in the case of a detected spoof
  4. Server - An enum value, “EXTRANJERO” has been added for the Venezuelan IDs
  5. Server/Workflows - New “reference number present” rule has been added in the Rules Engine
  6. Server/eKYB - Wrong eKYB error response was present for incorrect tax ID formats
  7. Server/eKYB - Wrong eKYB error message was present when there were multiple responses
  8. Server - Created a new endpoint that will give information related to authentication attempts and their results
  9. Server/eKYB - Wrong eKYB error message was present for incorrect China addresses
  10. Server/Session - New set of modes for liveness has been added in the Liveness Detection tab under new Deepsight section
  11. Server/eKYB - The eKYB Germany's match rates have been improved

Update 05/12:

  1. Server/Global Watchlist - “Global watchlist check” was not executed
  2. Server/Recordings - Quality checks have been added under the “sessionRecording” section
  3. Server/Crosschecks - Added Fuzzy and Exact configuration severity for the Name from POA in the crosscheck comparison and standard string comparison for Custom Field
  4. Server/CURP - Support for non-binary value has been added
  5. Server - New field “personalIdentificationNumberProvider” has been added at interviews table
  6. Server/Government Validation - Using 'Data only' for Government Validation has been deprecated

Update 3/1/25:

  1. Server/OCR - Extend expired (Mexican) INEs 2024 to June 1st 2025


  1. Deploy digital spoof detection v6.0 – Major improvements of the model
  2. Server/Mexican ID – Issue with name parsing in a single session
  3. Kenya / IDs 2023 - Rename personalNumber into documentNumber in entity segmentation response

Update 05/12:

  1. Deploy Multimodal PAD v2.0 – improvements in new model
  2. Id-validation-service: 2.11.0 release includes new model improvements

ID templates - added support or got fixes for:
New supported templates:

  1. India - Telangana / DriversLicense / INTERNATIONAL_DRIVING_PERMIT / 2020 - New document supported.
  2. India - Madhya Padesh / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2020 - New document supported.
  3. India - Andaman and Nicobar / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2024 - New document supported.
  4. United States of America - Indiana / Other / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - New document supported.
  5. Mexico - Guerrero / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1931 - New document supported.
  6. India / Military / MILITARY_CARD / 2020 - New document supported.
  7. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1925 - New document supported.
  8. Austria / MedicalCard / MEDICAL_CARD / 2020 - New document supported.
  9. Philippines / IdentificationCard / DISABILITY_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2018 - New document supported
  10. United Arab Emirates / DriversLicense / INTERNATIONAL_DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2020 - New document supported
  11. Philippines / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_CARD / 2009 - New document supported
  12. Philippines / IdentificationCard / POLICE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  13. Philippines / IdentificationCard / DISABILITY_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - New document supported
  14. Nigeria / DriversLicense / INTERNATIONAL_DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2024 - New document supported
  15. Moldova / Other / TEMPORARY_PROTECTION_IDENTITY_DOCUMENT / 2023 - New document supported
  16. India / MedicalCard / MEDICAL_CARD / 2020 - New document supported
  17. Spain / TravelDocument / CONSULAR_CARD / 2020 - New document supported
  18. Egypt / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2022 - New document supported
  19. Colombia / DriversLicense/ DRIVER_LICENSE / 2024 - New document supported
  20. Brazil / FederalID / POLICE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1973 - New document supported
  21. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1924 - Only config file created for Data Collection
  22. Brazil / FederalID / POLICE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1972 - New document supported
  23. Antiqua and Barbuda / MedicalCard / SOCIAL_SECURITY_BOARD / 2024 - New document supported
  24. Philippines / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_CARD / 2010 - New document supported
  25. United States Of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1967 - New document supported
  26. Philippines / Other / GSIS_ECARD_PLUS / 2020 - Only config file created for Data Collection
  27. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1972 - New document supported.
  28. Trinidad and Tobago / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2021 - New document supported
  29. Aruba / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2019 - New document supported
  30. Sri Lanka / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2006 - New document supported.
  31. India / VoterIdentification / VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2015 - New document supported.
  32. India - Tamil Nadu / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2020 - Only config file created for Data Collection
  33. India - Himachal Pradesh / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2024 - New document supported.
  34. Philippines / IdentificationCard / DISABILITY_IDENTIFICTION_CARD / 2019 - New document supported
  35. India - Punjab / DriverLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2015 - Only config file created for Data Collection
  36. India - Mizoram / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2022 - New document supported. One sided document check enabled on template level
  37. Brazil / FederalID / POLICE_IDENTIFICATON_CARD / 1974 - New document supported
  38. Guinea / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2018 - New document supported
  39. Argentina/ DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2002 - New document supported.
  40. Philippines / IdentificationCard/ SENIOR_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2017 - New document supported.
  41. Norway / MilitaryCard / MILITARY_CARD / 2024 -New document supported
  42. France - New Caledonia / DriversLicense / 2024 - New document supported
  43. Philippines / IdentificationCard / DISABILITY_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2017 - New document supported.
  44. Dominican Republic / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT./ 2021 - Only config file created for Data Collection
  45. Colombia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1996 - Only config file created for Data Collection. documentSeriesExpired activated on template level
  46. Costa Rica / IdentificationCard / TARJETA_DE_IDENTIDAD_DE_MENORES / 2010 - New document supported
  47. Kosovo / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2024 - New document supported
  48. Argentina - Cordoba / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2017 - New document supported

Update 28/11:

  1. India - West Bengal / DriversLicence / DRIVERS_LICENCE / 2007 - New document supported
  2. Guyana / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2010 - New document supported
  3. Aruba / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2022 - New document supported
  4. Czech Republic / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2006 - New document supported
  5. Brazil / FederalID / MILITARY_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2011 - New document supported
  6. Argentina - San Luis / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  7. Dominican Republic / Permit / WORK_PERMIT / 2022 - New document supported
  8. Dominican Republic / Permit / WORK_PERMIT / 2023 - New document supported
  9. Pakistan / DriversLicense / INTERNATIONAL_DRIVING_PERMIT / 2023 - New document supported
  10. Pakistan / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2020 - New document supported
  11. Philippines / IdentificationCard / SENIOR_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2016 - New document supported
  12. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1923 - New document supported
  13. Philippines / IdentificationCard / SENIOR_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2015 - New document supported
  14. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1922 - New document supported
  15. New Zealand / IdentificationCard / AGE_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  16. India - Dadra and Nagar Haveli / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2016 - New document supported
  17. Bolivia / Visa / VISA / 2023 - Only config file created for Data Collection
  18. Colombia / Military / MILITARY_CARD / 2018 - New document supported
  19. India - West Bengal / DriversLicence / DRIVERS_LICENCE / 2023 - New document supported
  20. Italy / TravelDocument / CONSULAR_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  21. Philippines/ IdentificationCard / DISABILITY_IDDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2016 - New document supported
  22. Philippines / ResidenceDocument / ResidenceCard / 2008 - New document supported
  23. United States Of America / Tribaldentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1952 - New document supported
  24. United Kingdom - Wales / DriverLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2013 - New document supported
  25. India/ Military / PENSIONERS_IDENTITY_CARD / 2020 - New document supported
  26. India / TaxIdentification / TAX_DEPARTMENT / 2020 - New document supported
  27. Greece / ResidenceDocument / ASYLUM_SEEKER_CARD / 2020 - New document supported
  28. Philippines / IdentificationCard / SENIOR_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2014 - New document supported
  29. Belize / MedicalCard / SOCIAL_SECURITY_BOARD_CARD / 2020 - New document supported
  30. China / Passport / SERVICE_PASSPORT / 2024 - New document supported
  31. Panama / TravelDocument / CONSULAR_CARD / 2020 - New document supported
  32. Jordan / Military / MILITARY_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  33. Malaysia / IdentificationCard / POLICE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - New document supported
  34. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1921 - New document supported
  35. Philippines / IdentificationCard / DISABILITY_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2015 - New document supported
  36. Kenya / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2024 - Only config file created for Data Collection
  37. Malaysia / Other / PROFESSIONAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - New document supported

Update 06/12:

  1. Dominica / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2023 - New template supported.
  2. Palestine / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2010 - New document supported
  3. San Marino / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2017 - New document supported
  4. Panama / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2021 - New document supported.
  5. Bermuda/ Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2004 - New document supported
  6. India - Delhi / DriversLicense/ / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2002 - New document supported
  7. Great Britain / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2018 - New document supported
  8. Cuba / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2003 - New document supported
  9. Peru / Military / MILITARY_CARD / 2019 - New document supported
  10. Zambia / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2024 - New document supported
  11. Nepal / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  12. Bulgaria / ResidenceDocument / TEMPORARY_PROTECTION_IDENTITY_DOCUMENT / 2020 - Only config file created for Data Collection
  13. Canada / Military / TEMPORARY_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - New document supported.
  14. Jordan / DriversLicense / INTERNATIONAL_DRIVING_PERMIT / 2020 - New document supported
  15. Philippines / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_CARD / 2007 - New document supported.
  16. India - Tripura/ DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2020 - New document supported.
  17. Malaysia / ResidenceDocument / STUDENT_PASS / 2020 - New document supported
  18. India - Arunachal Pradesh / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2020 - New document supported
  19. Saudi Arabia / TravelDocument / CONSULAR_CARD / 2020 - New document supported
  20. India - Telangana / DrivesLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2022 - New document supported
  21. United Kingdom / Visa / VISA / 2020 - New document supported
  22. Pakistan - Islamabad / DriverLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2020 - New document supported
  23. Philippines / ResidenceDocument / SPECIAL_INVESTOR_RESIDENT_VISA / 2020 - New document supported
  24. Philippines / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2013 - New document supported
  25. Philippines / IdentificationCard / SENIOR_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2012 - New document supported
  26. Nigeria / DriversLicense / INTERNATIONAL_DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2023 - New document supported
  27. Turkey / Permit / WORK_PERMIT / 2024 - New document supported
  28. India / Military / MILITARY_CARD / 2021 - New document supported
  29. Ethiopia / TravelDocument / CONSULAR_CARD / 2020 - New document supported
  30. United States of America - New Jersey/ Other / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2023 - New document supported
  31. San Marino / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  32. India - Uttar Pradesh / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2020 - New document supported
  33. Guinea-Bissau / VoterIdentification / VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - New document supported
  34. Philippines / IdentificationCard / POLICE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2023 - New document supported
  35. Cameroon / TravelDocument / CONSULAR_CARD / 2023 - New document supported
  36. New Zealand - Cook Islands / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2024 - Only config file created for Data Collection
  37. China / Visa / VISA / 2024 - New document supported
  38. France / IdentificationCard / PROFESSIONAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  39. Mexico - Guerrero / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1930 - New document supported
  40. Philippines / IdentificationCard / POLICE_CLEARANCE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  41. Philippines / IdentificationCard / DISABILITY_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2014 - Only config file created for Data Collection
  42. Argentina / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1999 - New document supported
  43. Finland / MedicalCard / MEDICAL_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  44. Argentina / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1998 - New document supported
  45. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1920 - New document supported
  46. Philippines / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_CARD / 2006 - New document supported
  47. Mexico - Puebla / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2024 - New document supported
  48. Georgia / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2006 - New document supported.
  49. Lebanon / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2010 - New document supported
  50. India - Gujarat / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2008 - New document supported.
  51. Tanzania - Zanzibar / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2021 - New document supported
  52. El Salvador / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2024 - New document supported
  53. France / Military / MILITARY_ID / 2009 - New document supported
  54. Turkey / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2007 - New document supported
  55. Australia - Capital Territory / DriversLicense / PROBATIONARY_DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2024 - New document supported
  56. India - West Bengal / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2024 - New document supported
  57. Philippines/ ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_CARD / 2005 - New document supported.
  58. Philippines / IdentificationCard / DISABILITY_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2013 - New document supported.
  59. Philippines / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_CARD / 2004 - New document supported
  60. Germany / MedicalCard / MEDICAL_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  61. Ukraine / IdentificationCard / PENSIONERS_IDENTITY_CARD / 2024 - New document supported.
  62. Philippines / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_CARD / 2003 - New document supported
  63. Philippines / IdentificationCard / SENIOR_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2011 - New document supported
  64. Indonesia / Passport / DIPLOMATIC_PASSPORT / 2024 - New document supported
  65. India - Punjab / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2024 - New document supported.
  66. Ecuador / Military / MILITARY_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  67. India - Punjab / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2023 - New document supported.
  68. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1919 - New document supported
  69. United Nations / Military / MILITARY_CARD / 2020 - New document supported
  70. Mexico - Guerrero / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2025 - New document supported
  71. Slovakia / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2024 - New document supported
  72. Canada - Saskatchewan / Military / MILITARY_CARD - 2024 - New document supported
  73. Pakistan - Balochistan / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2024 - New document supported
  74. India - Maharashtra / IdentificationCard / PENSIONERS_IDENTITY_CARD / 2024 - New document supported.
  75. France / MedicalCard / MEDICAL_CARD / 2024 - New template supported
  76. Israel / TravelDocument / CONSULAR_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  77. Greece / Other / FIREFIGHTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  78. 05/12/YYYY - India - Punjab / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2022 - Only config file created for Data Collection
  79. United Kingdom / IdentificationCard / DISABILITY_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2024 - Only config. file created for Data Collection
  80. Philippines / Other / SOCIAL_SECURITY_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  81. Philippines / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_CARD / 2002 - New document supported
  82. Israel / Military / MILITARY_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  83. Philippines / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_CARD / 2001 - New document supported
  84. Poland / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2024 - New document supported
  85. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1918 - New document supported
  86. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1917 - New document supported
  87. India / IdentificationCard / PENSIONERS_IDENTITY_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  88. India - West Bengal / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2019 - New document supported
  89. Philippines / IdentificationCard / SENIOR_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2010 - New document supported
  90. Guinea / TravelDocument / CONSULAR_CARD / 2022 - New document supported
  91. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1916 - New document supported
  92. India - West Bengal / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2018 - New document supported.
  93. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1915 - New document supported
  94. Jordan / Other / INVESTITOR_CARD / 2020 -New document supported
  95. Philippines / IdentificationCard / DISABILITY_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2012 - New document supported
  96. Philippines / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_CARD / 2000 - New document supported
  97. Philippines / IdentificationCard / DISABILITY_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2011 - New document supported
  98. Philippines / IdentificationCard / DISABILITY_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2010 - New document supported

Update 09/12:

  1. Czechia / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2015 - New document supported
  2. Germany / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2021 - New document supported
  3. Columbia/ Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2024 - New document supported

Update 12/12:

  1. Philippines / MedicalCard / MEDICAL_CARD / 2013 - New document supported
  2. United Kingdom / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2024 - New document supported
  3. Brazil / FederalID / MILITARY_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2015 - New document supported
  4. Brazil/ FederalID / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2024 - Only config file created for Data Collection
  5. Peru / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2016 - New document supported
  6. Peru / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1991 - New document supported
  7. ZImbabwe / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2024 - New document supported
  8. Vietnam / ResidenceDocument / TEMPORARY_RESIDENCE_CARD / 2020 - New document supported
  9. Argentina - Rio Negro / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2020 - New document supported
  10. Mexico - Guerrero / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1929 - New document supported
  11. Saudi Arabia / TravelDocument / CONSULAR_CARD / 2021 - New document supported
  12. Kyrgyzstan / DriverLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2021 - New document supported
  13. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1914 - New template supported
  14. Nigeria / DriversLicense / INTERNATIONAL_DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2022 - New document supported
  15. Turks and Caicos Islands / IdentificationCard / NATIONAL_STATUS_CARD / 2022 - Only config file created for Data Collection
  16. Philippines / VoterIdentification / VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  17. Brazil / FederalID / POLICE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1971 - Only config file created for Data Collection
  18. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1913 - New document supported
  19. United States Of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2021 - New document supported
  20. Spain / IdentificationCard / CITIZENCARD / 2020 - New document supported
  21. Bangladesh / DriversLicense / PROVISIONAL_DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2024 - New document supported
  22. Canada / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2022 - New document supported
  23. Malaysia / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2020 - New document supported
  24. United Kingdom / Military / MILITARY_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  25. Gabon / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - New document supported
  26. Philippines / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_CARD / 1999 - New document supported
  27. Czech Republic / Passport / EMERGENCY_PASSPORT / 2024 - New document supported
  28. Philippines / IdentificationCard / SENIOR_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2009 - New document supported
  29. Somalia / DriversLicense / INTERNATIONAL_DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2023 - New document supported
  30. Philippines / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_CARD / 1998 - New document supported
  31. Costa Rica / TravelDocument / CONSULAR_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  32. Poland / ResidenceDocument / TEMPORARY_FOREIGNER_IDENTITY_CERTIFICATE / 2024 - New document supported
  33. Kenya / IdentificationCard / DIPLOMATIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2023 - New document supported
  34. Zambia / TravelDocument / CONSULAR_CARD / 2024 - Only config file created for Data Collection
  35. Paraguay / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2024 - New document supported
  36. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1951 - New document supported
  37. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1950 - New document supported
  38. Philippines / IdentificationCard / DISABILITY_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2009 - New document supported
  39. Ecuador / VoterIdentification / VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  40. Palau / TravelDocument / ENTRY_PERMIT / 2024 - New document supported
  41. India / Military / PENSIONERS_IDENTITY_CARD / 2021 - New document supported
  42. Philippines / Military / MILITARY_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  43. Lebanon / DriversLicense / INTERNATIONAL_DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2020 - New document supported
  44. Argentina / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1997 - New document supported
  45. Puerto Rico / Other / FISHERMAN_LICENSE / 2020 - New document supported
  46. India - Assam / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2022 - New document supported
  47. Costa Rica / Permit / WORK_PERMIT / 2024 - Only config file created for Data Collection
  48. Burkina Faso / TravelDocument / CONSULAR_CARD / 2024 - Only config file created for Data Collection
  49. Mexico - CDMX / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2024 - New document supported
  50. Indonesia / TravelDocument / CONSULAR_CARD / 2024 - Only config file created for Data Collection
  51. Philippines / IdentificationCard / DISABILITY_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2008 - New document supported
  52. Palau / TravelDocument / CONSULAR_CARD / 2020 - New document supported

Update 23/12:

  1. France / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2001 - New document supported
  2. Costa Rica / Permit / WORK_PERMIT / 2024 - New document supported
  3. Niger / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2020 - Only config file created for Data Collection
  4. Pakistan / DriversLicense / INTERNATIONAL_DRIVING_PERMIT / 2022 - New document supported
  5. San Marino / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2021 - New document supported
  6. Mexico / Military / MILITARY_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  7. Argentina / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1996 - New document supported
  8. France / MedicalCard / MEDICAL_CARD / 2023 - New document supported
  9. Philippines / IdentificationCard / PROFESSIONAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  10. Philippines / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_CARD / 1997 - New document supported
  11. Paraguay / TravelDocument / CONSULAR_CARD / 2020 - New document supported
  12. Brazil / FederalID / DISABILITY_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  13. Philippines / IdentificationCard / DISABILITY_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2007 - New document supported
  14. Philippines / IdentificationCard / SENIOR_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2007 - New document supported
  15. Armenia / ResidenceDocument / TEMPORARY_RESIDENCE_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  16. Pakistan - Khyber Pakhtunkwa / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2024 - New document supported
  17. Venezuela / IdentificationCard / HOMELAND_CARD / 2020 - New document supported
  18. Brazil/ FederalID / MILITAR_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2007 - New document supported
  19. Brazil/ FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1912 - New document supported
  20. United Nations / IdentificationCard / UNHCR_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  21. India - Tripura / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2024 - New document supported
  22. Syrian Arab Republic / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2019 - New document supported
  23. Philippines / IdentificationCard / SENIOR_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2006 - New document supported
  24. Mauritania / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_CARD / 2023 - New document supported
  25. United States Of America - New York / Other / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - New document supported
  26. Philippines / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_CARD / 1996 - New document supported
  27. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1911 - New document supported
  28. Malaysia / Military / MILITARY_CARD / 2020 - New document supported
  29. Denmark - Faroe Islands / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2020 - New document supported
  30. Philippines / IdentificationCard / SENIOR_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2005 - New document supported
  31. Philippines / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_CARD / 1995 - New document supported
  32. Philippines / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_CARD / 1994 - New document supported
  33. Philippines / IdentificationCard / DISABILITY_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2006 - New document supported
  34. Philippines / IdentificationCard / DISABILITY_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2005 - New document supported
  35. Philippines / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_CARD / 1992 - New document supported
  36. Philippines / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_CARD / 1991 - New document supported
  37. Philippines / IdentificationCard / DISABILITY_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2004 - New document supported
  38. Philippines / IdentificationCard / POLICE_CLEARANCE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2023 - New document supported
  39. India / IdentificationCard / AIRFORCE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  40. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1910 - New document supported
  41. Switzerland / IdentificationCard / DIPLOMATIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  42. Australia - Queensland / DriversLicense / INDUSTRY_AUTHORITY_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  43. India - West Bengal / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2003 - New document supported
  44. India - Jammu and Kashmir / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2024 - New document supported
  45. India - Sikkim / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2021 - New document supported
  46. Bermuda - IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  47. Philippines - ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_CARD / 1990 - New document supported
  48. Philippines / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_CARD / 1989 - New document supported
  49. Philippines / identificationCard / SENIOR_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2004 - New document supported
  50. India / MedicalCard / MEDICAL_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  51. Iceland / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2024 - New document supported
  52. Thailand / TravelDocument / CONSULAR_CARD / 2020 - New document supported
  53. Ecuador / TravelDocument / CONSULAR_ID_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  54. Mexico - CDMX / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1929 - New document supported
  55. Philippines / IdentificationCard / DISABILITY_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2003 - New document supported
  56. Philippines / IdentificationCard / SENIOR_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2003 - New document supported
  57. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1909 - New document supported
  58. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1908 - New document supported
  59. Brazil / FederalID / MILITAR_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2004 - New document supported
  60. Lebanon / Military / MILITARY_DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2017 - New document supported
  61. India - Maharashtra / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2005 - New document supported
  62. Argentina / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1995 - New document supported
  63. Congo / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2024 - New document supported

Changes to current templates:

  1. Canada - Saskatchewan / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2016 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  2. Canada -British Columbia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  3. Venezuela / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2000 - Document additional attributes stage added to template (front)
  4. Kenya / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2011 - Specific template improvements: name. MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  5. Kenya / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2023 - Specific template improvements: lastName, givenNames. MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  6. Kenya / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - Specific template improvements: name. MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  7. Kenya / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2020 - Specific template improvements: lastName, givenNames
  8. Uganda / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2014 - Specific field improvements: lastName, givenNames. MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  9. Kenya / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2023 - documentNumber switched to personalNumber. personalNumber switched to documentNumber
  10. Bangladesh / DriversLIcense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2017 - General template improvements
  11. / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2021 - Specific field improvement : Address
  12. United States of America - Indiana / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2019 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  13. United States of America - Arizona / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2014 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  14. United States of America - Iowa / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2018 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  15. United States of America - Arizona / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2023 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  16. United States of America - Arkansas / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2018 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  17. United States of America - Kansas / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2017 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  18. United States of America - Kansas / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2018 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  19. United States of America - Delaware / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2018 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  20. United States of America - Kentucky / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2012 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  21. United States of America - Kentucky / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2019 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  22. United States of America - Kentucky / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2012 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  23. United States of America - District of Columbia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2017 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  24. United States of America - Louisiana / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2015 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  25. United States of America - Florida / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2017 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  26. United States of America - Louisiana / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2015 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  27. United States of America - Florida / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2017 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  28. United States of America - Florida / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2017 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  29. United States of America - Minnesota / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2018 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  30. United States of America - Georgia / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2012 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  31. United States of America - Mississippi / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2016 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  32. United States of America - Georgia / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2019 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  33. United States of America - Mississippi / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2016 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  34. United States of America - Georgia / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2019 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  35. United States of America - Missouri / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2020 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  36. United States of America - Georgia / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2019 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  37. United States of America - Georgia / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2019 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  38. United States of America - Georgia / DriversLicense / PROVISIONAL_DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2019 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  39. Honduras / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - Template improved in general; MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  40. United States of America - Missouri / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2020 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  41. United States of America - Georgia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2019 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  42. United States of America - Missouri / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  43. United States of America - Nevada / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2010 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  44. United States of America - Nevada / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2021 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  45. United States of America - Nevada / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2021 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  46. United States of America - New Jersey / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2011 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  47. United States of America - Illinois / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2016 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  48. United States of America - New Mexico / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2016 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  49. United States of America - Illinois / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2016 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  50. United States of America - Indiana / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2019 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  51. United States of America - Indiana / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2019 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  52. United States of America - Indiana / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2019 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  53. United States of America - West Virginia / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2011 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  54. United States of America - Utah / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2021 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  55. United States of America - Utah / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2016 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  56. United States of America - Texas / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2009 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  57. United States of America - South Dakota / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2018 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  58. United States of America - New York / DriversLicense / ENHANCED_DRIVER_LICENSE / 2017/ r1 - OCR provider switched to Incode.
  59. United States of America - South Carolina / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2010 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  60. United States of America - North Carolina / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2015/r2 - OCR provider switched to Incode. Template improved in general.
  61. United States of America - North Carolina / DriversLicense / PROVISIONAL_DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2015/r2 - OCR provider switched to Incode.
  62. United States of America - North Carolina / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2015/r2 - OCR provider switched to Incode. Specific field improvements: Gender.
  63. United States of America - North Dakota / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2014/r1 - OCR provider switched to Incode. Specific field improvements: Class, Gender
  64. United States of America - Ohio / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2018/ r1 - OCR provider switched to Incode.
  65. United States of America - North Carolina / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2018/ r2 - OCR provider switched to Incode. Specific field improvements: Class.
  66. United States of America - Ohio / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2018/ r1 - OCR provider switched to Incode.
  67. United States of America - Oklahoma / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020/ r1 - OCR provider switched to Incode. Specific field improvements: Address.
  68. United States of America - Maine / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2011 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  69. United States of America - Alaska / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2014 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  70. United States of America - Maine / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2011 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  71. United States of America - Rhode Island / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2016 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  72. United States of America - Minnesota / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2018 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  73. United States of America - Rhode Island / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2016 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  74. United States of America - Minnesota / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2018 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  75. United States of America - Oregon / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2018/ r1 - OCR provider switched to Incode.
  76. United States of America - Rhode Island / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2016 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  77. United States of America - Minnesota / DriversLicense / PROVISIONAL_DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2018 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  78. United States of America - Colorado / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2016 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  79. United States of America - South Carolina / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2018 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  80. United States of America - Minnesota / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2018 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  81. United States of America - Mississippi / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2016 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  82. United States of America - Arizona / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2023 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  83. United States of America - Missouri / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2012 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  84. United States of America - Missouri / DriversLicense / INTERMEDIATE_DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2020 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  85. United States of America - Missouri / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2012 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  86. United States of America - Oregon / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2018/ r1 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  87. United States of America - District of Columbia / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2023 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  88. United States of America - Arizona / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2014 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  89. United States of America - Missouri / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2020 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  90. United States of America - District of Columbia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2023 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  91. United States of America - Missouri / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2012 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  92. United States of America - Montana / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2016 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  93. United States of America - Guam / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2019 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  94. United States of America - Pennsylvania / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2017/ r1 - OCR provider switched to Incode. Specific field improvements: Address.
  95. United States of America - Iowa / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2018 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  96. United States of America - Montana / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2016 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  97. United States of America - Iowa / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2018 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  98. United States of America - Rhode Island / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2018/ r2 - OCR provider switched to Incode. Specific field improvements: Gender.
  99. United States of America - North Dakota / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2014 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  100. United States of America - Nevada / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2010 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  101. United States of America - Iowa / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2018 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  102. United States of America - Rhode Island / DriversLicense / PROVISIONAL_DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2016 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  103. United States of America - Nevada / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2021 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  104. United States of America - South Carolina / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2018 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  105. United States of America - New Hampshire / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2017 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  106. United States of America - Kansas / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2017 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  107. United States of America - Kansas / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2012 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  108. United States of America - Maine / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2019 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  109. United States of America - Maine / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2011 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  110. United States of America - Kentucky / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2012 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  111. United States of America - West Virginia / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2020 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  112. United States of America - Kansas / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2017 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  113. United States of America - West Virginia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2011 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  114. United States of America - Wyoming / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2020 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  115. United States of America - New York / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2017/ r2 - OCR provider switched to Incode. Specific field improvements: Address.
  116. United States of America - Kansas / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2017 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  117. United States of America - North Carolina / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2015/ r3 - OCR provider switched to Incode.
  118. United States of America - Iowa / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2018 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  119. United States of America - North Dakota / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2023/ r1 - OCR provider switched to Incode.
  120. United States of America - Wisconsin/ IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2023/ r1 - OCR provider switched to Incode.
  121. United States of America - Wyoming / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2020/ r1 - OCR provider switched to Incode.
  122. United States of America - Utah / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2016/ r3 - OCR provider switched to Incode.
  123. United States of America - North Dakota / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2014/ r1 - OCR provider switched to Incode.
  124. United States of America - Oregon / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2018/ r1 - OCR provider switched to Incode.
  125. United States of America - Oklahoma / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2020/ r1 - OCR provider switched to Incode.
  126. United States of America - Oklahoma / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2020/ r1 - OCR provider switched to Incode.
  127. United States of America - North Carolina / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2023/ r1 - OCR provider switched to Incode.
  128. United States of America - Oklahoma / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2020/ r1 - OCR provider switched to Incode.
  129. Argentina / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2015 - Specific field improvements: Class, Tax ID number
  130. Philippines / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2023 - Specific field improvements: documentNumber
  131. Philippines / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2017 - Specific field improvements: documentNumber
  132. Philippines / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2021 - Specific field improvements: lastName, givenNames, birthDate. idAlteration disabled on template level
  133. United States of America - New Hampshire / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2017/ r2 - OCR provider switched to Incode.
  134. Mexico - CDMX / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2005 - New field added: listTheFieldsAdded
  135. United States of America - Texas / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2009
  136. Brazil / FederalId / POLICE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2010 - Tamper check disabled on template level
  137. Canada - Alberta / DriversLicence / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2009 - R1- Template switched to entity_segmentation approach ; fallback approach added: regions ; OCR provider switched to Incode
  138. Canada - British Columbia/ DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2020/r3 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  139. Canada -British Columbia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2021 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  140. United States of America - Alberta / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  141. Dominicana / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2000/r3 - Template improved in general
  142. Saudi Arabia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2010 - Specific field improvements: Date of Birth
  143. El Salvador / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2000 - New fields added: City, State, Marital status
  144. Peru / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2002 - Template improved in general
  145. Nigeria / VoterIdentification / VOTER_IDENTIFICATION / 2014 - Specific field improvements: Document number
  146. Peru - / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2016 - emplate improved in general
  147. Australia - Queensland / DriversLicense / HEAVY_VEHICLE_DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2020/r1 - Specific field improvements: Reference Number
  148. Peru / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2000 - Specific field improvements: Address field
  149. Norway / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2021 - Template improved in general
  150. United Kingdom / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2006 - Template improved in general
  151. Panama / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2000 - Specific field improvements: Address field, DoB field
  152. Belgium / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2013 / - Specific field improved : birthDate
  153. Ethiopia / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2016 - Specific field improvements: Date of Birth
  154. Mexico - Baja California / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2016 - New field added: dateofBirth

Update 05/12:

  1. Panama / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2023 - Specific field improved : refNumber
  2. Mexico / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2022 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR ; Specific field improvements : CURP
  3. France / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2021 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  4. Chile / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2000/r1 - Specific field improvements: Class
  5. Mexico - CDMX / DriverLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2014 - New field added : birthDate
  6. Philippines / Other / PHILPOST / 2015 - Specific field improvements: refNumber
  7. United States of America - West Virginia / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2020 - OCR provider switched to Incode, Specific field improvements: Address field
  8. United States of America - West Virginia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2020/ r1 - OCR provider switched to Incode. Specific field improvements: Address
  9. United States of America - Victoria / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2018/ r1 - OCR provider switched to Incode.
  10. Panama / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2015 - Specific field improved : documentNumber
  11. El Salvador / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2000 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  12. Peru / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2017 - Document classification improved
  13. Turkey / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2010 - Specific field improvements: DoB

2024 November 19 - planned production deployment

(release notes published 7/11/24, deployment was on Demo environment 7/11/24 - version 1.26, originally planned demo env 6/11/24)

Web app:

  1. Onboarding/Id capture - A text and barcode readability flag has been added to the ID autocapture algorithm
  2. Onboarding/Id capture - The ID photo review screen didn't follow the photo quality guidelines
  3. Onboarding/Id capture - Modules were skipped once 'Continue' button was clicked quickly multiple times in row
  4. Onboarding/Id capture - The user was stuck after an unsuccessful ID capture when recordings were enabled in the flow
  5. Onboarding/Id capture - The user was stuck on the camera loading screen after camera permissions were granted
  6. Onboarding/eKYC - The Submit button was not centered, and some fields were grayed out
  7. Onboarding/ID capture - The user was stuck on the 'loading' screen when using Firefox or Xiaomi Browser
  8. Onboarding/eKYB - At least one UBO is required if the eKYB module is selected with the UBO checkbox
  9. Onboarding/ID capture - The manual ID capture button was appearing too quickly on the desktop

Update 19/11:

  1. Onboarding/eKYC - The UI was broken on the eKYC screen
  2. Onboarding/Workflows - Modules were skipped once 'Continue' button was clicked quickly multiple times in row
  3. Onboarding/Authentication - A blank screen appeared after 1toN authentication


  1. Dashboard/Session - The business watchlist data has been added to the single session view
  2. Dashboard/Session - A new 'Pause' button for activating the flow has been added to the Flows tab
  3. Dashboard/Configuration - New webhook field “One to one authentications webhook url” has been added
  4. Dashboard/Workflows - Redirect description has been updated by new design
  5. Dashboard/ID capture - Image capture preview wasn't blurred, when Age assurance was enabled
  6. Dashboard/Modules - New “Face Authentication” module has been added
  7. Dashboard/PoA - Added support for processing new fields for South African Refugee and Asylum documents
  8. Dashboard/Modules - New Business watchlist module (as eKYB submodule) has been added
  9. Dashboard/Rules - New fields for Business Watchlist data have been added
  10. Dashboard/Flows - The bottom borders were slightly misaligned with the rest of the table layout
  11. Dashboard/Workflows - The user was unable to edit the workflow
  12. Dashboard/Configuration - A non-editable ML consent checkbox has been added

Update 19/11:

  1. Dashboard/Rules - New “DocumentIsOnTheEdge” flag has been added


  1. Server/CSV - Added personalidnumber column to CSV reports of Sessions and Custom Watchlists
  2. Server/CSV - Removed cameraInfo column from CSV report for Sessions
  3. Server/Government validation - Fixed fallback by adding error codes that trigger fallback
  4. Server/Webhooks - Implemented webhook for 1to1 authentication to send notification when user uses 1to1 face login
  5. Server/Global Watchlist - Added validation to return error if surname is missing in request
  6. Server/API - Created endpoint to fetch all existing ML consents from the database, including their associated language codes
  7. Server/Workflows - Changed disableLaunchScreen to enableLaunchScreen and default value to enabled/true
  8. Server/Workflows - Changed disableSmsOption to enableSmsOption and default value to disabled/false
  9. Server/ID Capture - Age assurance no longer requires "only front capture id" check to be enabled
  10. Server/Custom Watchlists - Added Personal Id Number as data point for Custom Watchlists
  11. Server/Modules - Added new Watchlist Business module
  12. Server/Modules - Added new Face Authentication module
  13. Server/Provisioning - Added settings for eKYB to provisioning

Update 19/11:

  1. Server/CURP - Added an additional field, 'mothers_maiden_name,' in the response of the CURP validation API


  1. Update classification templates in preprocessing service
  2. The CURP has been labeled as “Personal ID Number/National Number”
  3. ML/PoA - Added support for processing new fields for South African Refugee and Asylum documents
  4. Server - An enum value has been added for the Mexican Temporary Residence card

Update 19/11:

  1. Id-validation-service: 2.10.1 release includes new model improvements

  2. Update classification templates in preprocessing service

  3. User service - The deprecated 'kiosk-login' module has been removed

Update 21/11:

  1. Deploy Unconstrained liveness (API) v4.1 (face liveness model) – improvements in new model

ID templates - added support or got fixes for:
New supported templates:

  1. Liechtenstein / DriverLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2018 - New document supported
  2. Uganda / VoterIdentification / VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - New document supported
  3. India / VoterIdentification / VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2009 - New document supported
  4. Nigeria / TravelDocument / CONSULAR_CARD / 2021 - New document supported
  5. Croatia / Visa / VISA / 2023 - New document supported
  6. Mexico - Guerrero / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1936 - New document supported
  7. Philippines / IdentificationCard / SENIOR_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - New document supported
  8. Guatemala / TravelDocument / CONSULAR_CARD / 2020 - New document supported
  9. Philippines / IdentificationCard / DISABILITY_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2002 - New document supported
  10. Philippines / IdentificationCard / SENIOR_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2021 - New document supported
  11. Nauru / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2017 - New document supported
  12. Brazil / FederalId / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1963 - New document supported

Update 12/11/24:

  1. Liechtenstein / DriverLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2018 - New document supported
  2. Uganda / VoterIdentification / VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - New document supported.
  3. India / VoterIdentification / VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2009 - New document supported
  4. Nigeria / TravelDocument / CONSULAR_CARD / 2021 - New document supported.
  5. Croatia / Visa / VISA / 2023 - New document supported.
  6. Mexico - Guerrero / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1936 - New document supported
  7. Philippines / IdentificationCard / SENIOR_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - New document supported
  8. Guatemala / TravelDocument / CONSULAR_CARD / 2020 - New document supported
  9. Philippines / IdentificationCard / DISABILITY_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2002 - New document supported
  10. Philippines / IdentificationCard / SENIOR_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2021 - New document supported.
  11. Nauru / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2017 - New document supported.
  12. Brazil / FederalId / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1963 - New document supported
  13. Brazil / FederalId / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1928 - New document supported
  14. India / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2015 - New document supported
  15. Zimbabwe / DriversLicense / INTERNATIONAL_DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2022 - Only config file created for Data Collection
  16. Peru / DriversLicense / ELECTRONIC_DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2020 - New document supported
  17. Namibia / VoterIdentification / VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - Only config file created for Data Collection
  18. Nauru / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2024 - New document supported
  19. Panama / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2024 - New document supported
  20. Norway / Passport / IMMIGRATION_PASSPORT / 2023 - New document supported
  21. Philippines / IdentificationCard / SENIOR_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2022 - New document supported
  22. Philippines / IdentificationCard / DISABILITY_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  23. Philippines / IdentificationCard / DISABILITY_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2023 - New document supported
  24. Philippines / IdentificationCard / DISABILITY_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2021 - New document supported
  25. Malaysia / Permit / WORK_PERMIT / 2023 - New document supported
  26. Malaysia / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2020 - Only config file created for Data Collection
  27. India -Rajasthan / DriversLicense /DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2024 - New document supported
  28. Fiji / TaxIIdentification/. TAX_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2023 - New document supported
  29. Turkey / Permit / WORK_PERMIT / 2023 - New document supported
  30. Turkey / Military / MILITARY_CARD / 2020 - Only config file created for Data Collection
  31. Philippines / IdentificationCard / SENIOR_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  32. United Kingdom / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / IssueYear - 2006 - New document supported
  33. Niger / DriversLicense/ DRIVER_LICENSE / 2020 - New document supoorted
  34. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2024 - Only config file created for Data Collection
  35. Armenia / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_CARD / 2023 - New document supported. idAlteration disabled on template level
  36. Morocco / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2023 - New document supported
  37. Argentina / DriverLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2024 - New document supported
  38. Uruguay / DriverLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2000 - New document supported
  39. Senegal / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2018 - New document supported
  40. Turks And Caicos Islands / DriverLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2022 - New document supported
  41. India - Assam / DriverLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2021 - New document supported
  42. India - Kerala / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2018 - New document supported
  43. TGO / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2020 - New document supported
  44. Turks and Caicos Islands / IdentificationCard / NIB_CARD / 2022 - New document supported
  45. India - Haryana / DriverLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2016 - New document supported
  46. Ukraine / DriversLicense /DRIVERS_LICENSE/ 1996 - New document supported
  47. El Salvador / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2017 - New document supported
  48. Philippines / Other /FIRE_PROTECTION_BUREAU_ID/ 2022 - New document supported
  49. Brazil / FederalId / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1971 - New document supported
  50. Suirname / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2021 - New document supported
  51. Pakistan / DriverLicense / INTERNATIONAL_DRIVING_PERMIT / 2024 - New document supported
  52. Sri Lanka / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2023 - New document supported
  53. Saudi Arabia / DriversLicense / INTERNATIONAL_DRIVING_PERMIT / 2023 - New document supported
  54. Argentina / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE. / 2013 - New document supported
  55. Brazil / FederalId / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1939 - New document supported
  56. Brazil / FederalId / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1934 - New document supported
  57. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD - New document supported
  58. Brazil / FederalId / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1976 - New document supported
  59. Ethiopia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_FOR_FOREIGNERS / 2021 - Only config file created for Data Collection
  60. France / DriversLicense / DRIVER_QUALIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - New document supported
  61. United Kingdom / DriverLicense / INTERNATIONAL_DRIVER_LICENSE / 2023 - New document supported
  62. Mexico - Guerrero / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1934 - New document supported
  63. United States of America - Pennsylvania / Other / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  64. Dominican Republic / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2024 - New document supported
  65. Brazil / FederalId / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1932 - New document supported
  66. Benin / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2023 - New document supported
  67. Philippines / Military / MILITARY_CARD / 2022 - New document supported
  68. India - Maharashtra / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2023 - New document supported
  69. Brazil / DriversLicense / INTERNATIONAL_DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2024 - New document supported
  70. Brazil / FederalId / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1931 - New document supported
  71. Brazil / FederalId / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1930 - New document supported
  72. Canada / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2023 - New document supported
  73. Egypt / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2023 - New document supported
  74. Ireland / IdentificationCard / AGE_CARD / 2020 - New document supported
  75. New Zealand / Military / MILITARY_CARD / 2020 - New document supported
  76. Philippines / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2022 - New document supported

Changes to current templates:

  1. Mexico - Aguascalientes / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2017 - Template improved in general
  2. Mexico - Guerrero / DriverLicense/DRIVER_LICENSE/ 1969 - Template improved in general
  3. United States of America - Iowa/ IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2013/ r1 - Template improved in general
  4. Netherlands / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2014 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  5. Mexico - Guerrero / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1976 - Personal number switched to CURP or Reference number
  6. Mexico - Queretaro / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2016 - Template improved in general
  7. Mexico / Passprot / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2000 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  8. Mexico / Passprot / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2012 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  9. Mexico / ResidenceDocument / PERMANENT_RESIDENCE_CARD / 2000 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  10. Mexico / ResidenceDocument / PERMANENT_RESIDENCE_CARD / 2020 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  11. Mexico - Quintana Roo / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2018 - Personal number field switched to CURP and Reference number field
  12. Spain / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2006 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  13. United States of America - Department of State / TravelDocument / VISA_B1_B2 / 2021 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  14. Brasil / FederalID / FEDERAL_IDENTIFICATION / 2000 - Specific field improvements : documentNumber ; tamperCheck disabled on template level
  15. United States of America - North Carolina / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2017 - Specific field improvements: name
  16. Brazil / FederalID / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2019 - Specific field improvements: Full name
  17. Mexico - Nayarit / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2021/ r1 - Specific field improvements: Gender
  18. Mexico / ResidenceDocument / TEMPORARY_RESIDENCE_CARD / 2022 - Document additional attributes stage added to template (front)
  19. Mexico / ResidenceDocument / TEMPORARY_RESIDENCE_CARD / 2012 - Document additional attributes stage added to template (front)
  20. India - Tamil Nadu / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2005 - Specific field improvements: issuingAuthority, name. idAlteration disabled on template level.
  21. United Arab Emirates / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2000 - Specific field improvements: name
  22. El Salvador / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2022 - New field added: City, State, Marital Status
  23. Australia - Victoria / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2014 - Specific field improvements: birthDate
  24. Dominican Republic / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2000 - Specific field improvements: Full name
  25. The Bahamas / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2021 - Specific field improvements: gender, lastName
  26. Mexico / ResidenceDocument / TEMPORARY_RESIDENCE_CARD / 2000 - Document additional attributes stage added to template (front)
  27. Mexico / ResidenceDocument / TEMPORARY_RESIDENCE_CARD / 2000 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  28. Malaysia / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2000 - New field added: personalNumber, birthDate
  29. India / IdentificationCard/ IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2005 - Specific field improvements : Name

Update 12/11/24:

  1. Philippines / TaxIdentification / TAX_IDENTIFICATION / 2021 - Specific field improvements: birthDate. onlyFront enabled on template level
  2. Thailand / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2001 - Specific field improvements: givenNames, lastName

Update 22/11/24:

  1. Saudi Arabia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2010 - Specific field improvements: Date of Birth

2024 October 29 - planned production deployment

Update 25/10/24: new date for production release is 4/11/24

(release notes published 24/10/24, deployment was on Demo environment 24/10/24 - version 1.24, originally planned demo env 22/10/24)

NOTE: Production release date may be subject of change due to ongoing internal reorganization

NOTE 1: Starting with this release, we will track Incode ID updates on a new separate page

Web app:

  1. Onboarding/OIDC - Face detection wasn't functional in OIDC 1 to N login
  2. Onboarding/Face capture - ’Face not aligned’ screen has been added when Face cropping failed
  3. Onboarding/Proof of Address - The UI was broken after a PDF file was uploaded
  4. Onboarding/ID capture - Wrong title and subtitle on review screen was present after manual ID capture
  5. Onboarding/Proof of Address - Wrong title and subtitle on review screen was present for Proof of Address and Document capture modules
  6. Onboarding/eKYB - The Mexico option has been enabled in the country dropdown of the eKYB module
  7. Onboarding/ID capture - When Age assurance was enabled, back ID wasn't blurred
  8. Onboarding/Data Sharing Consent - New checkbox with the text of ML consent has been added in the module

Update: 5/11/24

  1. Onboarding/Face capture - Image was captured during the error screen after the unsuccessful capture
  2. Onboarding/Forms - The user was not able to submit the form properly
  3. Onboarding/Face capture - The text messages for blocking the screen after a selfie upload failure have been updated
  4. Onboarding/ID capture - The video tutorials were enlarged and the “continue” button was only partially visible
  5. Onboarding/ID capture - ID tutorial page was broken when Age assurance was enabled


  1. Dashboard/Video Selfie - New mockup has been added in the Video Selfie module
  2. Dashboard/Rules - New rule for document issue year has been added
  3. Dashboard/Session - The “Add Face to Database” button wasn't disabled during the identity creation process
  4. Dashboard/Session - New event name “videoSelfieBadConnectionDetected” has been added in the Event log
  5. Dashboard/Video Selfie - Tooltips for the checks are added in the Video Selfie module -
  6. Dashboard/Workflows - New Forms module validation has been implemented for the Workflows
  7. Dashboard/ID capture - The Age assurance check could not be set up without “only front ID” option
  8. Dashboard/Session - An error message when face can’t be added to DB after manual approval has been added
  9. Dashboard/Configuration - The new option for authentication recording has been added
  10. Dashboard/Authentications - New column ‘Video record’ has been added
  11. Dashboard/Video Selfie - User can save 0 in Question count
  12. Dashboard/ID capture - ‘ID Detected Timeout’ timer wasn't configurable from the dashboard
  13. Dashboard/Authentications - Timestamp filtering did not work
  14. Dashboard/eKYC - Displaying Tax ID Level input on single session dashboard
  15. Dashboard/Flows - Session count for flows has been updated

Update: 5/11/24

  1. Dashboard/Rules - Rule options for “Level” selector was wrong for eKYC operators
  2. Dashboard/Video Selfie - VS quality check status was unknown for completed sessions
  3. Dashboard/eKYB - eKYB response should be present in the session even when the request fails


  1. Server/CURP - Gender value has been standardized to ensure consistency with the response format currently used
  2. Server/Videoselfie - Introduced changes to optimize storage usage and fix issue where VS quality check would remain unknown in completed sessions
  3. Server/Provisioning - Added ability to configure time to timeout curp validation
  4. Server/CURP - Added additional fields in response of CURP validation API
  5. Server/Authentication - Added new estimatedAge field to responses of 1to1 and 1toN when ageEnabled is set on organization level
  6. Server/Provisioning - Added ability to add limit for number of transactions per each client for each curp provider
  7. Server/eKYC - Implemented postal code eKYC validation for US CREDIT BUREAU 1
  8. Server/PoA - Added support for processing new fields for South African Refugee and Asylum documents
  9. Server/API - Resolved an issue where the reasonMsg field did not properly reflect the correct reason for sending a session to Manual Review


  1. llliterate check has been enabled for Federal IDs in Brazil
  2. Id-validation-service: 2.10.0 release includes new model improvements
  3. The issueAuthority for the US Passport (2006) was not read correctly

ID templates - added support or got fixes for:
New supported templates:

  1. Mozambique / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2022 - New document supported.
  2. Sweden/ ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2021 - New document supported
  3. Brazil/ FederalID / POLICE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1981 - New document supported

Changes to current templates:

  1. The Netherlands / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2018 - Sensitive data redacted
  2. Netherlands / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2014 - Sensitive data redacted
  3. Germany / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2010 - Sensitive data redacted
  4. Germany / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2007 - Sensitive data redacted
  5. Germany / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2017 - Sensitive data redacted
  6. Germany / ResidenceDocument / FICTIONAL_CERTIFICATE / 2024 - Sensitive data redacted
  7. Singapore / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2002 - Sensitive data redacted
  8. Singapore / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2017 - Sensitive data redacted
  9. Singapore / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2005 - Sensitive data redacted
  10. Singapore / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2005 - Sensitive data redacted
  11. Singapore / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2001 - Sensitive data redacted
  12. South Korea / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2022 - Sensitive data redacted
  13. Japan / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - Sensitive data redacted
  14. Hong Kong / ResidenceDocument / PERMANENT_RESIDENT_IDENTITY / 2018 - Sensitive data redacted
  15. Indonesia / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2013 - Sensitive data redacted
  16. Hong Kong / ResidenceDocument / PERMANENT_RESIDENT_IDENTITY / 2003 - Sensitive data redacted
  17. Indonesia / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2015 - Sensitive data redacted
  18. Indonesia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2000 - Sensitive data redacted
  19. South Korea / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2000 - Sensitive data redacted
  20. South Korea / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2020 - Sensitive data redacted
  21. Australia / Victoria / DriversLicense / PROVISIONAL_DRIVER_LICENSE / 2014 - Specific field improvements: birthDate; idAlteraton disabled on template level; Template switched to entity_segmentation approach ; Fallback approach added: Regions
  22. Bolivia / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2018 - Template improved in general. idAlteration disabled on template level. MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR.
  23. Germany / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2011 - Specific field improvements: mrz3
  24. Mexico / ResidenceDocument / PERMANENT_RESIDENCE_CARD / 2012 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  25. Argentina / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2015/ r4 - Specific field improvements: Tax ID Number
  26. Mexico - Baja California / DriverLIcense/DRIVERS_LICENSE/ 2018 - Template improved in generalc
  27. Mexico / ResidenceDocument / VISITORS_PERMIT / 2022 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  28. Mexico - Guerrero/ DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2022 - idAlteration disabled on template level. personalNumber switched to CURP/referenceNumber
  29. Mexico - San Luis Potosi / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2021 - idAlteration disabled on template level. personalNumber switched to CURP/referenceNumber
  30. Mexico - San Luis Potosi / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2017 -idAlteration disabled on template level. personalNumber switched to CURP/referenceNumber
  31. United States of America - Oklahoma / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2012 - Template improved in general
  32. United States of America - Oregon / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2004 - Specific field improvements: name
  33. United States of America - South Carolina / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2010 - Specific field improvements: name
  34. Netherlands / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2014 - Sensitive data redacted
  35. Germany / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2019 - Sensitive data redacted
  36. Germany / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2011 - Sensitive data redacted
  37. Germany / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2007 - Sensitive data redacted
  38. Germany / IdentificationCard / TEMP_GERMAN_IDCARD / 2004 - Sensitive data redacted
  39. Germany / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2021 - Sensitive data redacted
  40. South Korea / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2008 - Sensitive data redacted
  41. South Korea / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2000 - Sensitive data redacted
  42. Honduras / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2009 / R1 - Specific field improvements: name
  43. Laos / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2012 - Template improved in general
  44. Bolivia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020/r3 - Specific field improvements: Document Number
  45. Nicaragua / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2012 - Template improved in general
  46. Mexico / VoterIdentification / VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2019/r4 - Specific field improvements: Last Name
  47. Nigeria / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2015 - mothersName switched to middleName . idAlteration disabled on template level
  48. Canada - British Columbia/ IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2017/ R2- OCR provider switched to Incode
  49. Canada - British Columbia/ IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2016/ R2- OCR provider switched to Incode, Template switched to entity_segmentation approach, Fallback approach added: Regions
  50. Canada - Nova Scotia/ IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2017/ R2- OCR provider switched to Incode, Fallback approach added : Regions
  51. Canada - Saskatchewan / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2017/ r2- OCR provider switched to Incode
  52. Canada - Alberta / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2018/ r3- Template switched to entity_segmentation approach. Fallback approach added: regions. OCR provider switched to Incode
  53. Canada - British Columbia / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2022/ r4- OCR provider switched to Incode
  54. Canada - Prince Edward Island / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2017/ r2- Template switched to entity_segmentation approach. Fallback approach added: regions. OCR provider switched to Incode
  55. Australia - Tasmania / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2023 - Specific field improvements: birthDate
  56. Luxembourg / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2015/ r1 - Template improved in general
  57. Australia - Tasmania / DriversLicense / HEAVY_VEHICLE_DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2015 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach - front side
  58. India / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2005 - Specific field improvements: Full name
  59. Senegal / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2014 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  60. Colombia / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2007 - Specific field improvements: First Name, Last Name, DoB
  61. Singapore / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2002 - idAlteration check disabled on template level
  62. Myanmar / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2014 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  63. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2021 - Specific field improvements: name, birthDate
  64. The Philippines / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2016 - Specific field improvements: givenNames
  65. Philippines / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2021 - Specific field improvements: lastName
  66. United Kingdom / Visa / 2010 - Specific field improvement : name

Update: 5/11/24

  1. Mexico - CDMX / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2004 - New field added: birthDate
  2. Mexico - CDMX / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2018 - New field added: birthDate. idAlteration disabled on template level
  3. Mexico - CDMX / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2021 New field added: birthDate
  4. Mexico - Estado De Mexico / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2011 - New field added: birthDate
  5. Mexico - Guerrero / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1951 New field added: birthDate, idAlteration check disabled on template level
  6. Mexico - Guerrero / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1952/r1 - New field added: birthDate. idAlternationCheck enabled/disabled on template level
  7. Mexico - Guerrero / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1953/r1 New field added: birthDate
  8. Mexico - Guerrero / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1979/ r1 New field added: birthDate
  9. Malaysia / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2000 New field added: birthDate
  10. South Korea / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2023 New field added: birthDate
  11. Denmark / MedicalCard / MEDICAL_CARD / 2014 New field added: DoB
  12. Namibia / VoterIdentification / VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2014 New field added: birthDate
  13. Tanzania / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2014 New field added: DoB
  14. Mexico - Jalisco / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2017 New field added: DoB; Specific field improvements:Full name
  15. Mexico - CDMX / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2019 New field added: birthDate

Incode ID:

  1. No updates

2024 October 16 - planned production deployment

(release notes published 10/10/24, deployment was on Demo environment 10/10/24 - version 1.23, originally planned demo env 8/10/24)

Web app:

  1. Onboarding/Redirect to mobile - If Redirect to mobile option is enabled, “Get started” screen will not be displayed on desktop
  2. Onboarding/ID capture - ‘ID attempts remaining’ text was wrong when there was only one attempt left
  3. Onboarding/ID capture - Wrong text was displayed during ID upload error blocking screen

Update: 17/10/24

  1. Onboarding/Video Selfie - Video selfie permissions were not present during onboarding for a specific organization
  2. Onboarding/Authentication - Camera selection for authentication has been enabled


  1. Dashboard/ID capture - “Autocapture timeout” option is not applied for subsequent onboarding attempts
  2. Dashboard/Desktop - Wrong screen was present when the user denied selfie permissions
  3. Dashboard/Desktop - Permission screen has been removed from QR code page
  4. Dashboard/Government Validation - The configured countries were not displayed in the Validation countries section
  5. Dashboard/Government Validation - Error message has been added when both modules Government Data Validation and Government Record Verification are selected
  6. Dashboard/Configuration - “Automatically create identity after manual approval” option has been added in the Configuration tab
  7. Dashboard/Rules - Dropdown was missing for Antifraud status rule
  8. Dashboard/Rules - A value less than 1 could be added for antifraud related rules: “similarOnboardingAttempts” and “similarFailedSessions”
  9. Dashboard/Filters - Location Data has been renamed to “Precise Location” in the filters section
  10. Dashboard/Session - Improved preview of Global Watchlist results in single-session for requests made through API
  11. Dashboard/Session - The banner with information about deleted data was missing

Update: 17/10/24

  1. Dashboard/Session - The Further Insights section and a link to an external site with more detailed information have been added
  2. Dashboard/Session - Manually approving session button wasn't functional
  3. Dashboard/Workflow - The user wasn't able to save the workflow properly when using a Yes/No question from a form in a Condition Step


  1. Server/eKYC - Removed deprecated and added new reason codes
  2. Server/API - Added more granular exclusions to validation archive
  3. Server/API - Created new parameters for Face capture and Proof of address in validation archive
  4. Server - Implemented refresh token mechanism for executive users
  5. Server/OCR - Fixed state handling for Mariana Islands documents
  6. Server/eKYC Brazil - Introduced new taxIdStreetMatch and taxIdHouseNoMatch checks to improve address validation accuracy
  7. Server/Compliance - Added payload to watchlist entry created audit logs
  8. Server/Compliance - Payload information is now displayed in audit logs
  9. Server/CSV - Added facerecognition_exactfacematch_status in CSV export
  10. Server/Antifraud - Reduced FNs rate in Antifraud module using face recognition
  11. Server/Authentications - Refactored logical conditions for timestamp filtering in Authentication CSV export
  12. Server - Created a new endpoint that will give information about linked sessions for an identity
  13. Server/CURP - Fixed curp data match score calculation


  1. Proof of Address - New async endpoint has been added for PoA add/document
  2. OCR - Back-side classification for COL ID 2000 has been improved

ID templates - added support or got fixes for:
New supported templates:

  1. United States of America - US Virgin Islands / VoterIdentification / VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020/r1 - onlyFront enabled on template level
  2. Palestine / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2023 - New document supported
  3. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1945 - New document supported
  4. Brazil / FederalID / POLICE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1982 - Only config file created for Data Collection
  5. Canada - Yucon / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2024 - New document supported.
  6. China / Passport / SERVICE_PASSPORT / 2022 - New document supported
  7. United States Of America - Texas / DriversLicense / LEARNER_PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2009 - New document supported
  8. Brasil / Other / BIRTH_CERTIFICATE / 2013 - New document supported
  9. Mexico - Coahuila / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2024 - New document supported
  10. Monaco / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2018 - New document supported
  11. Mexico - Guerrero / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1944 - New document supported
  12. Philippines / Other / NB_CLEARANCE / 2020 - New document supported

Changes to current templates:

  1. The Philippines / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2016 - Specific field improvements: middleName
  2. Uganda / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2014 - refNumber switched to personalNumber . Template improved in general.
  3. Turkey / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2010 - Template improved in general
  4. Turkey / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2022 - Template improved in general
  5. Turkey / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2018/r1 - Template improved in general
  6. Turkey / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2016 - Specific field improvements: classes. New Field added: classesIssuedAt, classesExpireAt
  7. Turkey / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2006/ r1 - Template improved in general
  8. Turkey / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2022 - Template improved in general
  9. Turkey / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2010 - Specific field improvements: birthPlace. idAlteration disabled on template level
  10. Turkey / Other / TEMPORARY_IDENTITY_DOCUMENT / 2014 - idAlteration check disabled on template level ; Template improved in general
  11. India / TaxIdentification / TAX_DEPARTMENT / 2000 - New field added : Fathers Name ; ID Alteration check disabled on config.level
  12. India - Punjab / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2000 - onlyFront enabled on template level
  13. Ghana/ VoterIdentification / VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020/r1 - onlyFront enabled on template level
  14. India / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2014/r1 - onlyFront enabled on template level
  15. India - Odisha / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2019 - onlyFront enabled on template level
  16. India - Goa / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2017 - onlyFront enabled on template level
  17. India - Assam / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2010 - onlyFront enabled on template level
  18. United States Of America - Texas / DriversLicense / LEARNER_PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2009 - Regions with exception to DoB redacted for Age assurance
  19. Colombia / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2000 - onlyFront enabled on template level. paperIdLiveness disabled on template level

Incode ID:

  1. Incode ID - Name wasn't present on the step-up screen when the user created an identity with an expired document

Update: 17/10/24

  1. Incode ID - The verification response with the email data included wasn't functional for a specific client
  2. Incode ID - A new Spanish version of the Incode ID terms and conditions and privacy policy has been added

2024 October 2 - planned production deployment

(release notes published 26/9/24, deployment was on Demo environment 26/9/24 - version 1.22, originally planned demo env 24/9/24)

Web app:

  1. Onboarding/Workflows - The redirectURL validation wasn't functional
  2. Onboarding/ID capture - The wrong feedback message was displayed when the wrong side of the ID was show
  3. Onboarding/eKYC - The user wasn't able to manually enter the address If autofill fails in the eKYC module
  4. Onboarding/ID Capture - Fixed tutorial and overlay for Second ID
  5. Onboarding/ID Capture - Improved accuracy of real-time detection for ID type
  6. Onboarding/eKYC - Resolved issues with eKYC data to ensure accurate and reliable customer verification
  7. Onboarding/ID Capture - Made the document chooser screen optional and enabled real-time detection of document type during ID capture

Update: 03/10/24

  1. Onboarding/Flow - The class “IncodeLanguageSwitcher” has been added in default flow
  2. Onboarding/Redirect to mobile - Disable Start screen option wasn't functional for Workflows


  1. Dashboard/Compliance – New events “WORKFLOW_IMPORTED” and “WORKFLOW_EDITED” have been added in Audit logs filter
  2. Dashboard/Session - The crosschecks result did not show a specific color for correct/wrong results
  3. Dashboard/Flows - Deprecated tag has been removed from User consent module
  4. Dashboard/ID capture – New checkbox “Always capture back of ID” has been added in the ID capture module
  5. Dashboard/Session – Individual liveness score per each check has been added in the Liveness Detection tab (Note: does not affect the Total score)
  6. Dashboard/Workflows - Old “Gov data validation” module has been removed from the Workflows
  7. Dashboard/Crosschecks - Personal identification number has been renamed to CURP in the crosschecks
  8. Dashboard/Crosschecks - Added Fuzzy and Exact configuration severity for the Name in the crosscheck comparison
  9. Dashboard/Crosschecks - underscore “_” is no longer allowed to be inputted as part of the name when creating a new crosscheck
  10. Dashboard/Flows - Fixed issue with flow version history by adding handling for undefined modules
  11. Dashboard/Workflows - Introduced “Redirect” section in workflow edit mode
  12. Dashboard/Compliance - Added sessionId, identityId, and watchlistId to be displayed in event details
  13. Dashboard/Session - Added a separate field for displaying the middle name in ID OCR section
  14. Dashboard/Face capture - Updated liveness configuration

Update: 03/10/24

  1. Dashboard/Video Selfie - Video selfie URL wasn't functional when the video link was longer than one minute
  2. Dashboard/Session – Age estimation section has been updated with a new UI design in the Liveness detection tab


  1. Server/OCR - Fixed MRZ gender parsing for non-binary gender MEX INE documents
  2. Server/Face Processing - Improved logic for choosing most prominent face on the image
  3. Server/AES - Limited the number of generated unsigned documents allowed during session
  4. Server/API - Enabled ability for onboarding URL endpoint to send a shortened URL
  5. Server/API - Removed unused app-version endpoint
  6. Server/eKYC - Added date of birth validation in eKYC and implemented new API error message when user submits API request with date of birth in incorrect format
  7. Server/eKYC - Added SSN length validation in eKYC and implemented new API error message accordingly
  8. Server/Rules - Set the default count value to 0 for attempt business rules during evaluation
  9. Server - Added missing id capture events to dictionary

Update: 03/10/24

  1. Server/Session - Implemented endpoint for PDF download of single session
  2. Server/Global Watchlist - Enhanced the Global Watchlist endpoint to support processing requests with a populated request body, previously the endpoint handled only empty request body


  1. OCR - AddressCountryCode is returned as part of ocr collection
  2. OCR - Fixed inconsistency in the US states format - now it is always abbreviation (foreign Mexican INE)

Update: 03/10/24

  1. PoA service - Extraction of OCR for PoA document ”Constancias de Situación Fiscal” wasn't functional

Update: 23/10/24

  1. PoA service - “Realiza tu pago” was displayed in the PoA name field for "Izzi" document

ID templates - added support or got fixes for:
New supported templates:

  1. Poland / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2002 - New document supported
  2. Latvia / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2024 - New document supported
  3. Uzbekistan / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2006 - New document supported
  4. Brazil / FederalID / POLICE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2002 - New document supported
  5. Brazil / FederalID / POLICE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2001 - New document supported
  6. Argentina / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2023 - New document supported
  7. Mexico / IdentificationCard / DIGITAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - New document supported
  8. United States of America - Tennessee / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2024 - New document supported
  9. Croatia / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2024 - New document supported

Changes to current templates:

  1. United States of America - Maine / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2011 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach - front side
  2. United States of America - Alaska / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2019 - Document classification improved
  3. United States of America - Alaska / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2019 - Document classification improved.
  4. United States of America - Florida / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2017 - Document classification improved
  5. United States of America - Florida / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2017 - Document classification improved
  6. United States of America - Idaho / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2023 - Document classification improved
  7. United States of America - Idaho / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2023 - Document classification improved
  8. United States of America - Louisiana / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2015 - Document classification improved
  9. United States of America - Louisiana / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2015 - Document classification improved
  10. United States of America - Missouri / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2012 - Document classification improved
  11. United States of America - Missouri / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2012 - Document classification improved
  12. United States of America - Missouri / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2020 - Document classification improved
  13. United States of America - Missouri / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2020 - Document classification improved
  14. United States of America - Nebraska / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2021 - Document classification improved
  15. United States of America - Nebraska / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2022 - Document classification improved
  16. United States of America - Texas / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2020 - Document classification improved
  17. United States of America - Texas / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2020 - Document classification improved
  18. United States of America - Virginia / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2023 - Document classification improved
  19. United States of America - Virginia / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2023 - Document classification improved
  20. United States of America - Virginia / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2018 - Document classification improved
  21. United States of America - Washington / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2018 - Document classification improved
  22. Philippines / IdentificationCard / UMID_CARD / 2002 - Mother's last name switched to Middle name, Specific field improvements: First name, Middle name
  23. United States of America - Alaska / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2019 - Template improved in general
  24. Bolivia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - Template improved in general
  25. Bolivia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2001 - Template improved in general
  26. Bolivia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2002 - Template improved in general
  27. United States Of America / Identification Card / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2017 - Template switched to entity segmentation; Fallback approach added: regions
  28. United States Of America /South Carolina/ IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2010 - Template switched to regions approach
  29. United States OF America / ARIZONA / DriverLicense / LEARNER_PERMIT / 2014 - Template switched to entity segmentation approach
  30. United States of America - Pennsylvania / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2007 - Template switched to region based approach
  31. United States of America - New York / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2017 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach - front side; Fallback approach added: regions
  32. United States of America - FLORIDA / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2013/ r1 - Template switched to region based approach.
  33. United States of America - Minnesota / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2004 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach - front side
  34. United States Of America / Washington / IdentificationCard / ENHANCED_DENTIFICATION_CARD _UNDER 21/ 2017 - Template switched to entity segmentation approach
  35. United States OF America / Nevada / DriverLicense / LEARNER_PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2010 - Template switched to entity segmentation approach
  36. United States of America - FLORIDA/ DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2004/ r1 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach - front side. Fallback approach added: regions.
  37. United States of America - Indiana / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2010 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach - front side; Fallback approach added: regions
  38. United States OF America / North Carolina / DriverLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2008 - Template switched to regions approach
  39. United States of America - SOUTH_CAROLINA/ DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2010/r1 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach - front side. Fallback approach added: regions.
  40. United States of America - Mississippi / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2001 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach - front side; Fallback approach added: regions
  41. United States Of America / Oregon / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2004 - Template switched to entity segmentation approach
  42. United States of America - Iowa / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2013 - Template switched to region based approach; Fallback approach added: entity_segmentation
  43. United States of America - New York / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2005 - Template switched to region based approach
  44. United States OF America / Florida / DriverLicense/ DRIVER_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2004 - Template switched to regions approach
  45. United States of America - New York / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2022 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach - front side; Fallback approach added: regions
  46. United States of America - Georgia / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2012 - Template switched to region based approach; Fallback approach added: entity_segmentation
  47. United States of America - Oklahoma / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2012/ r1 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach - front side. Fallback approach added: regions.
  48. United States of America - Kentucky / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2019/ r1 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach - front side
  49. United States Of America / IdentidicationCard / ENHANCED_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2017 - Template switched to entity segmentation approach ; Fallback approach added: Regions
  50. United States of America - Oklahoma / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2012/ r1 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach - front side. Fallback approach added: regions.
  51. United States of America - Iowa / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2013 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach - front side; Fallback approach added: regions
  52. United States of America - Georgia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2012 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach - front side; Fallback approach added: regions
  53. United States Of America / Minnesota / DriverLIcense / LEARNER’S_ PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2004 - Template switched to regions approach
  54. United States of America - MISSISSIPPI / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2001/r2 - Template switched to region based approach
  55. United States of America - Washington / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2010 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach - front side; Fallback approach added: regions
  56. United States Of America / Missouri / IdentificationCarD / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2020 - Template switched to entiy segmentation approach
  57. United States of America - Indiana / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2010/ r2 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach - front side. Fallback approach added: regions.
  58. United States of America - New York / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2018 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach - front side; Fallback approach added: regions
  59. United States Of America / North Dakota / IdentificationCard/ IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2006 - Template switched to entity segmentation approach
  60. United States of America - GEORGIA/ DriversLicense / PROVISIONAL_DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2012/r1 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach - front side. Fallback approach added: regions.
  61. United States Of America / Minnesota / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2004 - Template switched to regions approach
  62. United States of America - Washington / IdentificationCard / ENHANCED_IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2022 - Template switched to region based approach; Fallback approach added: entity_segmentation
  63. Unites States of America - Idaho / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2023 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach - front side
  64. United States Of America / Minnesota / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2004 - Template switched to regions approach ; Segmentation fallback for address
  65. United States of America - Wisconsin / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2023 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach - front side; Fallback approach added: regions
  66. United States of America - SOUTH_CAROLINA/ IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2010 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach - front side. Fallback approach added: regions.
  67. United States of America - Idaho / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2016 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach - front side; Fallback approach added: regions
  68. United States Of America / NEW_YORK / IdentificationCard /IDENTIFICATIN_CARD / 2005 - Template switched to regions approach
  69. United States of America - WASHINGTON/ IdentificationCard / ENHANCED_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2017 - Template switched to region based approach
  70. United States of America - ARKANSAS / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2011/ r2 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach. Fallback approach added: regions
  71. United States Of America / Alabama / DriverLicencse / DRIVER_LICENSE_UNDER 21 / 2010 - Template switched to entiy segmentation approach
  72. United States Of America / District Of Columbia / DriverLicencse / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2017 - Template switched to regions approach
  73. United States of America - OREGON / DriversLicense / PROVISIONAL_DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2004/r1 - Template switched to region based approach.
  74. United States of America - Georgia / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2012/ r1 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach. Fallback approach added: regions
  75. United States of America - California / DriversLicense / PROVISIONAL_DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2018/ r1 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach. Fallback approach added: regions
  76. United States of America - ARIZONA/ DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2023/r1 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach - front side. Fallback approach added: regions.
  77. United States of America - ARIZONA/ DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2023 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach - front side. Fallback approach added: regions.
  78. United States of America - COLORADO / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2014/ r1 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach. Fallback approach added: regions
  79. United States of America - PENNSYLVANIA / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2022/ r1 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach - front side. Fallback approach added: regions.
  80. United States of America - ARIZONA / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2001/ r1 - Template switched to region based approach.
  81. United States of America - US_DEPARTMENT_OF_STATE / TravelDocument / PASSPORT_CARD_ALLAGES / 2012/ r2 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach - front side. Fallback approach added: regions.
  82. United States of America - MICHIGAN / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2011/ r1 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach - front side. Fallback approach added: regions.
  83. Philippines / Other / PHILPOST / 2015 - Specific field improvements: Reference number

Update: 03/10/24

  1. United States Of America - California / DriversLicence / PROVISIONAL_DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER_21 / 2010 - Template switched to regions based approach
  2. United States of America - Michigan / IdentificationCard / ENHANCED_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2011 - Template switched to region based approach
  3. United States Of America - Virginia / DriversLicemce / LEARNER_PERMIT_UNDER_21 / 2023 - Template switched to regions based approach
  4. United States of America - Georgia / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2012 - Template switched to region based approach.
  5. United States Of America - Mississippi / DriversLicence / DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER_21 / 2010 - Template switched to regions based approach
  6. United States Of America / District Of Columbia / LERARNERS_PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2017 - Template switched to region based approach
  7. United States of America - Utah / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2006 - Template switched to region based approach
  8. United States of America / IdentificationCard / GOVERNMENT_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2010/ r1 - Template switched to region based approach
  9. United States of America - Pennsylvania / DriversLicense / JUNIOR_DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2007/ r1 - Template switched to region based approach
  10. United States of America - Maryland / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2016 - Template switched to region based approach
  11. United States Of America - New Mexico / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2007 - Template switched to regions based approach
  12. United States of America - New York / IdentificationCard / ENHANCED_IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2017/ r1 - Template switched to region based approach
  13. United States of America - Hawaii / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2021/ r1 - Template switched to region based approach
  14. United States of America - US Virgin Islands / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2019/ r1 - Template switched to region based approach
  15. United States of America - Wisconsin / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2023 - Template switched to region based approach
  16. United States of America - District of Columbia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2013/ r1 - Template switched to region based approach.
  17. United States Of America - Vermont / DriversLicence / DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER_21 / 2013 - Template switched to regions based approach
  18. United States of America - Vermont / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2019 - Template switched to region based approach
  19. United States of America - District of Columbia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2013/ r1 - Template switched to region based approach
  20. United States of America - District of Columbia / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2017/ r1 - Template switched to region based approach
  21. United States of America - New York / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2017 - Template switched to region based approach
  22. United States of America - Maryland / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2002/ r1 - Template switched to region based approach
  23. United States of America - Maryland / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2016/ r1 - Template switched to region based approach
  24. United States of America - Oklahoma / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2012 - Template switched to region based approach
  25. United States of America - Alaska/ DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2019/r1 - Template switched to region based approach
  26. United States of America - Vermont / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2019/ r1 - Template switched to region based approach
  27. United States Of America - District Of Columbia / IdentificationCard/ IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER_21 / 2017 - Template switched to regions based approach
  28. United States of America - New Mexico / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2007 - Template switched to region based approach
  29. United States of America - New Jersey / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2011 - Template switched to region based approach
  30. United States of America - Maryland / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2002 - Template switched to region based approach
  31. United States Of America - Vermont / DriversLicence / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2013 - Template switched to regions based approach
  32. United States of America - Maryland / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2002 - Template switched to region based approach
  33. United States Of America - Tennessee / DriversLicense / LEARNER_PERMIT_UNDER_21 / 2010 - Template switched to regions based approach
  34. United States Of America / DriverLicence / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2011 - Template switched to regions based approach
  35. United States of America / Louisiana / DriversLicense / LEARNER_PERMIT / 2015 - Template switched to region based approach
  36. United States of America - Vermont / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2013/ r1 - Template switched to region based approach
  37. United States Of America - Louisiana / DriversLicence / LEARNERS_PERMIT_UNDER21/ 2015 - Template switched to regions based approach
  38. United States of America - Vermont / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2013/ r1 - Template switched to region based approach
  39. United States of America - New Mexico / DriversLicense / PROVISIONAL_DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2007/ r1 - Template switched to region based approach
  40. United States Of America - Alaska / DriversLicence / LEARNER_PERMIT/ 2019 - Template switched to regions based approach
  41. United States Of America / Alaska / DriversLicense/ PROVISIONAL_DRIVER_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2007 - Template switched to regions based approach
  42. United States of America - Michigan / DriversLicense / ENHANCED_LEARNERS_PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2011 - Template switched to region based approach
  43. United States of America - Guam / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2021 - Template switched to region based approach.
  44. United States of America - Michigan / DriversLicense / ENHANCED_DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2011 - Template switched to region based approach
  45. United States of America - Vermont / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2019 - Template switched to region based approach
  46. United States of America - Guam / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020/ r1 - Template switched to region based approach
  47. United States of America - Vermont / DriversLicense / ENHANCED_DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2019/ r1 - Template switched to region based approach
  48. United States of America - Vermont / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2019 - Template switched to region based approach
  49. United States Of America / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2021 - Template switched to regions based approach
  50. United States of America - New Mexico / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2007 - Template switched to region based approach
  51. United States Of America - District Of Columbia / DriversLicence / PROVISIONAL_DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2017 - Template switched to regions based approach
  52. United States of America - Maryland / DriversLicense / PROVISIONAL_DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2002/r1 - Template switched to region based approach.
  53. United States of America - Virginia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2023/ r2 - Template switched to region based approach
  54. United States of America - Arkansas / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2011/ r2 - Template switched to region based approach
  55. United States of America - Tennessee / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2003/ r1 - Template switched to region based approach
  56. United States of America - Guam / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2020 - Template switched to region based approach
  57. United States of America - Guam / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2019 - Template switched to region based approach
  58. United States of America / TravelDocument / GLOBAL_ENTRY / 2008/r2 - Template switched to region based approach.
  59. United States Of America - Maryland / DriversLicence / PROVISIONAL_DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2016 - Template switched to regions based approach
  60. United States of America - California / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2010 - Template switched to region based approach
  61. United States of America - USCIS / Permit / EMPLOYMENT_AUTHORIZATION_CARD / 2011 - Template switched to region based approach
  62. United States of America - US Virgin Islands / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2018 - Template switched to region based approach
  63. United States of America - New York / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2017 - Template switched to region based approach
  64. United States of America - Virginia / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2023 - Template switched to region based approach
  65. United States of America - Washington / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2018 - Template switched to region based approach
  66. United States Of America / DriverLicence / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2014 - Template switched to regions based approach
  67. United States of America - Missouri / DriversLicense / INTERMEDIATE_DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2012 - Template switched to region based approach
  68. United States of America - USCIS / ResidenceDocument / PERMANENT_RESIDENT_CARD_ALLAGES / 2023 - Template switched to region based approach
  69. Romania / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2015 - onlyFront check enabled in template (oneSided)

Incode ID:

  1. Incode ID - Incode ID verification wasn't functional via redirect verification page
  2. Incode ID - Privacy policy checkbox wasn't functional for specific client
  3. Incode ID - The selfie frame was overlapping with the “incode” logo
  4. Incode ID - Incode ID logo has been updated in Incode ID website
  5. Incode ID - SMS and email “Fan ID added to Wallet” was arriving after every sign-in
  6. Incode ID - The client’s name is shown instead of the logo in the same box if the logo is not provided

Update: 03/10/24

  1. Incode ID - Fan ID email & SMS was not arriving after successful verification

2024 September 18 - planned production deployment

(release notes published 12/9/24, deployment was on Demo environment 12/9/24 - version 1.21, originally planned demo env 10/9/24)

Web app:

  1. Onboarding/eKYC - eKYC module wasn't work as expected, data was disappearing after pressing "Submit" button
  2. Onboarding/eKYC - SSN field has been updated with a predetermined number format and only numeric digits are permitted
  3. Onboarding/eKYC - The number of digits for the phone number field is limited to a maximum of ten digits that can be entered
  4. Onboarding/eKYC - The number of characters for the first/last name fields are limited to a maximum of 100 that can be entered. The only permissible characters for first/last name fields are alphabetical, spaces, apostrophe, and comma
  5. Onboarding/eKYC - New “Middle Name” field has been added as an optional field

Update: 19/09/24

  1. Onboarding/Face capture - Unexpected “Try again” button was present after 3 unsuccessful face capture attempts


  1. Dashboard/Filters - New filter “Video selfie quality” has been added in the Sessions section
  2. Dashboard/Workflows - Move arrow was appearing in the preview mode
  3. Dashboard/Modules - Three modules have been renamed: Combined consent to “Data Sharing Consent”, Government Verification to “Government Record Verification” and Forms to “Forms and Data Entry”. (”Name capture” and “Custom fields” modules will be Deprecated soon)
  4. Dashboard/Workflows - Crosscheck severity wasn't functional, medium level could not be changed
  5. Dashboard/Workflows - The workflow could not be saved correctly with a condition that uses crosscheck if there were trailing white space characters
  6. Dashboard/Workflows - Support for Redirect option and MiniApps have been added to the workflows
  7. Dashboard/Crosschecks - CURP source and relevant fields have been added in crosschecks in flows and workflows
  8. Dashboard/Video Selfie - Few VS events were missing from Event log when openVidu was used
  9. Dashboard/Identities - The NFTs tab has been removed from the Identities section
  10. Dashboard/Video Selfie - New ‘Voice Consent Face Recognition’ check has been added in the VS tab

Update: 19/09/24

  1. Dashboard/CURP - CURP validation was incorrectly changing the score of Gov validation facial data
  2. Dashboard/Rules - The watchlist rule was not triggered correctly to send the session to manual review
  3. Dashboard/Configuration - The new field “Third party async retries webhook url (optional)” has been added under the Webhooks tab
  4. Dashboard/CURP - The new option “Async retries enabled” has been added in the CURP validation module
  5. Dashboard/Session - ID quality checks were missing in the Age assurance feature
  6. Dashboard/CURP - Curp score was not present in the session after successful response for specific organization


  1. Server/Face capture - If Age Verification is enabled, selfie picture will not be stored in the session
  2. Server - Option to select which files to exclude from ".tar" compressed file has been added
  3. Server/Global Watchlist - Option to use MRZ name for searching watchlists has been added
  4. Server/API - New field "addressCountryCode" has been added in API response
  5. Server/Face capture - Capture attempts were present when age assurance was enabled
  6. Server/eKYC - Full address wasn't extracted from the eKYC module for crosschecks
  7. Server/Video Selfie - “Video selfie quality” check has been added within csv file export and as a filter
  8. Server/Device fingerprint - The latest Device Fingerprint wasn't fetched in the single session
  9. Server - Face detection with multifaces images wasn't work as expected

Update: 19/09/24

  1. Server/CSV - New columns “videoquality”, videoWidth”, “videoHeigh”, “videoBitRate” and “videoDuration” have beed added in the CSV file
  2. Server - Process/face wasn't functional for several organizations
  3. Server - Finish-status wasn't functional for specific case


  1. Document Number Format Valid check wasn't functional for specific IDs
  2. Issue date validity was failing in case when issueYear was 2 digits only for Canadian IDs
  3. Id-validation-service: 2.9.0 release includes new model improvements

ID templates - added support or got fixes for:
New supported templates:

  1. United States of America - TENNESSEE/ IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2024 - Only config file created for Data Collection
  2. Uganda / Other / REFUGEE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2022 - New document supported
  3. United States of America - Florida / IdentificationCard / TEMPORARY_IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2017 - New document supported
  4. United States Of America / Florida / IdentificationCard/ TEMPORARY_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2017 - New document supported
  5. United States of America - Florida / DriversLicense / TEMPORARY_LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2017 - New document supported
  6. Mexico - QUINTANA ROO / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1999 - New document supported
  7. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1955 - New document supported
  8. Brazil / FederalD / DOMESRIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1956 - New document supported
  9. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1958 - New document supported
  10. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1960 - New document supported
  11. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1961 - New document supported
  12. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1962 - New document supported
  13. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1963 - Only config file created for Data Collection
  14. Brazil/ FederalID / POLICE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1990 - New document supported
  15. India - Chandigarh / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2008 - New document supported
  16. Brazil / FederalID / POLICE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1994 - New document supported
  17. Brazil / FederalID / POLICE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1995 - New document supported
  18. Brazil / FederalID / POLICE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1996 - New document supported
  19. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1964 - New document supported
  20. Brazil / FedearlID / POLICE_IDENTIFICATON_CARD / 1997 - New document supported
  21. United States Of America / NORTH_CAROLINA / DriverLicense / LERARNERS_PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2024 - New document supported
  22. United States of America - North Carolina / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2024 - New document supported
  23. United States of America - Mississippi / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2024 - New document supported
  24. United States of America - Florida / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1999 - New document supported
  25. Brazil / FederalID / POLICE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2017 - New document supported
  26. Mexico / IdentificationCard / AIRFORCE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2021 - New document supported
  27. Peru / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2002 - New document supported
  28. Brazil / FederalID / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2002 - New document supported
  29. Taiwan / Visa / VISA / 2023 - New document supported
  30. Mexico - NAYARIT/ DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2016 - New document supported
  31. Brazil / FederalID / POLICE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1998 - New documenr supported
  32. Mali / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2023 - New document supported
  33. Brazil / FederalID / POLICE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1992 - New document supported
  34. Kosovo / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2021 - New document supported
  35. Russia / Visa / VISA / 2021 - New document supported
  36. Rwanda / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2020 - New document supported
  37. Chile / Passport / EMERGENCY_PASSPORT / 2022 - New document supported
  38. Brazil / FederalID / POLICE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1993 - New document supported

Changes to current templates:

  1. United States of America - North Carolina / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2024 - Regions with exception to DoB redacted for Age assurance
  2. United States Of America / North Carolina / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2024 - Redact - Regions with exception to DoB redacted for Age assurance
  3. Canada - British Columbia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach with masking - front side
  4. Canada - Manitoba / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2018 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach; Fallback approach added: regions; OCR provider switched to Incode
  5. Philippines / Other / PROFESSIONAL_REGULATION_COMISSION / 2010 - New field added: middleName
  6. Philippines / VoterIdentification / VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2010 - New field added: givenNames, middleName, lastName; New field added: Nationality field
  7. Philippines / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2021 - New field added: middleName
  8. Philippines / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2012 - New field added: middleName
  9. Peru / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2000 - Specific field improvements: birthDate
  10. Uganda / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2014 - Specific field improvements: Address field
  11. Pakistan - Islamabad / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2015 - Specific field improvements: birthDate, issueDate, expirationDate
  12. Mexico - Baja California / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2021 - Specific field improvements: issueDate, expirationDate. idAlteration disabled on template level
  13. Mexico - Sinaloa / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2018 - Specific field improvements: issueDate
  14. Kuwait / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2004 - Specific field improvements: birthDate, issueDate, expirationDate
  15. Greece / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2009 - Specific field improvements: birthDate, issueDate
  16. Estonia / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2013 - Specific field improvements: birthDate, issueDate, expirationDate
  17. United Arab Emirates / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2003 - Specific field improvements: birthDate, issueDate, expirationDate
  18. Canada / IdentificationCard / CANADIAN_CITIZENSHIP_CARD / 2002 - Engineering fix
  19. Bulgaria / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2013 - Specific field improvements: documentNumber
  20. Belarus / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2012 - Specific field improvements: documentNumber
  21. Austria / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2010 - Specific field improvements: documentNumber
  22. United States Of America / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2020 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach; OCR provider switched to Incode
  23. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2010 - Classification changed from "USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|2010" to "USA|ALL|TribalIdentification|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|2010"
  24. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2009 - Classification changed from "USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|2009" to "USA|ALL|TribalIdentification|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|2009"
  25. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2008 - Classification changed from "USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|2008" to "USA|ALL|TribalIdentification|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|2008"
  26. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2007 - Classification changed from "USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|2007" to "USA|ALL|TribalIdentification|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|2007"
  27. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2006 - Classification changed from "USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|2006" to "USA|ALL|TribalIdentification|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|2006"
  28. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2005 - Classification changed from "USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|2005" to "USA|ALL|TribalIdentification|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|2005"
  29. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1993 - Classification changed from "USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1993" to "USA|ALL|TribalIdentification|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1993"
  30. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1990 - Classification changed from "USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1990" to "USA|ALL|TribalIdentification|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1990"
  31. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1989 - Classification changed from "USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1989" to "USA|ALL|TribalIdentification|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1989"
  32. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1988 - Classification changed from "USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1988" to "USA|ALL|TribalIdentification|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1988"
  33. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1987 - Classification changed from "USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1987" to "USA|ALL|TribalIdentification|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1987"
  34. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1986 - Classification changed from "USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1986" to "USA|ALL|TribalIdentification|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1986"
  35. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1985 - Classification changed from "USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1985" to "USA|ALL|TribalIdentification|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1985"
  36. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1984 - Classification changed from "USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1984" to "USA|ALL|TribalIdentification|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1984"
  37. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1981 - Classification changed from "USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1981" to "USA|ALL|TribalIdentification|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1981"
  39. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1972 - Classification changed from "USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1972" to "USA|ALL|TribalIdentification|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1972"
  40. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2021 - Classification changed from "USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|2021" to "USA|ALL|TribalIdentification|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|2021"
  41. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2022 - Classification changed from "USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|2022" to "USA|ALL|TribalIdentification|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|2022"
  42. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2023 - Classification changed from "USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|2023" to "USA|ALL|TribalIdentification|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|2023"
  43. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2016 - Classification changed from "USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|2016" to "USA|ALL|TribalIdentification|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|2016"
  44. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2019 - Classification changed from "USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|2019" to "USA|ALL|TribalIdentification|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|2019"
  45. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2018 - Classification changed from "USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|2018" to "USA|ALL|TribalIdentification|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|2018"
  46. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2017 - Classification changed from "USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|2017" to "USA|ALL|TribalIdentification|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|2017"
  47. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2004 - Classification changed from "USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|2004" to "USA|ALL|TribalIdentification|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|2004"
  48. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2003 - Classification changed from "USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|2003" to "USA|ALL|TribalIdentification|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|2003"
  49. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2001 - Classification changed from "USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|2001" to "USA|ALL|TribalIdentification|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|2001"
  50. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2000 - Classification changed from "USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|2000" to "USA|ALL|TribalIdentification|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|2000"
  51. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1999 - Classification changed from "USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1999" to "USA|ALL|TribalIdentification|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1999"
  52. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1998 - Classification changed from "USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1998" to "USA|ALL|TribalIdentification|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1998"
  53. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1995 - Classification changed from "USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1995" to "USA|ALL|TribalIdentification|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1995"
  54. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - Classification changed from "USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|2020" to "USA|ALL|TribalIdentification|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|2020"
  55. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1980 - Classification changed from “USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1980” to “USA|ALL|TribalIdentification|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1980”
  56. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1979 - Classification changed from "USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1979" to "USA|ALL|TribalIdentification|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1979"
  57. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1978 - Classification changed from "USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1978" to "USA|ALL|TribalIdentification|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1978"
  58. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1977 - Classification changed from "USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1977" to "USA|ALL|TribalIdentification|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1977"
  59. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1976 - Classification changed from "USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1976" to "USA|ALL|TribalIdentification|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1976"
  60. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1975 - Classification changed from "USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1975" to "USA|ALL|TribalIdentification|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1975"
  61. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1974 - Classification changed from "USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1974" to "USA|ALL|TribalIdentification|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1974"
  62. United States of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1994 - Classification changed from "USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1994" to "USA|ALL|TribalIdentification|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1994"

Update: 19/09/24

  1. Israel / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2000 - Template improved in general
  2. Israel / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2013 - Specific field improvements: Document Number and Personal number
  3. Israel / DriversLicense /DRIVER_LICENSE/ 2009 - Template improved in general
  4. Israel / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2011 - Template improved in general ; Tamper check disabled on template level
  5. Israel / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2018 - Specific field improvements: Personal Number
  6. Israel / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2013 - Template improved in general

Incode ID:

  1. Incode ID - Verification from slack verification request was failing
  2. Incode ID - The surname was not separated when two words were present in the last name field
  3. Incode ID - Placeholder with Company name has been added in the Wallet
  4. Incode ID - User wasn't able to verify identity with verified phone number

2024 September 4 - planned production deployment

(release notes published 28/8/24, deployment was on Demo environment 28/8/24 - version 1.20, originally planned demo env 27/08/24)

Web app:

  1. Onboarding/Face match - Loading spinner wasn't present after Face match module
  2. Onboarding/eKYC - A new error message has been added when a physical address is not in use
  3. Onboarding/eKYC - Email field is not displayed in eKYC form if the email was added via the Email input module
  4. Onboarding/Flow - Redirected flows on some tablets didn’t work

Update 28/08/24:

  1. Onboarding/Flow - Respect allow more than one finished onboarding config
  2. Onboarding/Flow - Show specific improvement hint when ID upload fails
  3. Onboarding/Flow - Show 'Wrong ID side captured' when user captures wrong side of the ID

Update 09/09/24:

  1. Onboarding/Proof of Address - The set attempts value does not match the actual tries available to the user
  2. Onboarding/eKYC - The user data could not be submitted in the eKYC module
  3. Onboarding/Flow - Flows didn’t work on some tablets
  4. Onboarding/Proof of Address - The user was able to pass Retry screen without pressing on the Try Again button


  1. Dashboard/Filters - External CustomerId filter in Sessions tab wasn't functional
  2. Dashboard/Custom Fields - The checkboxes for adding Custom Fields were not functiona
  3. Dashboard/Crosschecks - The option to preview crosschecks in view mode has been added
  4. Dashboard/Configuration - Client id and secret key wasn't mandatory for Authentication
  5. Dashboard/Flow - The User consent, ML Consent and Government data validation modules have been deprecated and deactivated
  6. Dashboard/Rules - New options “ONE FIELD MISSING” and “BOTH FIELDS MISSING” have been added in the Rules Engine
  7. Dashboard/Flow - Module lifecycle state has been added in the flow creation
  8. Dashboard/Workflow - The open workflow designer button has been removed from the ‘three dots’ options menu
  9. Dashboard/Session - Backend events for Antifraud and Global Watchlist modules have been added in the Event Log
  10. Dashboard/Flows - Wrong error was present in the logs when the Global Watchlist module was disabled
  11. Dashboard/Workflow - Workflow validation error has been updated by new design
  12. Dashboard/Rules - A new operator ">" has been added in the Rules Engine

Update: 28/08/24

  1. Dashboard/eKYC - Displaying Business Tax ID input on single session dashboard
  2. Dashboard/eKYC - Introducing sources and mandatory versus optional fields
  3. Dashboard/eKYC - Updating UBO & director display on single session dashboard
  4. Dashboard/eKYC - Introducing new onboarding flow fields based on module source updates

Update 09/09/24:

  1. Dashboard/Session - Face capture attempts were not present in the session
  2. Dashboard/Session - New non-binary value X for gender crosscheck has been added
  3. Dashboard/ID capture – Onboarding flow attempts cannot be set to 0 in ID Capture configuration 0


  1. Server/eKYB - Remapping eKYB US Tin sub_label from Found/Not Found to Verified & Unverified
  2. Server/Dashboard - Flows & Workflows - Deprecated modules: User consent, ML Consent and Government data validation, added proper tag on UI (Deprecated)
  3. Server/Flows & Workflows - Remove beta property from flow and workflow modules
  4. Server/Face capture - Unsuccessful manual capture attempts were not shown
  5. Server - Handled properly CPF length error message
  6. Server - Added QR cross check for Mexican Voter card
  7. Server - Improvement of CheckedAddress (fetching response)
  8. Server/Government Validation - Added support for Philippines documents
  9. Server/Webhook - Added support for getting webhook of second id
  10. Server/Device fingerprint - Store all information about device fingerprint during onboarding
  11. Server/Flow modules - Updated module lifecycle state
  12. Server - Improved gender cross checking
  13. Server/eKYB - Fixed handling based on countries set once present/or not fields: UBO and directors
  14. Server/eKYC - Both the “plugins” and “last4SSN” variables weren’t present in eKYC request
  15. Server/eKYC - Impact to US Telco 1 source (improvements)
  16. Server/Videoselfie - Introduced new Video selfie score field ‘Voice consent FR’ and backend event
  17. Server - Process face handling for edge case, when existing user wasn’t found
  18. Server - Rules - Added new selector “EXACTFUZZYNOMATCH”, and removed 'fuzzy' option from existing one “EXACTNOMATCH”
  19. Server/eKYB - Added support for China
  20. Server/CMS - List of issues for case editable wasn’t configurable
  21. Server/Face capture - Refactor of process/face in order to improve general performance

Update 28/08/24:

  1. Server/Face match - With second ID, face match was failing
  2. Server/eKYC - Handling “middleName” on eKYC request for source: US_Credit_Bureau_1
  3. Introduce refNumber and issueDate crosscheck (USA IDs)

Update 09/09/24:

  1. Server - ageAssurance field was missing from /omni/configuration/get?id endpoint used by native
  2. Server/Authentication - Date format wasn't present in the authentications csv file
  3. Server/Rules - Error was present while evaluating expression
  4. Server/Electronic signature - Advanced - “Issue permanent certificate” has been added to the Electronic signature (needs to be provisioned)
  5. Server - Endpoint wasn't work as expected: /omni/es/generateDocumentUploadUrl endpoint
  6. Server - /process/face was failing for specific organisations
  7. Server/eKYB - Integrated support for China in the eKYB module
  8. Server/Session - New non-binary value X for gender crosscheck has been added
  9. Server - isBright field in /add/face response was missing if check was disabled


  1. PoA service - Improvements on our ML models
  2. PoA field street wasn't present on the dashboard under Other Documents section
  3. Visible ID test has been added in the single session

Update 28/08/24:

  1. PoA service - Add street field in Other Documents on dashboard
  2. v103 cropping model update
  3. Add postprocessing heuristic for CIC field
  4. Add new id test to mark whether user can legally sign documents
  5. Uruguay / IDs 2001 - Rename personalNumber into documentNumber in entity segmentation response
  6. Update classification templates in preprocessing service
  7. Evasion detection model v3.0
  8. Canada / Passport 2013 - Improvements in the MRZ lines and fullNameMrz fields
  9. Canada IDs - Add postprocessing for name field in ocr service

ID templates - added support or got fixes for:
New supported templates:

  1. Philippines / Other / SOCIAL_SECURITY_CARD / 2011/ - Classification changed from PHL|ALL|MedicalCard|MEDICAL_CARD|2011 to PHL|ALL|Other|SOCIAL_SECURITY_CARD|2011
  2. Paraguay / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2023 - New document supported
  3. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1983 - New document supported
  4. Mexico / Zacatecas / DriverLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2014 - New document supported
  5. Mexico / Identification Card / SENIOR_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2023 - New document supported
  6. Mexico / Veracruz / DriverLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2016 - New document supported

Changes to current templates:

  1. Brasil / FederaID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1995 - Existing field removed: (Expiration Date )
  2. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1985 - Template improved in general
  3. Brasil / FederalID / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2013 - Specific field improvements: (Name, DoB)
  4. Malawi / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2021 - Specific field improvments: givenNames, lastName
  5. Argentina / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2001 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach (front). Fallback approach added: regions. OCR provider switched to Incode.
  6. Brasil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1987 - Template improved in general
  7. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2006 - New field added: BirthPlace
  8. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1990 - New field added: ExpirationDate. Template improved in general.
  9. Australia - New South Wales / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2015 - Specific field improvements: name
  10. Uruguay / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / IssueYear - 2001 - OCR provider switched to Incode. Template switched to entity_segmentation approach. Fallback approach added: regions.
  11. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1980 - Template improved in general
  12. Brazil / FederalID / POLICE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2022 - Specific field improvements: Full Name
  13. India / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2005 - Specific field improvements: (Document Number, space removed)
  14. Cuba / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2016 - Specific field improvements: Issuing Authority
  15. Chile / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2013 - Specific field improvements: Last name, Mother’s Last name
  16. Kenia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2011 - Specific field improvement: Name
  17. Peru / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  18. Peru / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2001 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  19. Haiti / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2017 - Template improved in general
  20. Panama / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2023 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  21. United States of America - USCIS / Permit / EMPLOYMENT_AUTHORIZATION_CARD / 2022 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  22. United Kingdom / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2010 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  23. Spain / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2021 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  24. Kenia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2011 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  25. Egypt / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2008 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  26. Italia / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2010 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  27. Cuba / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2016 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  28. Canada / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2013 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  29. Brazil / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2019 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  30. Switzerland / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2003 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  31. Haiti / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2017 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  32. Brazil / ResidenceDocument / MIGRATORY_REGISTER / 2012 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  33. Italia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2016 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  34. Brazil / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2018 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  35. Belgium / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2014 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  36. Argentina / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2000 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  37. Chile / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2013 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  38. United States Of America / US department of State / Visa / VISA_ALLAGES / 2009 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  39. Argentina / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2015 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  40. United States Of America / USCIS / EMPLOYMENT__AUTHORIZATION_CARD / 2018 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  41. United States Of America / ResidenceDocument / PERMANENT_RESIENCE_CARD / 2017 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  42. Russia / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2000 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  43. Portugal / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2015 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  44. Poland / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2019 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  45. Brasil / FederalID / POLICE_IDENTIFICTION_CARD / 2014 - Document classification improved (Unique words)
  46. Bosnia and Herzegovina / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2015 - Template improved in general
  47. Brasil / Visa / VISA / 2012 - Template improved in general
  48. France / Passport / DIPLOMATIC_PASSPORT / 2008 - Template improved in general
  49. Brazil / FederalID / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2019 - Document additional attributes stage added to template (front)
  50. Brazil / FederalID / FEDERAL_IDENTIFICATION / 2000 - Document additional attributes stage added to template (front)
  51. Russia / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2000 - Template improved in general
  52. France / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2011 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach - both sides. Fallback approach added: regions.
  53. United Kingdom / DriversLicense / PROVISIONAL_DRIVER_LICENSE / 2007 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach - front side. Fallback approach added: regions.
  54. Brazil / DriverLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2005 - Existing field removed: (address); there is no address filed on BRA DL, mistakenly extracted
  55. Mexico / VoterIdentification / VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2002 - OCR provider switched to Incode. Template switched to entity_segmentation approach.
  56. Singapore / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2001 - Specific field improvements: name
  57. Brazil / FederaID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2004 - Template improved in general
  58. Canada - Ontario / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2011 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach (front). Fallback approach added: regions. OCR provider switched to Incode.
  59. Canada - Ontario / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2011 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  60. Colombia / TravelDocument / CONSULAR_CARD / 2023 - New document supported
  61. Lesotho / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2016 - Document classification improved. Template switched to region based approach. Specific field improvments: lastName, givenNames

Update 28/08/24:

  1. Paraguay / ALL / Identification Document / 2023 - Personal number cross check was failing

Incode Workforce:

  1. Incode Workforce - Login has been redesigned
  2. Incode Workforce - Logout via OIDC wasn't functional
  3. Incode Workforce - “Try it*”* button wasn't redirect the user to the proper page
  4. Incode Workforce - The new settings page has been implemented
  5. Incode Workforce - Users page table has been added to the Side bar
  6. Incode Workforce - Reset password option wasn't functional
  7. Incode Workforce - Helpdesk Staff user role has been added
  8. Incode Workforce - The “Change Password” option wasn't appear for Helpdesk Staff user

Update 09/09/24:

  1. Incode Workforce - Workforce email template has been added
  2. Incode ID - Blank screen was present after clicking on Create account or Sign in screen on the specific devices
  3. Incode ID - The integration could not be saved correctly on the specific organization
  4. Incode Workforce - After successful verification, the user wasn't taken to the “Reset password/MFA” screen
  5. Incode ID - Modals in webapp were broken
  6. Incode Workforce - Timed out status has been added for verification trace and expire pending verification traces
  7. Incode Workforce - Welcome admin and reset password email template has been added to autorization service

2024 August 21 - planned production deployment

(release notes published 14/8/24, deployment was on Demo environment 14/8/24 - version 1.19, originally planned demo env 13/8/24)



Test will start, after new production release, with adding:

  • Webhook timeout of 5 minutes and monitoring behavior
  • If tests are successful, after 1 day, timeout will be reduced to 2 minutes and observed closely
  • If test is not successful, change will be reverted to the behavior we had before production release

Web app:

  1. Onboarding/eKYC - The eKYC onboarding form has beed updated to provide consistent error messages and field labels
  2. Onboarding/Id capture - ID capture issue was present with camera focus on recent iPhones and Safari versions
  3. Onboarding/Language setting - Language support for Polish has beed added
  4. Onboarding/PoA - Error message for maximum file size has been added in PoA module
  5. Onboarding/OIDC - Login_hint (if provided) wasn't present as a default in the username input field
  6. Onboarding/Session - The session could not be restarted
  7. Onboarding/Conference - User video was not present in the lower left corner of the conference room

Update 22/08:

  1. Onboarding/OIDC - “Sign in” screen has been updated by new design for OIDC
  2. Onboarding/Flow - After refreshing onboarding flow, new session wasn't created


  1. Dashboard/Video Selfie - ‘Max video selfie execution time in seconds’ check could not be set above a two-digit number
  2. Dashboard/Custom Watchlist - New “Shared Device Mode” check has been added to the Custom Watchlist module
  3. Dashboard/ID capture - New “Show document chooser screen” check has been added to the ID capture module
  4. Dashboard/Workflows - The zero value wasn't aligned with other values in Sessions column for the Workflows
  5. Dashboard/Configuration - API key rotation option has been added to the Configuration tab (Update 22/08: Visible only for Integrator user role)
  6. Dashboard/Workflows - Crosschecks did not show relevant options based on the previous nodes in workflow
  7. Dashboard/Configuration - All url components have been replaced with new input type url component
  8. Dashboard/Antifraud - New “Exclude sessions with the same external customer id” check has been added to the Antifraud module
  9. Dashboard/Workflows - The progress bar has been added in the Workflow creation wizard
  10. Dashboard/ID capture - Audio has been enabled for ID and Face Recordings option
  11. Dashboard/Configuration - Consent ID column has been added in the Consents tab
  12. Dashboard/Gov validation - Failed score wasn't present when the Gov validation returned “user not found”
  13. Dashboard/ID capture - New “ID Detection Timeout” check has been added to the ID capture module (needs to be provisioned)
  14. Dashboard/Workflows - All the crosschecks were not present in the condition list
  15. Dashboard/Session - PII data captured via forms were not deleted through the Delete session PII data option
  16. Dashboard/eKYC - “Driver's License Expiration Date” field has been added in the eKYC section in Id verification tab
  17. Dashboard/Face capture - Selfie was not stored when age verification check was enabled

Update 22/08:

  1. Dashboard/Flows - “See log” option wasn't functional for certain flows
  2. Dashboard/Session - SDK and OS versions were not present in the “Other” tab in the single session
  3. Dashboard/eKYC - eKYC fields have been update with a new UI design


  1. Server/eKYC - Implemented validation for the eKYC US_CREDIT_BUREAU_1 source to ensure all mandatory fields are provided
  2. Server/ID Capture - Added a new showDocumentChooserScreen configuration option in the ID Capture module to enable or disable the ‘Show Document Chooser’ feature
  3. Server/Custom Watchlist - Introduced an option to exclude device hashes from the Custom Watchlist
  4. Server/Antifraud - Extended the capabilities of interview replication within the Antifraud module, enhancing the robustness of fraud detection mechanisms
  5. Server/Workflows - Fixed an issue where condition was not being triggered when the Antifraud status was set to “FAIL”, ensuring proper workflow execution in fraud scenarios
  6. Server/Workflows - Updated the Workflow evaluations to utilize new data sources, improving the accuracy and relevance of the evaluations within the crosscheck
  7. Server/OCR - Added a documentIsOnTheEdge field to the IdProcessResponse, providing additional metadata for document processing
  8. Server/Rules - Refactored the rules engine to reduce the number of reads, improving the performance of score calculations and overall system efficiency
  9. Server/Crosschecks - Added support to expose CURP (Clave Única de Registro de Población) data in crosschecks, enhancing identity verification processes
  10. Server/PII Data - Added externalCustomerId field to session PII (Personally Identifiable Information) data removal process

Update 22/08:

  1. Server/Government validation - Fixed and improved treatment of null facial responses and theftReport for government validation service request
  2. Server/Government validation - Updated parsing logic to handle new object structure (Mexico)
  3. Server/Videoselfie - Improved handling for VS quality checks execution
  4. Server/Proof of Address - Switched /omni/add/document/v2 API to sync mode
  5. Server/eKYC - Improved implementation for attributes for US_TELCO_1 datasource

Update: 30/08/24:

  1. Server/AES - Enable permanent certificate signing


  1. OCR – The First name (middle or paternal last name) for US documents was missing in some cases
  2. OCR - New “attributeList” property has been added for special US documents
  3. OCR - “Document Number Cross Check*”* test wasn't failing for special Canadian drivers licenses
  4. OCR - Street field in some cases wasn't parsed correctly for Australian drivers licenses
  5. Illiterate check has been enabled for Brazilian DL
  6. PoA - “issueDate” field has been added for Asylum docs
  7. Entity segmentation model (version 9.15) has been updated with new template

Update 22/08:

  1. BarcodePDF417 check was failing in the single session

ID templates - added support or got fixes for:
New supported templates:

  1. Nigeria / TravelDocument / CONSULAR_CARD / 2023 - New document supported
  2. Peru / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2011 - New document supported
  3. Nigeria / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2019 - New document supported
  4. Kenya / VoterIdentification / VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2010 - New document supported
  5. Bulgaria / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  6. Nigeria / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2010 - New document supported Tamper check, Paper liveness and Id alternation checks disabled on template level. One sided document check enabled on template level
  7. Kenya / Military / MILITARY_CARD / 2023 - New document supported
  8. Japan / Visa / VISA / 2002 - New document supported
  9. Bulgaria / Visa / VISA / 2023 - New document supported
  10. Switzerland / Visa / VISA / 2023 - New document supported
  11. Netherlands / Visa / VISA / 2023 - New document supported
  12. Finland / Visa / VISA / 2022 - New document supported
  13. Finland / Visa / VISA / 2019 - New document supported
  14. Czech Republic / Visa / VISA / 2022 - New document supported

Changes to current templates:

  1. Germany / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2021 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  2. Germany / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2010 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  3. India / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2005 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  4. Brazil / FederalId / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2015 - Template switched to region based approach. ExpirationDate switched to IssueDate
  5. United States of America - California / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2018 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  6. United States of America - Pennsylvania / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2022 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  7. United States of America - Arizona / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2014 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  8. Canada - British columbia / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2022 - Engineering fix: CAN|BRITISH_COLUMBIA|DriversLicense|DRIVERS_LICENSE|2022
  9. Canada - British Columbia / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2022 - Engineering fix: CAN|BRITISH_COLUMBIA|DriversLicense|DRIVERS_LICENSE|2022
  10. Montenegro / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - Specific field improvements: givenNames, lastName, documentNumber

Incode ID:

  1. Incode ID – ISE 500 appears when Project is updated
  2. Incode ID – The userinfo endpoint wasn't return timestamps for date properties
  3. Incode ID – Authentication filter wasn't functional
  4. Incode ID – Timestamp column in dashboard was showing the time of actual scan
  5. Incode ID – Capture tips was overlapping animation on the back ID tutorial screen
  6. Incode Workforce – Identity with expired document was not prompted to step-up on verification
  7. Incode Workforce – Login via OIDC has been enabled
  8. Incode Workforce – Logout after token expiration has been enabled
  9. Incode Workforce – Sections “Allowed origins” and “Allowed form factors” have been added in the Integration tab

Update 22/08:

  1. Incode ID - Webhook notification was not arriving after authentication failed
  2. Incode ID - User wasn't redirected to the success screen after successfull verification on self-serve portal
  3. Incode ID - Authentication wasn't functional for old identity IDs
  4. Incode ID - Updating the logo in one project inadvertently changed the logos in all other projects

2024 August 08 - planned production deployment

(release notes published 2/8/24, deployment was on Demo environment 2/8/24 - version 1.18, originally planned demo env 30/7/24 and saas env originally planned 7/8/24)

Web app:

  1. Onboarding/eKYC - Phone field has been removed from the eKYC form if phone number input module is included in the flow
  2. Onboarding/Authentication - New query param "returnIPDeviceLocation=true?" has been added for 1to1 and 1toN


  1. Dashboard/Session - Capture type “Upload” has been added for the front/back Id capture in the Event log
  2. Dashboard/Workflows - QR Code button has been added for each Workflow in the Actions tab
  3. Dashboard/Workflows - New import template for workflows has been implemented by design
  4. Dashboard/Workflows - The image link and country can be saved in the workflow template
  5. Dashboard/Workflows - The new editing mode for creating workflows has been updated by design
  6. Dashboard/Workflows - An “Exit” button has been added to the Workflow builder
  7. Dashboard/Workflows - Modal with workflow QR has been added and it's invoked after pressing the Publish button
  8. Dashboard/Session - Crosscheck name with #chars was present in the “Other” tab in the single session
  9. Dashboard/Workflows - New workflow templates have been added to the Workflow builder
  10. Dashboard/eKYC - The check names were not updated in the single session

Update 08/08:

  1. Dashboard/Video Selfie - All Video selfie checks were shown as grey even if the video is loaded correctly from the iOS app
  2. Dashboard/Rules - New rules/conditions has been added for manual upload IDs in the Rules Engine
  3. Dashboard/Face Recognition - Failed exact match wasn't parsed correctly
  4. Dashboard/Configuration - New scopes selector has been added in the organization configuration page


  1. Server/Workflows - Added endpoint to validate Workflow structure
  2. Server/Workflows - At the end of Workflow creation wizard, Workflow is saved and its state is set to Active once user presses Publish button
  3. Server/Workflows - Expanded Workflow templates with new country and template image link properties
  4. Server/Workflows - Crosschecks did not show only relevant options
  5. Server/eKYC - Added error message and API request is blocked when user is not requesting country and taxId fields
  6. Server/API - Added PoA and signed contract documents in validation archive
  7. Server/OCR - Implemented a solution for blurring and redacting the image from the ID
  8. Server/ID Capture - Introduced new “Device idle timeout” configuration inside ID Capture module
  9. Server/Rules - Added new enum value for frontId and backId captureType

Update 08/08:

  1. Server/Gov Validation - Server/Gov Validation - Two parameters have been added as optional, in order to support newer version 4.0 of government validation for Mexican citizens


  1. PoA - Data extraction was not possible from multi-page PDF files
  2. PoA - The address field was not correctly extracted from the Telmek document
  3. OCR - Additional "registrationDate" and "nationality" fields have been added to the "notExtractedFields" array for the Mexican voter IDs, if the OCR extraction is missing
  4. OCR - Implementation of the new logic of splitting names to Fathers and Mothers Surname for MEX residence document
  5. OCR - Document number redaction wasn't possible for specific US IDs
  6. OCR - Expiration Date crosscheck was failing for MYS Visa
  7. OCR - The personal number from the MRZ wasn't read correctly for Paraguay passport in the single session

ID templates - added support or got fixes for:
New supported templates:

  1. United States of America - North Carolina / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2024 - New document supported
  2. United States of America - Mississippi / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2024 - New document supported
  3. Great Britain / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2019 - New document supported
  4. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_FEDERAL_IDENTIFICATION / 1967 - New document supported
  5. Malaysia / Visa / VISA / 2022 - New document supported
  6. United States of America - Texas / DriversLicense / PROVISIONAL_DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2009 - New document supported

Changes to current templates:

  1. Colombia / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2015 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach. OCR provider switched to Incode
  2. Colombia / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2018 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach; OCR provider switched to Incode
  3. United States of America - Mississippi / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2024 - Regions with exception to DoB redacted for Age assurance
  4. United States of America - North Carolina / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2024 - Regions with exception to DoB redacted for Age assurance
  5. Peru / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2021 - Template improved in general
  6. Uruguay / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2000 - Template improved in general
  7. Kenya / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2015 - Document classification improved
  8. United States of America - Texas/ DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2009 - Regions with exception to DoB redacted for Age assurance
  9. United States of America - Texas/ IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2009 - Regions with exception to DoB redacted for Age assurance
  10. United States of America - Texas / DRIVERSLICENSE / PROVISIONAL_DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2009 - Regions with exception to DoB redacted for Age assurance

Incode ID:

  1. Incode ID - CTA button has been updated
  2. Incode ID - Privacy & Terms link in Footer of QR Redirect Screen has been updated
  3. Incode ID/Mini app – “app.incode tab” has been added as the first active tab in the browser when verification is complete

Update 08/08:

  1. Incode ID - Logo update of one project was affecting the updating of the logos of other projects
  2. Incode ID - Notification “authentication.completed” was not arriving
  3. Incode ID - Sessions could not be manually approved/rejected

2024 July 30 - planned production deployment

(release notes published 24/7/24, deployment was on Demo environment 24/7/24 - version 1.17, originally planned demo env 16/7/24 and saas env originally planned 24/7/24)

Web app:

  1. Onboarding/OIDC – UI for OIDC has been updated by design
  2. Onboarding/Video Selfie – User was able to pass Voice consent by saying the phrase before tapping on “Tap to Speak” button

Update 31/7:

  1. Onboarding/eKYC - Autofill address option has been added for eKYC module
  2. Onboarding/eKYC - The cursor in the Phone capture field was editable
  3. Onboarding/Video Selfie - “I accept the terms” button wasn't functional when English or Spanish was not set as device language
  4. Onboarding/Video Selfie - Mic permission was shown even though no sound is being recorded
  5. Onboarding/Video Selfie - ID capture camera in VS wasn't open when openVidu was used


  1. Dashboard/Session – The correct color wasn’t present for score status badge for ID verification and ID OCR
  2. Dashboard/Curp – Curp fields wasn’t aligned properly
  3. Dashboard/eKYC – New “Nationality” field has been added within the eKYC section in the session
  4. Dashboard/ID capture – New warning message has been added within the ID capture module when the “Manual upload ID capture” check is selected
  5. Dashboard/Redirect to mobile – Expiration time in days, hours and minutes has been added in SMS section for Redirect to mobile option
  6. Dashboard/Antifraud – Linked session in Antifraud section did not open a session in a new tab
  7. Dashboard/Curp – New checkbox “Deceased Status Verification” has been added in the CURP validation module
  8. Dashboard/Session – Business tab should be present in the session only if eKYB or Watchlist module is used in the flow
  9. Dashboard/Combined consent - Asset for Combined consent module has been updated by new design
  10. Dashboard/Workflows – Antifraud conditions wasn’t supported in the Condition Step for Workflows
  11. Dashboard/Rules - barcodePDF417Verification check is renamed to previous label “Fake Check” in the Rules panel
  12. Dashboard/Retake - The retake option could not be turned off because value for “Onboarding flow attempts” could not be set to 0
  13. Dashboard/Face capture - “Liveness” check has been renamed to the “Physical Spoof” check 
  14. Dashboard/eKYC – Module image for eKYC has been updated
  15. Dashboard/Session – Hosting app field wasn’t present in the “Other” tab in Device section
  16. Dashboard/ID capture – “Number of image capture attempts” check wasn’t respected correct configuration
  17. Dashboard/Session – Manual review section has been moved on the top of the session. Text box wasn’t present for all custom reasons


  1. Server/eKYC - Fixed taxIdNationality to be hidden in API response when not requested
  2. Server/eKYC - Fixed bug where eKYC could override IDV OCR
  3. Server/Compliance - Added audit logs for Workflow
  4. Server/eKYC - Updated eKYC risk levels based on customer input
  5. Server - Created new endpoint for processing selfie frames and performing local face recognition during Voice Consent within Video Selfie
  6. Server/Workflows - Added support for Antifraud configurations and conditions
  7. Server/eKYB - Added max execution time of 20s for eKYB
  8. Server/Webhooks - Improved webhooks 0Auth2 token refresh
  9. Server - Added spoof check for selfie captures in onboarding and face login
  10. Server - Fixed edge case of merging identities from different organizations
  11. Server/Rules - Exposed government validation error codes as enums so that they can be used in conditions/rules
  12. Server/Document capture - Improved when document is received via Document Capture module, all pages of the document are saved and displayed on dashboard and only first page is sent further for OCR extraction
  13. Server/OCR - Fixed notExtractedDetails fields logic


  1. OCR - Document number crosscheck was failed for Arg IDs (2015)
  2. OCR – Expiration date was not read correctly for Mexican and Peruvian IDs
  3. OCR – IssueDate was extracted from 1 digit long sample (MexVoter ID)
  4. OCR – Expire date wasn’t extracted from the front ID for Peruvian IDs
  5. PoA – DocumentType field wasn’t present for Izzi proof of address
  6. OCR – Entity segmentation was failing occasionally for Mexican Voter ID
  7. OCR – A duplicate name was present in the Full name (OCR) field
  8. OCR/Barcode - Barcode parsing has been added for Ontario and Quebec MED IDs
  9. OCR – Two complement characters wasn’t present in the Document number field for Bolivian ID

Update 31/7:

  1. Deploy ID Preprocessing 1.0.16 - improvements in new version
  2. OCR - Improvement in Address field for Mexican IDs (Note: This improvement can potentially affect a small degradation of the City field only for Voterids 2008 and 2013)

ID templates - added support or got fixes for:

Notes - new supported documents

  1. Canada / Passport / TEMPORARY_PASSPORT / 2023 - New document supported
  2. United States of America - Mississippi / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2024 - New document supported
  3. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1966 - New document supported
  4. Gambia / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2023 - New document supported
  5. Portugal / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  6. Congo / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2013 - New document supported
  7. United States Of America / US_DEPARTMENT_OF_STATE / Visa / VISA_ALLAGES / 2024 / New document supported
  8. United Kingdom - / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2009 - New document supported
  9. Chile / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  10. Ghana / Passport / DOCUMENT_SUBTYPE / 2023 - New document supported
  11. United States of America - Carolina / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2024 - New document supported
  12. Serbia / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2011 - New document supported.
  13. United States of America - Mississippi / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2024 - New document supported
  14. Malaysia / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2000 - New document supported
  15. Malaysia / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2008 - New document supported
  16. Iraq / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2023 - New document supported
  17. France / Passport / EMERGENCY_PASSPORT / 2023 - New Document supported
  18. Australia - Northern territory of Australia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2015 - New document supported
  19. MEXICO - QUINTANA_ROO / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2024 - New document supported.
  20. United States of America / IdentificationCard / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1981 - Classification changed from USA|ALL|Other|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1981 to USA|ALL|IdentificationCard|TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD|1981
  21. Mexico / DriversLicense / FEDERAL_DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2019 - New document supported
  22. Brazil - / federaliD / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1994 - New document supported
  23. Montenegro / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2023 - New document supported
  24. Japan / Visa / VISA / 2001 - New Document supported.
  25. Japan / Visa / VISA / 2000 - New document supported
  26. Mexico - Guerrero / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1962 - New document supported
  27. Mexico - Oaxaca / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2023 - New document supported
  28. Mexico / Veracruz / DriverLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2017 - New document supported
  29. United States Of America / Louisiana / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2013 - New document supported
  30. Colombia / Visa / ELECTRONIC_VISA / 2023 - New Document supported
  31. Egypt / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2021 - New document supported

Notes - changes to current templates

  1. Philippines / IdentificationCard / CITIZENCARD / 2021 - Template improved in general
  2. Brazil / FederalId / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1978 - Specific field improvements: state, name, personalNumber, refNumber
  3. United States of America / Other / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1999 - Template improved in general
  4. United States of America - Michigan / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2024 - Template improved in general
  5. United States of America / Visa / VISA_ALLAGES / 2023 - Template improved in general
  6. Australia - NEW_SOUTH_WALES / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2012 - Specific field improvements: name, address
  7. Canada - Yukon / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2016 - Template improved in general
  8. Venezuela / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2000 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach. Specific field improvements: birthDate, lastName, givenNames
  9. Canada / Other / INDIAN_STATUS_CERTIFICATE / 2007 - Specific field improvements: birthDate, expirationDate, issueDate
  10. Egypt - / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2008 - Template improved in general
  11. Colombia / Visa / VISA / 2017 - Template improved in general
  12. Venezuela / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2007 - Template improved in general
  13. Australia - Western Australia / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2016 - Specific field improvements: refNumber
  14. Australia - Queensland / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2020 - Specific field improvements: address, refNumber
  15. Australia - Tasmania / DriversLicense / PROVISIONAL_DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2015 - Specific field improvements: refNumber
  16. The Netherlands / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2014 - Specific field improvements: lastName
  17. Peru / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2021 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach with Masking (front side). idAlteration disabled on the template level
  18. Colombia / ResidenceDocument / IMMIGRATION_CARD / 2014 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  19. Colombia / ResidenceDocument / TEMPORARY_PROTECTION_PERMIT / 2020 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  20. Canada - Alberta / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 R3 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach. Fallback aproach added: Regions
  21. Canada - Ontario / MedicalCard / MEDICAL_CARD / 2020 - Template improved in general
  22. United States Of America / Louisiana / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2013 - Redact -Regions with exception to DoB redacted for Age assurance
  23. Canada / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2007 - Document classification improved
  24. United Kingdom / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2015 - Document classification improved
  25. Mexico / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2008 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach. OCR provider switched to Incode
  26. Moldova / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2014 - Document classification improved
  27. Burundi / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2018 - Document classification improved
  28. United States of America - Mississippi / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2024 - Regions with exception to DoB redacted for Age assurance
  29. United States of America - Mississippi / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2024 - Regions with exception to DoB redacted for Age assurance
  30. Brazil/ Other / BIRTH_CERTIFICATE / 2009 - Template improved in general
  31. Canada / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2013 - New field added: Last name, Given name


  1. Incode ID - Age scopes has been enabled for specific organization
  2. Incode ID - Three new age scopes have been added on Incode ID backend: AGE, AGE_OVER_21 and AGE_OVER_18
  3. Incode ID - Three new age scopes have been added on Incode ID dashboard: AGE, AGE_OVER_21 and AGE_OVER_18
  4. Incode ID - OTP wasn't verified from log in phone verification

Update 31/7:

  1. Incode ID - Reshared identity was not present on Identity page
  2. Incode ID - Webhook notification was not arriving after verified identity was deleted
  3. Incode ID - User was stucked on “Sign up” screen
  4. Incode ID - Redirection from URL wasn't functional

2024 July 10 - planned production deployment

(release notes published 3/7/24, deployment was on Demo environment 3/7/24 - version 1.16, originally planned for 2/7/24)

Web app:

  1. Onboarding/eKYC - “Postal Code” has been updated to “Zip Code” in the eKYC module
  2. Onboarding/ID capture – Back id capture wasn’t present for ID in the passport/visa capture option
  3. Onboarding/ID capture – New modified tutorial version for ID capture module has been added when Age assurance check is enabled
  4. Onboarding/Face capture - New modified tutorial version for face capture module has been added when Age verification (privacy focused) check is enabled

Update 18/7:

  1. Onboarding/Combined consents – The privacy policy links in default consents have been updated


  1. Dashboard/Flows – The list of modules has been reordered for flows and workflows
  2. Dashboard/Combined Consents – The module is now out of beta and available in Flows and Workflows
  3. Dashboard/eKYC - “Phone Email Match” attribute has been added to the eKYC verification section in the session
  4. Dashboard/Workflows - Supported platform icons for native were not in the “disabled” state in the Combined consents module
  5. Dashboard/Workflows – Modules that are not provisioned were present in the workflow creation list
  6. Dashboard/Compliance – New event “GENERAL_PROVISIONING_SETTINGS_UPDATED” has been added in Audit logs filter
  7. Dashboard/Face capture – Age verification (privacy focused) check has been added in the Face capture module for flows/workflows
  8. Dashboard/Flows – New option “In person or assisted onboarding” has been added when configuring flows
  9. Dashboard/Workflows - The condition node wasn’t marked correctly when the workflow is published
  10. Dashboard/Workflows – The rules for Antifraud have been added in the Condition step for workflows
  11. Dashboard/Configuration – Consents tab wasn’t present in the Configuration section
  12. Dashboard/ID capture – New “Manual upload ID capture” option has been added in the ID capture module
  13. Dashboard/Face capture - ‘Face capture tutorial’ check wasn’t selected by default
  14. Dashboard/Workflows – Notifications wasn’t appear for disabled modules

Update 18/7:

  1. Dashboard/Sessions – Video selfie quality checks were not present for merged videos in the “Video” tab
  2. Dashboard/User consent – The "Module Added" button wasn’t reset the user consent configuration
  3. Dashboard/Face capture - ‘Face capture tutorial’ check wasn’t selected by default in face capture module
  4. Dashboard/Workflows - The banner with the message that the condition is invalid wasn’t appear in the Condition node
  5. Dashboard/Sessions - The ID and face recordings were occasionally not functional in the “Video” tab, the black screen was present
  6. Dashboard/Sessions – New onboarding event “externalRiskSDKInitialized” has been added in the Event log for specific organization
  7. Dashboard/Sessions - Video recordings can be generated from openVidu provider
  8. Dashboard/eKYC – New section “Additional Info” has been added for eKYC module in the “Other” tab
  9. Dashboard/Sessions – Latest sessions were not showing up in the dashboard
  10. Dashboard/Flows - Fetching flows wasn't functional in a particular organization


  1. Server/Crosschecks - Added maxOperandLength configuration to zip code crosscheck comparison
  2. Server - Passing a customerId belonging to an unauthorized organization is now prohibited for the specified endpoints
  3. Server/Custom Watchlist - Added automatic execution for Custom Watchlist module to based on the value of this check run custom WL search on process/face or not
  4. Server/Government validation - Added backgroundExecution flag to the module "Skip Government Verification animation" configuration object
  5. Server - Cropped face images will now be used from approved template instead of session
  6. Server/Workflows - Added error handling to allow Workflow to finalize steps without creating identity if conditions are not met
  7. Server/Flows - Simplified flow configuration fetching and overriding mechanism
  8. Server - Fixed cross-tennant reads for certain endpoints
  9. Server - Adjusted HTTP Headers to prevent caching of the HTTP responses
  10. Server/OCR - Added new structure that is able to collect information about the OCR fields that are collected during the ID processing
  11. Server/Workflows - Conditions based on previous modules in the Workflow tree are now returned
  12. Server/eKYC - All reason codes are now exposed in Single-Session->eKYC tab
  13. Server - Added new looseInterviewerCheck property to organization entity to when enabled allow org executive users to access sessions which are under same apiKey and don’t have interviewerId set
  14. Server/Workflows - Added support for Manual Review in Workflows
  15. Server/Antifraud - Added automatic execution for Antifraud module
  16. Server/OIDC - Optimized queries and data model
  17. Server/eKYC - Updated city match for Brazil
  18. Server/Workflows - Introduced new section in rules for Antifraud
  19. Server/Government validation - Adjusted validation data fields to fix issue with certain states

Update 18/7:

  1. Server/CURP - Implemented fallback for CURP validation
  2. Server - Fixed cross-tenant reads
  3. Server/eKYB - Updated eKYB response structure to solve two edge cases
  4. Server - Implemented new error codes and messages for gov validation module
  5. Server/Government validation - Mapped invalid request status to NOT_ENOUGH_DATA on our end and included the error description in the govt validation response
  6. Server/Security - Improved security in Dashboard
  7. Server/Government validation - Added ocr field and populated with the same value as for documentNumber in the response
  8. Server/Geolocation - Fixed geolocation errors


  1. Id-validation-service: 2.8.0 release includes new model improvements
  2. Real ID check was failing for Washington, DC documents
  3. Fake ID check was missing for certain IDs
  4. Id Alteration check was failing on various different templates
  5. Slava v1.1 - improvements in new model for Face liveness

Update 18/7:

  1. ID processing - Fix classification for the Mexican permanent residence card (2020)

ID templates - added support or got fixes for”

  1. United States Of America / Other /Tribal/ IdentificationCard / 1995 / New template supported
  2. United States Of America / Other / IDENTIFICATION CARD / 2016 / New template supported
  3. United States Of America / Other /Tribal/ IdentificationCard / 2022 / New template supported
  4. United States Of America / North Carolina / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2024 / New template supported
  5. United States Of America / North Carolina / IDENTIFICATION CARD / 2024 / New template supported
  6. United States Of America/ Mississippi / IDENTIFICATION CARD / 2024 / New template supported
  7. Puerto Rico / IDENTIFICATION CARD /2018/ New template supported
  8. United States Of America / Other /Tribal/ IdentificationCard / 1986 / New template supported
  9. United States Of America / Other /Tribal/ IdentificationCard / 1987 / New template supported
  10. Vatican City / National Passport /2010/ New template supported
  11. United States Of America / North Carolina / DriversLicense / 2024 / redact - All personal data except Date of Birth redacted
  12. Jordan /NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2008 / Improvements for field Name
  13. Bosnia and Herzegovina / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2015 / New field added: Personal number
  14. Spain / identificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2006 /Outdated postprocessing parser removed
  15. Spain / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2010 / Outdated postprocessing parser removed
  16. France / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2013 / Outdated postprocessing parser removed
  17. Germany / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2011 / Outdated postprocessing parser removed
  18. Colombia / identificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2000 - Outdated postprocessing parser removed
  19. Italy / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2013 / Outdated postprocessing parser removed
  20. Colombia / IdentificationCard / MINORS_ID / 2008 / Outdated postprocessing parser removed
  21. France / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2008/ Outdated postprocessing parser removed
  22. Germany / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2013 / Outdated postprocessing parser removed
  23. Spain / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2013 / Outdated postprocessing parser removed
  24. United Kingdom / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2013 / Outdated postprocessing parser removed
  25. United States of America - Washington / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2018 / Improvements for refNumber, classes
  26. Kenya / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION CARD / 2011 / Template improved in general
  27. Australia / Queensland / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2020 / Specific field improvements Reference number
  28. Croatia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2015 / Specific field improvements address, nationality
  29. United States of America - Maryland / DriversLicense / DRIVERS LICENSE / 2016 / OCR provider switched to Incode
  30. Pakistan / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2017 - Specific field improvements: givenNames, lastName
  31. Ecuador / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2011 / Template improved in general
  32. Australia / Victoria / DriversLicense / PROVISIONAL_DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2014 / Given name switched to Last name. Last name switched to Given name.
  33. United States of America / North Carolina / IdentificationCard / 2024/ redact - All personal data except Date of Birth redacted
  34. Bolivia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2002 / Specific field improvements: documentNumber
  35. United States of America / DriversLicense / FOREIGN_DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2022 / New template supported
  36. Interpol / Passport / PASSPORT / 2013 / New document supported
  37. Interpol / IdentificatonCard / IDENTIFICATON_CARD / 2014 / New document supported
  38. United States of America / Mississippi / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2024 / r1 - All personal data except Date of Birth redacted (Age Assurance)

Incode ID:

  1. Incode ID – Integration of incode ID to new backend
  2. Incode ID – Webhook configuration has been moved from Flow configuration to Integration
  3. Incode ID – Flow configuration has been refactored

Update 18/7:

  1. Incode ID - Fixes related for backend separation

2024 June 26 - planned production deployment

(release notes published 19/6/24, deployment was on Demo environment 19/6/24 - version 1.15, originally planned for 18/6/24)

Web app:

  1. Onboarding/Conference - User wasn't present in the correct conference queue

Update 27/6:

  1. Onboarding/ID capture - Autocapture stops working after the second attempt on specific devices
  2. Onboarding/Face capture – Zoom wasn’t worked on specific iOS devices


  1. Dashboard/Sessions - The name/phone number should appear in the Sessions tab if filled in within the eKYC module
  2. Dashboard/Session – Placeholder in Gov validation tab has been updated by new design
  3. Dashboard/Provisioning – Government verification module name has been updated
  4. Dashboard/Session - Quality checks for merged recordings are added to the session in the video tab
  5. Dashboard/Modules – New “auto execute” check has been added in the Antifraud and Custom watchlist module
  6. Dashboard/Session – Combined consents module in the “Other” tab has been updated
  7. Dashboard/Provisioning - Updated module configuration with three options: Editable/Hidden/Disabled
  8. Dashboard/Provisioning - Routes were not accessible if the corresponding feature was enabled in the general provisions
  9. Dashboard/Configuration - Checkbox wasn’t visible in the consent creator screen
  10. Dashboard - Configuration utils has been refactored
  11. Dashboard/Rules - ekyc - New dropdown values has been added for“MATCH STATUS” and “LEVEL” operators
  12. Dashboard/Rules – eKYC rules has been updated with dropdown option for values
  13. Dashboard/ Provisioning – Flow option should be displayed in the filter only when it’s provisioned
  14. Dashboard/ Provisioning - Option to provision flows has been added
  15. Dashboard/ Users - New custom permission to view compliance tab has been enabled for Executive user with custom permission for Compliance
  16. Dashboard/Filters - New filters “Document Front Subtype” and “Document Back Subtype” have been in the Sessions tab
  17. Dashboard/Session – Events for the Forms module have been added in the Event log
  18. Dashboard/Session – Events for the merged recordings have been added in the Event log
  19. Dashboard/Modules - Support for provisioned configuration for “Manual upload ID capture” check in the Id capture module has been added
  20. Dashboard /OIDC - Okta email wasn’t appear in session for the custom fields 

Update 27/6:

  1. Dashboard – Info about the latest release version has been added on the dashboard
  2. Dashboard/Flows - User info in the change log for flows wasn’t present
  3. Dashboard/Sessions – Filter search “Onboarding” wasn’t present in the list
  4. Dashboard/Video Selfie - The closed eye check in the Liveness detection tab was overridden by the VS closed eye & liveness checks


  1. Server - Added new parameter for flow-indexes to enable test features on organization creation
  2. Server/Crosschecks - Added maxOperandLength configuration to zip code crosscheck comparison
  3. Server/Security - Passing a customerId belonging to an unauthorized organization is now prohibited for the specified endpoints
  4. Server/Custom Watchlist - Added automatic execution for Custom Watchlist module on process/face
  5. Server/Provisioning - Added face match threshold for Government Validation
  6. Server/Government validation - Added backgroundExecution flag to the module "Skip Government Verification animation" configuration object
  7. Server - Cropped face images will now be used from approved template instead of session
  8. Server/Workflows - Added error handling to allow Workflow to finalize steps without creating identity if conditions are not met
  9. Server/Flows - Simplified flow configuration fetching and overriding mechanism
  10. Server - Fixed cross-tennant reads for certain endpoints
  11. Server - Adjusted HTTP Headers to prevent caching of the HTTP responses
  12. Server/OCR - Added new structure that is able to collect information about the OCR fields that are collected during the ID processing
  13. Server/Workflows - Conditions based on previous modules in the Workflow tree are now returned
  14. Server/eKYC - All reason codes are now exposed in Single-Session->eKYC tab
  15. Server - Added new looseInterviewerCheck property to organization entity,  when enabled allow org executive users to access sessions which are under same apiKey and don’t have interviewerId set
  16. Server/Workflows - Added support for Manual Review in Workflows
  17. Server/Antifraud - Added automatic execution for Antifraud module
  18. Server/OIDC - Optimized queries and data model
  19. Server/Session -The document_number_checkDigit test has been removed from ID specific tests for El Salvador IDs
  20. Server - CURP Scraping optimization
  21. Server/Api - Within every request we can generate x-trace-id response header

Update 27/6:

  1. Server - Integrated shortener url service for sending sms
  2. Server/OIDC - Improved error handling in case of invalid format
  3. Server/CSV – faceMask field has been removed from CSV file


  1. OCR - State field wasn’t consistent for certain IDs
  2. Deploy digital detection check v5.0 – improvements in new model
  3. OCR – New alpha3 nationality field has been added for several Argentinian IDs

Update 27/6:

  1. OCR – The digit values from the issueDate field were missing in some cases

ID templates - added support or got fixes for:

  1. American Samoa / DriversLicense / PROVISIONAL_DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2021 - New template supported
  2. Mexico / Nuevo Leon / DriverLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2009 / New template supported
  3. MEXICO - GUERRERO / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 1973 - New template supported
  4. French Polynesia / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2020 - New template supported
  5. United States Of America / Mariana Islands / Other / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2023 / New template supported
  6. Colombia / ResidenceDocument / IMMIGRATION_CARD / 2015 - new template supported
  7. Thailand / Passport / EMERGENCY_PASSPORT / 2023 - New template supported
  8. Iceland / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1997 - new template supported
  9. United States Of America / Other / IDENTIFICATION CARD / 2021 / Document reenrolled from USA|NEW_YORK|IdentificationCard|IDENTIFICATION_CARD|2021 to USA|NEW_YORK|Other|IDENTIFICATION_CARD|2021 to avoid barcode reading (CS request)
  10. Canada - Ontario / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2011 – Segmentation
  11. Canada - Manitoba / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2018 - Segmentation model
  12. Canada - Nova Scotia / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2010 - template improved
  13. Canada - Yukon / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2010 - template improved through Segmentation model
  14. Canada / Newfoundland / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2017 / R1 - Template switched to segmentation apporach, regions stage added as fallback
  15. Canada / Nova Scotia / Identification Card / 2017 - Template switched to segmentation approach + masking , regions stage added as fallback
  16. Mexico - GUERRERO / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1963 - Filters in template improved to improve reading of the fields
  17. United States Of America / Colorado / DriverLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2014 - Template revised, filters adjusted for name adresss field
  18. Venezuela / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2000 - onlyFront enabled and Paper ID liveness enabled on template level
  19. United States of America - NORTH_CAROLINA / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2015 - All fields except DoB redacted
  20. United States Of America / North Carolina / DriverLicense / DRIVER_LICENSEU21/ 2015 / Redact - All personal information except Date of Birth redacted
  21. United States of America - North Carolina / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2014 - redacted regions
  22. United States Of America / North Carolina / Identification Card / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2015 - redact - All personal data except Date of Birth redacted
  23. United States of America - NORTH_CAROLINA / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2008 - All fields except DoB redacted
  24. United States of America - North Carolina / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2016 - redacted regions
  25. United States of America - NORTH_CAROLINA / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2008 - All fields except DoB redacted
  26. United States Of America / North Carolina / DriversLicense / LEARNER_PERMITU21/ 2015 - redact - All personal data except Date of Birth redacted
  27. United States of America - North Carolina / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2015 - Regions with exception to DoB redacted for Age Assurance
  28. United States of America - North Carolina / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2015 - Regions redacted with exception to DoB for Age Assurance
  29. United States of America - North Carolina / DriversLicense / PROVISIONAL_DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2015 - Fields with exception to DoB redacted for Age Assurance
  30. The Philippines / IdentificationCard / EPHIL_CARD / 2023 - General template improvements
  31. United States Of America / Virginia / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2018 - Redact - All personal data except Date of Birth Redacted
  32. United States of America - Mississippi / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2016 - Regions with exception to DoB redacted for Age assurance
  33. United States of America - Mississippi / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2016 - Regions with exception to DoB redacted for Age Assurance
  34. United States Of America / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2018 - Redact - All data except Date Of Birth redacted
  35. United States of America - Mississippi / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2016 - Regions redacted with exception to DoB for Age assurance
  36. United States of America - Mississippi / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2016 - Regions with exception to DoB redacted for Age assurance
  37. United States of America - Mississippi / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2001 - Regions with exception to DoB redacted for Age Assurance
  38. United States of America - Mississippi / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2016 - Regions with exception to DoB redacted for Age Assurance
  39. United States of America - Mississippi / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2016 - Regions with exception to DoB redacted for Age assurance
  40. United States of America - VIRGINIA / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2023 - All fields except DoB redacted.
  41. United States Of America / Virginia / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2023 - Redact - All personal data except Date of Birth redacted
  42. United States of America - Mississippi / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2001 - Regions with exception to DoB redacted for Age Assurance
  43. United States of America - VIRGINIA / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2023 - All fields except DoB redacted
  44. United States of America - Virginia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2018 - Redacted regions
  45. United States of America - Mississippi / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2001 - Regions with exception to DoB redacted for Age Assurance
  46. United States of America - VIRGINIA / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2023 - All fields except DoB redacted.
  47. United States of America - Virginia / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2018 - Redacted regions
  48. United States Of America / Virginia / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT_U21 / 2018 - Redact - All personal data except Date of Birth Redacted
  49. United States of America - VIRGINIA / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2023 - All fields except DoB redacted
  50. United States of America - Mississippi / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2001 - Redacted regions with exception to DoB for Age assurance
  51. United States of America - Virginia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2023 - Redacted regions
  52. United States of America - Mississippi / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT_UNDER_21 / 2001 - Regions with exception to DoB redacted for Age Assurance
  53. United States od America - Virginia / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2018 - Redacted regions
  54. United States of America - Arkansas / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2006 - Redacted regions
  55. United States of America - Texas / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2020 - Redacted regions
  56. United States of America - Texas / dentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - Redacted regions
  57. United States of America - Texas / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2009 – Redact
  58. United States od America - Texas / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2020 - Redacted regions
  59. United States of America - Arkansas / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2020 - Redacted regions
  60. United States of America - Arkansas / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2011 - Redacted regions
  61. United States od America - Arkansas / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2011 - Redacted regions
  62. United States of America - Texas / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2009 - All fields except DoB redacted
  63. United States Of America / Texas / DriversLicense / PROVISIONAL_DROCERS_LICENSEU21 / 2020 - Redact - All data except Date Of Birth redacted
  64. United States of America - Texas / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2020 - All fields except DoB redacted
  65. United States Of America / Texas / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT/ 2020 - Redact - All data except Date Of Birth redacted
  66. United States of America - Texas / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2020 - All fields except DoB redacted
  67. United States Of America / Texas / DriversLicense / LIMITED_TERM_DROCERS_LICENSE / 2020 - Redact - All data except Date Of Birth redacted
  68. United States Of America / Texas / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2002 - Redact - All data except Date Of Birth redacted
  69. United States of America / Arkansas / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2018 - Regions with exception to DoB redacted for Age Assurance
  70. United States of America / Arkansas / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2018 - Regions with exception to DoB redacted for Age Assurance
  71. United States Of America / Texas / IdentificationCard / IdentificationCard / 2002 - Redact - All data except Date Of Birth redacted
  72. United States of America / Arkansas / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2011 - Regions with exception to DoB redacted for Age Assurance
  73. United States of America / Arkansas / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2018 - Regions with exception to DoB redacted for Age Assurance
  74. United States of America / Arkansas / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2015 - Regions with exception to DoB redacted for Age Assurance
  75. CANADA - NEW_BRUNSWICK / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2021 - Template switched to segmentation + masking
  76. Canada - Quebec / MedicalCard / MEDICAL_CARD / 2018 - Gender field is improved
  77. Canada / Alberta / DriverLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2018 - Filters adjusted (name , last name): Document and reference number filed now have dashes present)
  78. Canada - British Columbia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - Alteration check disabled because of stickers over address and to align with similar Canadian IDs. Also filters improved
  79. United States of America - Alabama / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2010 - Inhouse ocr was inserted into the config
  80. United States of America - Ohio / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2018 - Switched from Google to Inhouse OCR
  81. United States of America - New Jersey / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2011 - Template switched to Incode OCR
  82. United States of America - Ohio / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2018 - Switched from Google to Inhouse OCR
  83. United States of America - Tennessee / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2016 - Template switched to Incode OCR
  84. United States of America - Louisiana / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2015 / revision 3 - Inhouse ocr was inserted into the config
  85. Ecuador / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2020 - Anchor and general template improvements
  86. United States of America - New York / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2022 - Switched from Google to Inhouse OCR
  87. United States Of America / Georgia / DriverLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2012 - Inhouse OCR- OCR provider switched to INCODE
  88. Canada / Quebec / MedicalCard / MEDICAL_CARD / 2010 - Template slightly revised, gender and exp. date filed resized , some variation of possible unwanted text filtered out
  89. El Salvador / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2022 - Removed Document number check digits calculation
  90. Greece / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2024 - More samples added and template improved in general
  91. Canada / Nova Scotia / DriverLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2010 / New template supported
  92. Brazil / FederalID / MILITAR_SERVICE_CARD / 2010 - Template improved in general
  93. Vatican / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2013 - New document supported
  94. Northern Cyprus / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2021 - New Document supported
  95. United States Of America / North Carolina / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERIMIT_UNDER21 / 2016 / New document supported
  96. Anguilla / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2021 - New document supported
  97. Singapore / TravelDocument / LONG_TURN_VISIT_PASS - New Document supported. onlyFront enabled on template level
  98. Kenia / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2021 - New document supported
  99. Mexico - GUERRERO / DriversLicense/ DRIVERS_LICENSE/ 1975 - New document supported
  100. United States Of America / North Carolina / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERIMIT_UNDER21 / 2016 - Redact - Regions with exception to DoB redacted for Age assurance

Incode ID:

No tasks in this release cycle

2024 June 12 - planned production deployment

(release notes published 5/6/24, deployment was on Demo environment 5/6/24, originally planned for 4/6/24)

Web app:

  1. Onboarding/Forms – The code for Mexico wasn’t searchable in the flow for Forms module
  2. Onboarding/Face capture - Closed eyes check should be present during Selfie capture
  3. Onboarding/ID capture – The previous failed capture attempt was appearing in the image preview


  1. Dashboard/Session - The use of the inner image zoom wasn't worked
  2. Dashboard/Combined consents - In consent checkboxes should be only support MD type of link
  3. Dashboard/Session – Phone number and email data have been added in the “Other” tab when these modules are in the flow
  4. Dashboard/Forms - Single session view in the module has been updated by new design
  5. Dashboard/Flow – New ‘Store video of ID and face capture in session’ option has been added in the “Create new flow” screen
  6. Dashboard/Face Capture – Face capture thresholds buttons wasn’t aligned
  7. Dashboard - Three dots dropdown menu wasn’t visible when the user has a long name
  8. Dashboard/Provisioning – Error notification has been added when wrong configuration is saved in the module
  9. Dashboard/Provisioning - Toggle should be in active/enabled state if any of modules are enabled
  10. Dashboard/Session - Order of information for Precise location has been changed and updated in the “Other” tab
  11. Dashboard/CMS - Executive with CMS should be able to assign and resolve cases
  12. Dashboard/CMS - Open Case button should be present only for specific admin role
  13. Dashboard/CMS – The UI wasn’t adapted for the long names
  14. Dashboard/Provisioning - The function of locking and unlocking modules for creating flows has been added
  15. Dashboard/Session – “State” in the address wasn’t appear for the eKYC module in the single session
  16. Dashboard/Compliance - After the user is deleted, the event name in the audit logs should not be “user updated”

Update 12/06:

  1. Dashboard/Gov validation – Personal Id field wasn’t present in gov validation tab
  2. Dashboard/Flows – Functional flow url should be present for flows


  1. Server/Session - Aligned checks in Single-Session->ID Verification that are displayed for default flow
  2. Server - Implemented storage of zoomed frames for enhanced analytics.
  3. Server - Implemented storage of OCR confidence values even when the OCR module is not included in Flow/Workflow
  4. Server - Updated omni/start call to accept URLs without http(s) inside "redirectionUrl" field, if validation fails then https:// will be prepended to the redirectionUrl from the omni/start request
  5. Server/CMS - Created omni/cms REST API with new endpoints
  6. Server - Exposed rules for Second ID
  7. Server - Refactored webcam in JS

Update 12/06:

  1. Server/Webhooks - Webhook notification were not been sent
  2. Server/Gov validation - Support gov validation with request body instead of data being obtained from id
  3. Server/OIDC - The client configuration in the Authorization tab could not be saved
  4. Server/OCR – Correct issue date should be present for Jordanian passports
  5. Server/OCR – Additional comma symbol should not be present within OCR
  6. Server/OCR - Numeric characters should be present in the MRZ field for the Russian passports


  1. Wrong number of digits in issueYear and extra symbol in address for mex voter IDs were issues

ID templates - added support or got fixes for:

  1. United States of America - Louisiana / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2001 - New ID supported
  2. Mexico / DriversLicense / FEDERAL_DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2012 - New ID supported
  3. Mexico - ZACATECAS / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2015 - New template supported.
  4. United States Of America / ILLINOIS / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2007 / New Template Supported
  5. Mexico - Guerrero / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2023 - new template supported
  6. Tonga / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2015 - New ID supported
  7. Mauritania / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2015 - New template supported
  8. Hungary / Identification Card / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2022 / New template supported
  9. Peru / IdentificationCard / REFUGEE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2019 - New template supported
  10. Ireland / VoterIdentification / VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - new template supported
  11. Saint-Martin / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2019 - new template supported
  12. Cuba / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2013 - New template supported
  13. Fiji / ALL / VoterIdentification /VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2010 - New template supported
  14. United States of America - Louisiana / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2013 - Regions with exception to DoB redacted for Age Assurance
  15. United States of America - Louisiana / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2015 - All regions except Date of Birth are redacted
  16. United States of America - Louisiana / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2015 - All regions except Date of Birth are redacted
  17. United States of America - Louisiana / DriverLicense / LEARNER _PERMIT / 2015 - All regions except Date of Birth are redacted
  18. United States of America - Louisiana / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2015 - All regions except Date of Birth are redacted
  19. Canada / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2015 - Switched to Incode OCR
  20. Canada - NEW BRUNSWICK / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE/ 2017 - (Incode OCR) - Incode OCR is added into config file,masking removed
  21. United States of America - Louisiana / DriversLicense / LEARNER_PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2015 - All regions except Date of Birth are redacted
  22. United States of America - Louisiana / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2015 - All regions except Date of Birth are redacted
  23. Canada - NEWFOUNDLAND / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE/ 2018 - Incode OCR is added into config file
  24. United Kingdom / Residence Permit / 2021 - Front side and back side switched to embeddings approach(with regions as backup) for better OCR extraction, mrz lines on back extracted via regions only for better results
  25. India / TaxIdentification / TAX_DEPARTMENT / 2019 - Template adjusted to improve name filed reading
  26. Mexico - Tabasco / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2021 - Template is improved
  27. Brazil / ALL / DriversLicense / 2018 - Back side template switched from segmentation to regions approach, address filed on back removed, on front side regions template some modifications to filters (issue authority) made to improve OCR extraction
  28. United States Of America / California / DriverLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE._UNDER 21 / 2018 - Added additional filters to improve OCR extraction, anchors updated
  29. United States of America - Montana / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2016 - All regions except Date of Birth are redacted
  30. United States of America - Montana / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2016 - redacted regions are added
  31. United States of America - Montana / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2008 - All regions except Date of Birth are redacted
  32. United States of America - Montana / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2016 - redacted regions are added
  33. United States Of America / MONTANA / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD _UNDER21 / 2016 - Redact - Redacted all data except Date of Birth REDACT_AGE_ASSURANCE_STAGE added to config file
  34. United States Of America / MONTANA / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2016 - Redact - Redacted all data except Date of Birth. REDACT_AGE_ASSURANCE_STAGE added to config file
  35. United States of America - Montana / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2008 - Regions with exception to DoB redacted for Age Assurance purpose
  36. Israel / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2018 - Regions for all dates, personal and document number has been added
  37. Mexico / VoterIdentification / VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2019 - Filter implemented to removed '⑆' symbol from Address filed
  38. United States of America - Louisiana / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2001 - OCR fields with exception to DoB redacted for Age Assurance project
  39. The Philippines / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2023 - NEW ID supported
  40. Brazil / ALL / FederalID/ / POLICE IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2004 / New template supported
  41. The Philippines / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2017 - Classification and OCR results improved
  42. Peru / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2014 - Paper ID Liveness turned on on Template level
  43. Jamaica / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2013 - Paper ID Liveness turned on on Template level
  44. Brazil / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2018 - Paper ID Liveness turned on on Template level
  45. Brazil / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2010 - Paper ID Liveness turned on on Template level
  46. Haiti / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2014 - Paper ID Liveness turned on on Template level
  47. Dominican Republic/ Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2014 - Paper ID Liveness turned on on Template level
  48. Uruguay / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2014 - Paper ID Liveness turned on on Template level
  49. Madagascar / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2016 - Reading of DoB field has been improved
  50. United States of America / Other / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1972 - new template supported
  51. Philippines / MedicalCard / MEDICAL_CARD / 2010 - Tamper check is disabled
  52. Phillipines / Medical Card / MEDICAL CARD / 2009 - Tamper check disabled at config level
  53. Mexico - Guerrero / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1951 - New template supported
  54. Trinidad and Tobago / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2006 - new template supported
  55. Federated States of Micronesia / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2019 - new template supported
  56. Saint Lucia / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2013 - New template supported
  57. Belize / DriverLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2022 / New template supported
  58. Mexico - Quintana Roo / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2004 - New ID supported
  59. United States Of America / Other / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICaTION_CARD / 1993 / New template supported
  60. Mauritania / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - new template supported
  61. Kenya / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2023 - new template supported
  62. United States of America - California / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2018 - Anchors and reading for name and address field improved

Update 12/06:

  1. Paper ID Liveness is enabled at the template level for several documents

Incode ID:

Note: No tasks in this release cycle

Update 12/06:

  1. Incode ID - The copy link should return the proper verification URL
  2. Incode ID - City and state should be received when using /omni/userinfo endpoint

2024 May 29 - planned production deployment

(release notes published 24/5/24, deployment was on Demo environment 24/5/24, originally planned for 22/5/24)

Web app:

  1. Onboarding/eKYC – Phone validation wasn’t functional within ekyc module
  2. Onboarding/Combined consents – New field “optional” instead of mandatory field should be present in the combined consents module
  3. Onboarding/Face capture - User wasn't able to capture a selfie after the first capture failed on specific devices
  4. Onboarding/Face capture - Face detection for phones without zoom feature has been improved

Update 30/5/24:

  1. Onboarding/ID capture – User wasn’t able to pass back id capture because of blurry image after 1st failed attempt
  2. Onboarding/Flow – Flow URL wasn’t functional for specific flows


  1. Dashboard/Face match – Check face exif for software modification checkbox wasn’t present in the face match module
  2. Dashboard/Session - Capture attempts wasn’t present for second id in the id verification tab
  3. Dashboard/Provisioning – New government verification – provisioning module has been added
  4. Dashboard/Configuration – Make optional flag for every checkbox wasn’t present in the consents section
  5. Dashboard/Cross Checks - New “exact” match option has been added for cross checks.
  6. Dashboard - Last release timestamp information has been added and visible in three dots menu under logout
  7. Dashboard/Session – New “business” tab has been added in the session
  8. Dashboard/OIDC - Two new fields “oktaIssueUrl” and “oktaApiToken” have been added to Client Configuration window


  1. Server/OIDC - Added crud for new Okta issue url and okta api token okta fields for client registration
  2. Server - Added functionality to return verification details to okta
  3. Server/OCR - Consolidated pdf417 checks into one under id quality tests
  4. Server/OCR - Introduced new threshold for document number crosscheck for colombian ids
  5. Server/Configuration - Replaced “make mandatory” check with “make optional” check in configuration->consents
  6. Server/eKYC - Fixed ekyc in frontend not handling dob error
  7. Server/Antifraud - Added option to ignore sessions with the same externalId
  8. Server/OCR - Fixed country ARE residence card wrong document side detection
  9. Server/OCR - Implemented country code cross-checking to support both alpha-2 and alpha-3 formats
  10. Server/OCR - Fixed document number valid bug for colombian ids
  11. Server/Okta – Information from OKTA should be used for support and troubleshooting
  12. Server/Antifraud - The logic of changes by thresholds has been improved

Update 28/05/24:

  1. Server - enabled paper id liveness for particular templates - passport


  1. Fake Id check was missing for some document templates
  2. New real ID check has been added

ID templates - added support or got fixes for:

  1. Papua New Guinea / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2015 - New ID supported
  2. Ghana / ALL / TravelDocument / CONSULAR_CARD / 2023 / New template supported
  3. United States of America - Texas / DriversLicense / LIMITED_TERM_DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2020 - new template supported
  4. United States of America - US_DEPARTMENT_OF_DEFENSE/ Military / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_ALLAGES / 2021 - Front config file made so we can recognized this type of document and reject it.
  5. Finland / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2006 - Configs have been created in order to reject sessions since this document has expired
  6. Brazil / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2023 - New Passport supported
  7. American Samoa / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2023 - New template supported
  8. United States Of America / New Jersey / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2011 - Filters added to document number and reference number filed (annotation and labelling tool)
  9. United States Of America / Florida / DriversLicense / TEMPORARY_DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2017 - Added filter on Document Number field to improve OCR extraction
  10. Canada / Other / INDIDAN_STATUS_CERTIFICATE 2007 / Merge - CAN|ALL|Other|INDIAN_STATUS_CERTIFICATE|2008 was merged with this template. Template updated to accommodate both document versions
  11. Chile / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2013 - Nationality field is improved
  12. Myanmar / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2023 - New template supported
  13. Norway / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2023 - New template supported
  14. Mexico / VoterIdentification / VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2019 - IssuedAt fixes. IssuedAt is no longer present in notExtractedField
  15. Mexico / VoterIdentification / VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2014 - IssuedAt fixes. IssuedAt is no longer present in notExtractedField
  16. Mexico / VoterIdentification / VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2013 - IssuedAt fixes. IssuedAt is no longer present in notExtractedField.
  17. Mexico / VoterIdentification / VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2008 - IssuedAt fixes. IssuedAt is no longer present in notExtractedField
  18. Philippines / IdentificationCard / UMID_CARD / 2002 - Document number changed to reference number.
  19. Cyprus/ Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2010 - Paper liveness has been enabled.

Incode ID:

  1. Incode ID – “State” field should be present in webhook response

2024 May 21 - planned production deployment

(release notes published 15/5/24, deployment was on Demo environment 15/5/24, originally planned for 14/5/24)

Web app:

  1. Onboarding/User consent - Text in the module has been updated by new design
  2. Onboarding/eKYC – ekyc “surname” label has been changed to the “last name” label for us ekyc
  3. Onboarding/eKYC – State field is searchable and scrollable for us ekyc
  4. Onboarding - Focus should be visible on every screen for WCAG 2.1 level AA accessibility standards
  5. Onboarding/ID capture - “Need help” element should be selectable for WCAG 2.1 level AA accessibility standards
  6. Onboarding/Video Selfie - When passport is captured in id capture, back id should not be expected in video selfie
  7. Onboarding/User consent – “Continue” button should be functional for low-end android devices
  8. Onboarding/Video Selfie - Tutorial steps should reflect correct configuration


  1. Dashboard/Rules - eKYC section is searchable and scrollable with all the rules related to eKYC in the Rules Engine
  2. Dashboard/Redirection from desktop to mobile_QR scan – Minor typo has been corrected on the QR scan screen
  3. Dashboard/Sessions - Session action buttons have been moved to the left
  4. Dashboard/Provisioning – New filters “government_verification_providers_updated” and “general_provisioning_settings_updated” have been added in Compliance tab
  5. Dashboard/ID capture – Tooltip for age assurance checkbox has been added
  6. Dashboard/ID capture – If Age assurance is checked, Only Front should be automatically selected
  7. Dashboard/Modules – New Combined consents module has beed added
  8. Dashboard/Configuration – New consents tab has been added in the configuration section
  9. Dashboard/Session - Data from geolocation module should be present in the location section in “other” tab


  1. Server/eKYB - Exposed all the NOMES within SOCIOS in our Incode API response to see the full list of UBOs for Brazil
  2. Server/CSV - Exposed applied rules in the CSV export with new columns
  3. Server/Antifraud - Added support in antifraud endpoint for tracking history of changes
  4. Server/Global Watchlist - Added a new watchlist endpoint for business
  5. Server/eKYC - Added a new endpoint for fetching input data
  6. Server/Compliance - Add new events into security audit table when changing configuration in Provisioning
  7. Server/Provisioning - Added “Become Digital” as a Government Validation Provider for country Colombia
  8. Server/eKYB - Enabled UBOs for all countries and switched all data comparisons from first API call to second API call
  9. Server - Cleaned CustomerService & CustomerRepository by removing unused methods
  10. Server/Phone number input - Upgraded phone format to support latest version
  11. Server - Added fraudRisk execution condition
  12. Server/Compliance - Implemented hard limitation for CSV export to 10 000 rows that can be exported for executive events
  13. Server/User consent - Added endpoint to fetch user consent data in single-session
  14. Server/CMS - Changed the logic of case resolution to not affect session score associated with a case
  15. Server/Antifraud - Fixed name and surname position issue
  16. Server/eKYB - UBO Name Match button is hidden in single-session

Update 20/5/24:

  1. Server/SMS - Link send by SMS should be functional


  1. Id-validation-service: 2.6.0 release includes new model improvements

Update 20/5/24:

  1. Id-validation-service: 2.7.0 release includes new model improvements

ID templates - added support or got fixes for:

  1. United States of America / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2006 - Paper ID liveness enabled on template level
  2. United States of America / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2020 - Paper ID liveness enabled on template level
  3. Mexico / VoterIdentificationCard / VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2014 - Template switched to MEX OCR + Segmentation.
  4. Mexico / IdentificationCard / VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2019 - Template is switched to Incode (Mexican) OCR + Segmentation model.
  5. Mexico / VoterIdentificationCard / VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2008 - Template switched to MEX OCR + Segmentation for the front side and MEX OCR + Regions for the back side.
  6. Mexico / VoterIdentificationCard / VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2014 - Template switched to MEX OCR + Segmentation.
  7. United States of America /Alabama / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2010/ Airbnb - seg - Classification improved and template switched to entity segmentation approach.
  8. Poland / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2019 - Personal number crosscheck parsing resolved and template fields improved.

Update 20/5/24:

  1. Kiribati / Passport / National Passport / 2013 / New template supported
  2. Tuvalu / Passport / National passport / 2021 - new document supported
  3. Tunis / DriverLicense / DriverLicense / 2012 / New template supported
  4. Saint Lucia / ALL / Passport / NATIONAL PASSPORT / 2023 - New template supported
  5. Uruguay / Visa / Visa / 2023 - new document supported
  6. United States of America - Utah / DriversLicense / PRIVILEGE_CARD / 2022 - New template supported
  7. Mexico - Quintana Roo / Drvers license / Drvers license / 2001 - new document supported
  8. Russia / IdentificationCard / TEMPORARY_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2024 - new template supported
  9. Bolivia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2001 - Document number improvements
  10. Canada - Manitoba / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2009 - filters have been added to some fields in annotation tool
  11. Canada - SASKATCHEWAN / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2017 - filters have been added to some fields
  12. Canada - British Columbia / Identification card / Identification card / 2020 - all fields updated
  13. Canada / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2023 - template improved
  14. CANADA - British Columbia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2021 - Filters has been improved in template in order to have better performances.
  15. Canada / British Columbia / DriverLicence / Learner Drivers Licence / 2002 - Filters added, unique words changed
  16. Ecuador / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - front side is switched to Segmentation model
  17. Canada Northwest territories / Drivers license / Drivers license / 2020 - all fields updated
  18. Canada / Identification card / Canadian Citizenship card / 2002 - all fields updated
  19. Canada / Other / FIREARMS_LICENSE / 2020 - Full name is divided into first and last name
  20. Israel / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2018 - Full Name separated into Latin name (still Full Name) and Native name
  21. Canada - Ontario / Other / BIRTH_CERTIFICATE / 2010 - template improved
  22. Qatar / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2008 - Native name support added to Arabic name
  23. Bahrein / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2024 - Native Name filed added on the template.
  24. Sudan / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2018 - added non-latin field - Native name
  25. United Arab Emirates / Passport / National passport / 2011 - native name field added
  26. Oman / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2014 - Native name support added
  27. Libya / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2014 - the native name field is added
  28. Saudi Arabia / Passport / Diplomatic passport / 2003 - native name field added
  29. Saudi Arabia / Passport / National passport / 2007 - native name field added
  30. Algeria / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2012 - the native name field is added
  31. Bahrein / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2010 - Template improved and native name field added.
  32. Mauritania / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2021 - the native name is added
  33. Saudi Arabia / Passport / National Passport / 2022 - native name field added
  34. Canada / Residence document / Residence permit / 2009 - all fields updated
  35. Mauritania / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2018 - the native name field is added
  36. Jordan / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2008 - Native name support added for arabic name
  37. Egypt / Passport / National passport / 2008 - native name field added
  38. Morocco / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2009 - the native name field is added
  39. Kuwait / Passport / National passport / 2016 - native name field added
  40. Yemen / Passport / National passport / 2013 - native name field added
  41. Jordan / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2016 - Native name support for arabic name added
  42. Lebanon / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2017 - Native name support added for arabic name
  43. Tunisia / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2003 - the native name field is added
  44. Iraq / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2017 - Anchor improved and native name added.
  45. Iraq / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2011 - Native Name filed added on the template and filters improved.
  46. Libya / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2010 - Native name support for Arabic name added
  47. Palestine / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2009 - Native name support added for Arabic name
  48. Syria / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2010 - Native Name filed added on the template and filters improved.
  49. Syria / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2023 - Anchor improved and Native Name field added on template.
  50. Australia - Tasmania / IdentficiationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2023 - Removed positional embeddings support
  51. Great Britain / IdentificationCard / CITIZENCARD / 2021 - Both sides of the template switched to the segmentation.
  52. United States of America - Idaho / Identification card / Identification card under21 /2023 - Template switched to the segmentation
  53. Canada / New Brunswick / Medical Card / 2010 - Template switched to regions approach , stage Last Name First added to present full name in correct way
  54. Colombia / IdentificationCARD / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2000 - Classification updated via Unique words (consequential improvement to gender field)
  55. Columbia / IdentificationCard / MINORS_ID / 2008 - document classification updated, document subtype changed from IDENTIFICATION_CARD to MINORS_ID
  56. Canada / Alberta / Identification Card / Enhanced Identification Card / 2023 - New template supported
  57. Colombia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2008 - Unique words reworked to improve classification (gender and blood type updates)
  58. Canada / Passport / National Passport / 2007 - all fields updated
  59. Argentina / Identification Card / DIGITAL_IDENTITY_CARD / 2019 - Added template for back side (one sided document disable on config level) and front side template improved in general way.
  60. Panama / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD/ 2023 - Filters have been improved and one additional date pattern added.
  61. FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1993 - filters on the front are changed

Incode ID:

  1. Incode Id - Special characters should not be allowed in “alias” field in “integrations” page

Update 20/5/24:

  1. Incode ID - ‘Continue’ button should be enabled after entering non registered phone number
  2. Incode ID - The toggle buttons should be present in the Communication Preferences section in the Privacy Center

2024 April 29 - planned production deployment

Update 3/05/24: new date for production release is 9/5/24

Update 7/5/24: new date for production release is 8/5/24

(release notes published 24/4/24, deployment was on Demo environment 24/4/24, originally planned for 23/4/24)

Note: Release date may be subject to change due to internal reorganization

Web app:

  1. Onboarding/Flow – “Try again” button has been removed from all expired sessions
  2. Onboarding/Face capture – The face zoom during face capture should not be present on specific devices
  3. Onboarding/OTP - The combobox element should be present and functional for WCAG 2.1 level AA accessibility standards
  4. Onboarding/Flow - The language selection should be customized for WCAG 2.1 level AA accessibility standards

Update 3/05/24:

  1. Incode Workforce - Self-Serve MFA Reset Action
  2. Incode Workforce - Self-Serve Reset Actions Page
  3. Incode Workforce - Self-Serve Reset Landing Page & Login Experience
  4. Incode Workforce - Self-Serve Password Recovery Action


  1. Dashboard/Identites tab – The headers in the identity authentications table will be displayed as configured on the authentication tab
  2. Dashboard/ Compliance – Export csv file in the audit log view can be downloaded by particular roles.
  3. Dashboard/eKYC – The proper UI text for ekyc results in the session should be present
  4. Dashboard/Session – New single session should be opened with right click on session table row
  5. Dashboard/NFC module – New “Display document ocr data confirmation screen before the first nfc scan” check is added in the nfc module
  6. Dashboard/Antifraud – Text in risk tab for antifraud module should not be misspelled
  7. Dashboard/New Manual Session – The photo upload option has been removed from the new manual session
  8. Dashboard/Authentications – Authentication url should be erased from dashboard when the value is cleared

Update 3/05/24:

  1. Dashboard - New “Request Verification” Dashboard page for Incode Workforce
  2. Dashboard - New “Integrations” Dashboard page for Incode Workforce
  3. Dashboard - New “Settings” Dashboard page for Incode Workforce


  1. Server/Sessions - Fixed missing liveness fields in exported csv from single-session
  2. Server/eKYB - Fixed bug where ekyb api responses erroneously returned "approximate match" for directors & UBOs with blank input
  3. Server - Changed from number to alphanumeric value for sms messages
  4. Server/ID Validation - Introduced new fields in id validation configuration to facilitate new "Fake id check"
  5. Server - Enabled by default new mechanism field for failing session when modules are unprocessed on new organizations
  6. Server - Crosscheck process endpoint is no longer mandatory to be called since now it's executed automatically on finish status
  7. Server/Antifraud - Improved number crosschecks by ignoring special characters in fuzzyDistance for cic check
  8. Server - Added new beta government verification module
  9. Server/OCR - Fixed parsing document and personal number for Congo documents
  10. Server/Government Validation - Refactored gov val module in order to add new government verification module
  11. Server/Face Authentication - Added nationalNumber as a new optional parameter for 1:1 Face Authentication api endpoints
  12. Server/Provisioning - Added a new layer of UI to add antifraud module inside provisioning tab to make configurations visible and more easy-to-implement

Update 3/05/24:

  1. Incode Workforce - support for web & dashboard parts
  2. Incode Workforce - Slack Integration
  3. Incode Workforce - Zoom Integration


  1. PoA – Dates should be present for particular fields for izzi poa sample
  2. Fake ID check – The new check is supported within the dashboard for some countries
  3. Constrained model - Square images should be processed as a portrait
  4. Incode OCR – Improvements for mexican ids

ID templates added support or got fixes for:

  1. United States of America / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2006 - Paper ID liveness enabled on template level
  2. United States of America / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2020 - Paper ID liveness enabled on template level
  3. Mexico / VoterIdentificationCard / VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2014 - Template switched to MEX OCR + Segmentation
  4. Mexico / IdentificationCard / VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2019 - Template is switched to Incode (Mexican) OCR + Segmentation model
  5. Mexico / VoterIdentificationCard / VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2008 - Template switched to MEX OCR + Segmentation for the front side and MEX OCR + Regions for the back side
  6. Mexico / VoterIdentificationCard / VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2014 - Template switched to MEX OCR + Segmentation
  7. United States of America /Alabama / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2010/ Airbnb - seg - Classification improved and template switched to entity segmentation approach
  8. Poland / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2019 - Personal number crosscheck parsing resolved and template fields improved
  9. Congo / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2019 - new template supported
  10. United States of America - Utah / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2016 - redact - added new redact implementation for all fields except DoB that can be controlled from flow or web-flow
  11. United States of America - Utah / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2021 - redact - added new redact implementation for all fields except DoB that can be controlled from flow or web-flow
  12. United States of America - Utah / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2016 - redact - added new redact implementation for all fields except DoB that can be controlled from flow or web-flow
  13. United States of America - Utah / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2023 - redact - added new redact implementation for all fields except DoB that can be controlled from flow or web-flow
  14. United States of America - Utah / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2006 Redact stage set is REDACT_AGE_ASSURANCE_STAGE
  15. United States of America - Utah / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2016 - All fields except DOB are redacted
  16. United States of America - Utah / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2006 - All fields except Date of Birth are redacted
  17. United States of America - Utah / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2021 - All fields except Date of Birth are redacted
  18. United States of America - Utah / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2021 - All fields except Date of Birth are redacted
  19. Canada - Prince Edward Island / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2010/ New template supported
  20. Great Britain / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2015/rev2 - Name filed reading has been improved
  21. United Arab Emirates / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2011 - added non-latin field for extraction of name
  22. United Arab Emirates / ResidenceDocument / GOLDEN_CARD / 2022/ rev2 - Native name field added
  23. United Arab Emirates / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2021/ rev2 - Native name field added
  24. United Arab Emirates / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT/ 2000 - added non-latin field for extraction of full name

Incode Id:

  1. Incode ID - Incode branding color should be present in the svg and animations

2024 April 17 - planned production deployment

(release notes published 10/4/24, deployment was on Demo environment 10/4/24, originally planned for 9/4/24)

Web app:

  1. Onboarding/Face authentication - Meet WCAG 2.1 level AA accessibility standards
  2. Onboarding – The color button has been updated with a new design for WCAG 2.1 level AA accessibility standards
  3. Onboarding/ID capture - Select document screen should be read automatically for WCAG 2.1 level AA accessibility standards
  4. Onboarding/ID capture - Camera access options should be clickable for WCAG 2.1 level AA accessibility standards
  5. Onboarding/PoA - Meet WCAG 2.1 level AA accessibility standards
  6. Onboarding/OTP – Text in the module has been updated by new design


  1. Dashboard/Configuration tab – Webhook custom header fields are updated with a new design
  2. Dashboard/OIDC - Login_hint is added in authorize generated URL format
  3. Dashboard/Side bar - Configure table view option has been added for sessions, authentications, custom watchlist and identities tab
  4. Dashboard/Sessions - Delete sessions and identities should only be available to admin roles
  5. Dashboard/Side bar - The label is changed to “Download Template CSV” in the custom watchlist tab
  6. Dashboard/Identities – Issues should not be present when opening older identities
  7. Dashboard/Modules – Face recogntion check has been moved from face capture module to face match and vs module
  8. Dashboard/Users – Activity log has been refactored and events should only be displayed for the selected user


  1. Server - Introduced new mechanism for keeping track of processed modules during onboarding
  2. Server/eKYB - Added fallback search for Canada as waterfall implementation approach
  3. Server/eKYC - Updated ekyc response when taxId or namematch is fuzzy
  4. Server/eKYC - Added source field for ekyc us
  5. Server - Added utah documents for redaction
  6. Server - Implemented SMS rate limiting
  7. Server/Custom watchlist - Added inclusive watchlists types to batch upload
  8. Server/CMS (Case management ystem) - Applied changes from design feedback
  9. Server/Compliance - Implemented export to CSV functionality that creates a .csv file with the record-level details
  10. Server - Improved document number logic for Wisconsin DLs [US]
  11. Server/Videoselfie - Added new VS events when videoselfie ToS is not accepted
  12. Server/Flows - Removed checks and excluded checks arrays through migration and refactoring of flows
  13. Server/OCR - Fixed incorrectly parsed name on INE docs
  14. Server - Moved crosschecks to be executed automatically in finish call for flows
  15. Server/OCR - Added new expiration year field for mex voter IDs
  16. Server/OCR - Fixed document number crosscheck for mex voter IDs


  1. Deploy digital detection check v4.0 – improvements in new model

ID templates added support or got fixes for:

  1. Luxembourg / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2021 - New template supported
  2. United States Of America - North Dakota / Drivers license / Temporary Drivers license / 2023 - new document supported
  3. Brazil / FederalId / DIGITAL_IDENTITY_CARD / 2021 - New ID supported
  4. Colombia / ResidenceDocument / TEMPORARY_PROTECTION_PERMIT / 2020 / template reenrolled - it has new subtype (the name of the config and template is changed)
  5. Colombia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2008 - ID subtype classification reverted, now it’s IDENTIFICATION_CARD iso MINORS_ID
  6. Colombia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - Classification of Subtype changed back to IDENTIFICATION_CARD iso IDENTIFICATION_CARD_A
  7. Colombia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2000 - ID classification subtype reverted to IDENTIFICATION_CARD iso IDENTIFICATION_CARD_B
  8. Colombia / Residence Document / Immigration Card / 2014 / Reenrollment - Template reenrolled and renamed
  9. Uganda / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2018 - Improvement to Name field
  10. Gabon / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2013 - Name and Issuing authority improved
  11. Bangladesh / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2017 - Fixed an issue where Name would return wrong Data when First name is missing. General improvements

Incode Id:

  1. Incode ID – Configuration has been redesigned
  2. Incode ID – Webhook custom headers have been redesigned
  3. Incode ID – Primary color from Flow configuration should be used as brand color in the Incode ID app
  4. Incode ID – “Back to Wallet” button has been removed from verification success / complete screen
  5. Incode ID – Mini apps authentication has beed added
  6. Incode ID – Error state should not be present in any redirect uuid case

2024 April 03 - planned production deployment

(release notes published 28/3/24, deployment was on Demo environment 28/3/24, originally planned for 26/3/24)

Web app:

  1. Onboarding/Video Selfie - Fixed glitch that was appearing after front camera was opened
  2. Onboarding/Video Selfie - Processing screen is shown for back id
  3. Onboarding/ID capture - Meet WCAG 2.1 level AA accessibility standards
  4. Onboarding/Video Selfie - Meet WCAG 2.1 level AA accessibility standards
  5. Onboarding/OTP - Meet WCAG 2.1 level AA accessibility standards
  6. Onboarding/ID capture – Added support for onboarding via Opera/Brave browsers
  7. Onboarding/Redirect to Mobile - SMS expiration message is returned to Desktop redirect screen
  8. Onboarding/Redirect to Mobile – Expiration of SMS link can be configured in the Configuration tab


  1. Dashboard/MFA - Support for pasting OTP is added
  2. Dashboard/Forms - Refactored mapping logic for predefined questions
  3. Dashboard/Session – Tooltips for applied rules panel implementation are added
  4. Dashboard/Provisioning – Configuration option for feature enabling is added
  5. Dashboard/Sessions - Searchable select for flow filters is added in the Sessions tab
  6. Dashboard/Identities - New label “National ID Number” is added in the Identities tab withing General information section
  7. Dashboard/Compliance – New event “WATCH_LISTS_ENTRY_CREATED” is added in Audit logs filter


  1. Server/eKYC – Added support for both lower case and upper case country code for all eKYC countries
  2. Server/eKYB - Added support for both lower case and upper case country code for all eKYB countries
  3. Server - Security User Audit log now includes events for data deletion
  4. Server/OCR – Added support for address from backside of AUS DL
  5. Server/eKYB – Added pre-fixes support for spain entries
  6. Server/eKYB – added error message response for taxId of german entries
  7. Server/eKYB – Added support for new regions (Nigeria, Kenya, Cameroon)
  8. Server/Colombian ID – Improved birth date validity check for Colombian ID
  9. Server/Global Watchlist – Added subscribed flag to interview
  10. Server/OIDC – Adjusted login_hint parameter
  11. Server/NFC – Exposed NFC face match result in rules
  12. Server/OIDC – Introduced new endpoint to get all flows basic info in oidc server
  13. Server/ID Validation – Added severity levels for age verification with face/DoB crosscheck
  14. Server/CMS (Case Management System) – Added support for “closedBy” and “typeOfId” fields
  15. Server/OIDC – Removed webSDK dependancy
  16. Server/Face Login – Made liveness-stat API work without API key in the header
  17. Server/OIDC – Added error handling per RFC6749
  18. Server – Implemented flow modules order in /onboarding/flow
  19. Server/Videoselfie – Fixed getVoiceConsent phrase get answer instead of question
  20. Server - Blocked process/approve and finish/status from multiple simultaneous calls
  21. Server/OIDC - Added new “National ID Number” login hint type in the OIDC Client Configuration
  22. Server - Added processing logic for nationalNumber for Identity creation
  23. Server - Improved document number logic for Michigan DLs


  1. Id-validation-service: 2.5.0 release includes new model improvements

ID templates added support or got fixes for:

  1. United States of America - Guam / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 - new ID supported
  2. United States of America - Alaska / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2014 - new template supported
  3. United States of America - Michigan / Drivers license / Enhanced Drivers license / 2024 - new document supported
  4. Canada - British Columbia / Other / Tribal Identification card / 2015 - new document supported
  5. United States of America - Michigan / Drivers license / Drivers license under21 / 2024 - new document supported
  6. Cayman Islands / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2015 - New ID supported
  7. Cayman Islands / Passport / National Passport / 2020 - new document supported
  8. Germany / ResidenceDocument / FICTIONAL_CERTIFICATE / 2024 - New template supported
  9. United States of America - Colorado / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2022 - template improved using the Segmentation model with masking
  10. Poland / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2015 - Personal number parsing from MRZ improved
  11. United States of America - District of Columbia / Identification card / Identification card / 2023 - front side switched to segmentation
  12. Tunisia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2008 - date pattern is improved
  13. Greece / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2020 - Template switched to the segmentation.
  14. United States of America / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT_UNDER21 / 2017 - template improved using Segmentation model with masking + regions as fallback
  15. Ireland / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2015 - Classification and template improvements
  16. Ukraine / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2021 - full name improved
  17. Latvia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2019 - Name filter improvements, general back side improvements
  18. Australia - NEW_SOUTH_WALES / DriversLicense/ DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2015 - extraction through segmentation approach added for sticker address on back side
  19. Spain / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2015 - front side is switched to Segmentation model
  20. Mexico / Jalisco / DriversLicense / DriversLicense / 2018 - Front side template switched to segmentation
  21. Mexico / Jalisco / DriversLicense / DriversLicense / 2021 - Front side template switched to segmentation
  22. Spain / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2021 - Front side is switched to Segmentation model
  23. Mexico / Jalisco / DriversLicense / DriversLicense / 2021 - Front side template switched to segmentation
  24. France / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2021 - front side is switched to Segmentation
  25. Mexico / Queretaro / DriversLicense / DriversLicense / 2017 - Front side template switched to Segmentation model
  26. United Kingdom / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2015 - front side is switched to Segmentation model
  27. United States Of America / Residence Document / Permanent Residence Card / 2027 - Front side template switched to Segmentation model
  28. United States of America - USCIS / ResidenceDocument / PERMANENT_RESIDENT_CARD_ALLAGES / 2010 - Front switched to entity_segmentation, general improvements
  29. United Kingdom / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2022 - front side is switched to Segmentation model
  30. United States of America - US_DEPARMENT_OF_STATE / TravelDocument / VISA_B1_B2 / 2021 - Switched to entity_segmentation, general improvements
  31. Australia - Tasmania / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2015 - Switched to entity_segmentation, general improvements
  32. Italy / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2013 - Switched to entity_segmentation, general improvements
  33. Mexico - CDMX / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2014 - Switched to entity_segmentation, general improvements
  34. United Kingdom / Drivers license / Provisional drivers license / 2015 - front side switched to segmentation
  35. Mexico - CDMX / Drivers license / Drivers license / 2005 - front side switched to segmentation
  36. Mexico - Coahuila / Drivers license / Drivers license / 2020 - front side switched to segmentation
  37. Australia / Western Australia / Drivers Licence / Dirvers Licence / 2016 - Back side template switched back to regions approach
  38. United States of America - New York / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2017 - switched to entity_segmentation, general improvements
  39. Colombia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_B (IDENTIFICATION_CARD) / 2000 - nationalNumber marked
  40. Colombia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_A (IDENTIFICATION_CARD) / 2020 - nationalNumber marked
  41. Australia - New South Wales / Drivers license / Learners permit / 2015 - address on the back supported
  42. Australia / New South Wales / Drivers License / Provisional Drivers License / 2015 - Back side template switched to segmentation approach.

Incode Id:

  1. Incode ID - Wrapper with clients and incode logo are removed within header
  2. Incode ID – Clients Full logo can be configured and present in the app header
  3. Incode ID - Spanish translation on the ID capture tutorial screen is updated
  4. Incode ID - Error screen appears If a user with the same phone or email already exists
  5. Incode ID - The footer image has been updated on the desktop redirect screen
  6. Incode ID - The desktop redirect screen has been redesigned
  7. Incode ID - Incode ID configuration tab has been removed from Dashboard’s Configuration page
  8. Incode ID – New “Customize” section is added in the Configuration tab

2024 March 20 - planned production deployment

(release notes published 14/3/24, deployment was on Demo environment 14/3/24, originally planned for 12/3/24)

Web app:

  1. Onboarding/Conference – The user wasn’t able to send a message to the executive during the Conference
  2. Onboarding/Video Selfie - The selfie frame wasn’t appear when back camera is opened
  3. Onboarding/Video Selfie – The proper text wasn’t present when switching to front camera
  4. Onboarding/E-mail – First letter shouldn’t be capitalized
  5. Onboarding/eKYC – Canada is added to drop down menu

Update 25/3/24:

  1. Onboarding/Video Selfie - ‘Switching to Back Camera’ should not show at the end of VS if Voice Consent is disabled
  2. Onboarding/Video Selfie – Update for the text from Video Selfie questions based on newer design


  1. Dashboard/Custom Watchlist - Expiry date can be removed and it wasn’t able to set in the past
  2. Dashboard/Forms – “What is your name?” as predefined question is added to the top of the list
  3. Dashboard/Instant BAV – Events were multiplicated in the event log
  4. Dashboard/Forms - YES/NO questions were shown in the onboarding and on the dashboard
  5. Dashboard/Forms - Country code is converted to the country name
  6. Dashboard/Custom Watchlist - Submitting the Custom Watchlist entry with ID number or name only are allowed
  7. Dashboard/Session – New Label "FURTHER INSIGHTS" is present in Risk tab for Global Watchlist results
  8. Dashboard/Flows - New operators are added to the rule engine in Watchlist section (for global watchlist)
  9. Dashboard/Flows – New (next) rule can be added without using “add” button in rule engine
  10. Dashboard/Session – Tooltip - Adapted explanation for barcode check
  11. Dashboard/Sessions - Completed sessions with status Pending/manually approved/manually failed keep their original completed status and can be filtered properly
  12. Dashboard/Session - Zoom view for Face recognition images has been implemented
  13. Dashboard/Forms - Rules related to all questions are added on the dashboard side with a proper operator
  14. Dashboard/Forms - new selector type COUNTRYCODE is added in the rule engine
  15. Dashboard/Forms - The DATE operator is added for the “What is your Birth Date” Form entry and for the “Birth Date” modules
  16. Dashboard/Forms - New selector ANSWER is added in the rule engine
  17. Dashboard/Forms - New selector Yes/No is added in the rule engine
  18. Dashboard/Session – New “Unsubscribe” button is added in the Risk tab section for the global watchlist results
  19. Dashboard/Forms - The order of the questions matches the order configured in the Flow configuration
  20. Dashboard/User - An executive user wasn’t able to see the single session view
  21. Dashboard/Rules – New check “Evaluate All Rules Additionally” is added and checkbox is unchecked by default
  22. Dashboard/Session – Rules panel overview has been implemented in the session for applied rule

Update 25/3/24:

  1. Dashboard/Rules - Editing one rule should not delete another


  1. Server/OIDC – Added error messages handling per RFC6749 to be properly displayed by relying party
  2. Server/Global Watchlist – Implemented if form input is present for Name and DoB to use that information for processing Global Watchlist
  3. Server/Videoselfie – Implemented video quality “hasAudio” and “hasVideo” checks to impact session score
  4. Server/Videoselfie – Added new options “Max video selfie execution time in seconds” and “Allow Video Quality results to affect score” in Video Selfie module configuration
  5. Server - Keep session status as Completed when score status is Manual Pending
  6. Server/OIDC – Re-evaluated CSRF protection mechanisms
  7. Server – Created endpoint for Dashboard only to return all rules executed on the session
  8. Server/Forms – Evaluated Country and Date for multiple rules and case sensitivity
  9. Server/Forms – Save and return answers in order by which questions are added in the module
  10. Server/Forms – Use name, date of birth, document number, CPF via Forms for government verification if available
  11. Server – Updated response of omni/onboarding/flow with missing parameters from SELFIE, FACE_MATCH, DOCUMENT_CAPTURE and VIDEO_ONBOARDING
  12. Server/Workflows – Removed manual review status rule for workflows
  13. Server/Rules – Introduced new section for Government Verification rules
  14. Server/Workflows – Removed Antifraud check result from rules
  15. Server/OCR – Fixed ocr extraction from mrz
  16. Server/ID Capture - Migrated "Enable ID" and "Enable passport" to new accepted documents logic (for displaying)
  17. Server/Rules - Implemented logic and endpoint for evaluating all rules on demand
  18. Server - Refactored request parameters for processing digital ID

Update 25/3/24:

  1. Server/CSV - New liveness scores integration and added new fields within csv file. Column "liveness.livenessscore.status" renamed to "liveness.physicalattack.status"
  2. Server/Users - Fixed limited visibility feature for Executive user


  1. Id-validation-service: 2.4.0 release includes new model improvements

ID templates added support or got fixes for:

  1. China / Visa / VISA / 2002 - New template supported
  2. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2022 - New template supported
  3. United States of America - Arkansas / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2006 - New template supported
  4. United States of America - Michigan / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2024 - New template supported
  5. Pakistan / Azad Jammu and Kashmir / Drivers License / Drivers License / 2023 / New template supported
  6. United Nations / Passport / PASSPORT / 2012 - New ID supported
  7. Bahrain / Passport / National Passport / 2024 / New template supported
  8. Switzerland / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2010 - Switched to entity_segmentation, general template improvements
  9. Poland / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2013 - Personal number extracted
  10. Curaçao / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2023 - Whole template improved
  11. Greece / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2020 - Template switched to the segmentation
  12. Russia / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2010 - Template improved using the Segmentation model
  13. Spain / Driver License / Driver License / 2013 - Template switched to segmentation approach ( regions as fallback)

Incode Id:

  1. Incode ID - If all OTP squares are populated, Verify phone button wasn’t available and responsive.
  2. Incode ID - Chosen country from country code dropdown was always added to the country code field
  3. Incode ID – Incode ID is added in OIDC configuration
  4. Incode ID - In Incode ID Configuration checkbox for OIDC integration is added
  5. Incode ID – There is a possibility to add a Redemption code now at the end of the URL
  6. Incode ID - Spanish translation on the ID capture tutorial screen is updated
  7. Incode ID – The latest saved status of the scope is shown in Configuration/Incode ID tab
  8. Incode ID – Phone number can be autofilled from contacts

2024 March 6 - planned production deployment

(release notes published 1/3/24, deployment was on Demo environment 1/3/24, originally planned for 27/2/24)

Web app:

  1. Onboarding/ID capture – The feedback messages disappear after manual capture on, Id capture screen
  2. Onboarding/ID capture - Passport frame wasn’t disappear from the screen when manual capture button launches
  3. Onboarding/Forms - The forms page wasn’t scrollable, and user wasn’t able to continue after answering all questions
  4. Onboarding/Forms - The Year of birth entry wasn’t user-friendly, DD/MM/YYYY set as format
  5. Onboarding/Video Selfie – Voice Consent title text was wrong
  6. Onboarding/Forms - Country chooser is implemented within the Form module
  7. Onboarding/Desktop - Module was skipped if camera access permissions is not allowed
  8. Onboarding/Video Selfie – If ‘Only Front capture ID’ is enabled in Id capture module, Back id in VS module will be skipped and not present as an event in Event log
  9. Onboarding/Video Selfie – Processing screen is shown for back id in the Video Selfie module
  10. Onboarding/Review OCR Data - Auditing the OCR review module and upgrading the level of accessibility
  11. Onboarding/Forms - End screen is removed for Forms module
  12. Onboarding/Video Selfie - Glitch is not present anymore after front camera in Video Selfie module

Update 7/3/24:

  1. Onboarding/User consent - Update default User Consent


  1. Dashboard/Flow – New ‘Disable SMS option’ check is present in the “Create new flow” screen
  2. Dashboard/Session – All Id quality tests are present for the second id in the ID verification tab
  3. Dashboard/Forms - Predefined questions for Country of residence and Nationality are added.
  4. Dashboard/OIDC - Authorization tab for OIDC Configuration in dashboard is enabled
  5. Dashboard/Identities - Additional “Email” field under General information in the Identities section is added
  6. Dashboard/Menu – New design for dashboard sidebar
  7. Dashboard/User Consent – Added support of hyperlinks in the consent text
  8. Dashboard/Configuration – A new "Data" section has been added in the Configuration tab, where session deletion can be set
  9. Dashboard/Compliance – A new "Compliance" tab is added in sidebar, which will track which sessions and identities have been deleted
  10. Dashboard/Session - A new “Delete session PII data” option is added in three dots menu in the session
  11. Dashboard/Session - Tooltip text is updated for Fake check in the ID quality tests
  12. Dashboard/Custom Watchlist - In the Custom Watchlist tab in sidebar is added an option for batch upload of Custom Watchlist entries as CSV file
  13. Dashboard/Session – A new “information URL” field is present in the “Risk” tab for Watchlist result
  14. Dashboard/Authentications - The timestamp matches the local timezone within “Authentications” section

Update 7/3/24:

  1. Dashboard/Session - In CSV file was missing “externalId” column when exported by executive user
  2. Dashboard/Session-Forms - Send date of birth or any date type as UTC timestamp


  1. Server/Backend – Added support for skipGlareFront & skipGlareBack by adding them in /add/front-id response for case if front app should skip retries based on glare
  2. Server/Forms - Introduced new predefined question “Country of residence and nationality”
  3. Server/Forms – Added support for custom questions to be added to Rules engine
  4. Server/VideoSelfie – All previous VS attempt data is cleared when new attempt is started
  5. Server/Backend – Fake check weight was reevaluated
  6. Server/Backend – Added debugging capabilities for OCR processing pipeline
  7. Server/Backend – Enabled modifications of various organization properties
  8. Server/Backend – Improved OCR reading for Estonia documents to mark documents series as expired when they’re expired
  9. Server/Backend – Improved OCR accuracy for Estonian documents
  10. Server/Backend – Refactored storing of PDF contract links
  11. Server/OIDC - Authorization tab for OIDC Configuration in dashboard is enabled
  12. Server/VideoSelfie – Added Videoselfie quality checks for calculating VS score
  13. Server/Backend - Added support to accept and verify Brazil Digital Ids presented as PDF
  14. Server/Backend – Improved face matching for NFC

Update 7/3/24:

  1. Fail VideoSelfie score if video is not present or empty


  1. Webcam v2.0 – improvements in new model
  2. Deploy Unconstrained liveness (API) v4.0 (face liveness model) – improvements in new model
  3. Paper ID Liveness check is added for Passports

Update 7/3/24:

  1. Deploy constrained (face) liveness SDK v6.1

ID templates added support or got fixes for:

  1. American Samoa / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2019 - New ID supported
  2. Liechtenstein / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2016 - New template supported
  3. Ukraine / Residence document / Residence permit / 2005 - New document supported
  4. United States of America - Massachusetts / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2004 - New ID supported
  5. Brazil / FederalID / Domestic Identification card / 1985 - New document supported
  6. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1984 - New template supported
  7. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1982 - New template supported
  8. Liechtenstein / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2020 - New ID supported
  9. Brazil / Drivers license / Drivers license / 2006 - New document supported
  10. Israel / National passport / National passport / 2013 - all fields updated
  11. Brazil / FederalID / Police Identification Card / 2022 - Issue authority field added
  12. Brazil / FederalID / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2013 - State field added
  13. Brazil / FederalID / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2000 - Improvements to State, CPF, and Mothers and Fathers name
  14. Brazil / FederalId / POLICE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2010 - State and Name fields results improved
  15. Greece / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2016 - Birth place improved
  16. Brazil / FederalID / POLICE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2015 - General improvements
  17. Brazil / FederalID / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2022 - General improvements
  18. Brazil / FederalID / POLICE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2007 - General improvements
  19. Brazil / FederalID / NAVY_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2000 - Major improvements to majority of the fields as many new test samples were available
  20. Brazil / FederalID / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2001 - General improvements to the template
  21. United Arab Emirates / ResidenceDocument / GOLDEN_CARD / 2022 - Classification improved, hence Document number and Issuing Authority improved
  22. United Arab Emirates / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2021 - Classification improved, hence Document number and Issuing Authority improved
  23. Egypt / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2008 - Nationality and issue date improved
  24. Brazil / FederallD / Police Identification Card / 2021 - State filed added
  25. Australia - Queensland / DriversLicense / HEAVY_VEHICLE_DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2015 - Address field added on the back side of the document.
  26. Australia - South Australia / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2015 - Address field added on the back side of the document.
  27. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2007 - front and back improved
  28. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2012 - state field is added on the back, template improved
  29. United States Of America / USCIS / Permit / Employment_Authorization _Card / 2018 - Template back side switched to segmentation approach , regions stage left as back up
  30. United States Of America / USCIS / Residence_Document / Permanent_Resident_Card_Allages / 2010 - Back template switched to segmentation approach
  31. Brazil / Residence Document / Residence Permit / 2000 - Template (back and front) switched to segmentation with regions fall back
  32. Taiwan / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2017 - Improvements to MRZ, PoB and other fields
  33. Mexico - Baja California / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2020 - Front side of the document switched to the segmentation only.
  34. Australia - NEW_SOUTH_WALES / DriversLicense / PROVISIONAL_DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2015 - Front side of the document switched to the segmentation only
  35. Australia - SOUTH_AUSTRALIA / DriversLicense / HEAVY_VEHICLE_DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2015 - Front side of the document switched to the segmentation only
  36. Brazil / Drivers license / Drivers license / 2018 - front side is updated using segmentation + regions
  37. Brazil / FederalID / DIGITAL_IDENTITY_CARD / 2020 - New digital document supported

Incode Id:

  1. Incode ID - Incode Id configuration cache problem is fixed
  2. Incode ID - Toaster messages for phone and email are added
  3. Incode ID - Proper error screen is added when Invalid redemption code message is present
  4. Incode ID – Update for Profile Settings based on newer design
  5. Incode ID - Document number for Ecuadorian IDs is shown in edit OCR screen
  6. Incode ID - Rearrangement of icons on the Enabling screen
  7. Incode ID - Update for Kiosk mode based on newer design
  8. Incode ID – Update for loading spinner based on newer design
  9. Incode ID – New endpoint for getting generate redemption codes is added
  10. Incode ID – The correlation ID can be sent through via a webhook
  11. Incode ID – All sessions associated with a single identity will be deleted
  12. Incode ID – "No, recapture ID" button is removed from the edit OCR screen


  1. Incode ID - Toaster for successfully editing profile data is shown after the back action

2024 February 21 - planned production deployment

(release notes published 14/2/24, deployment was on Demo environment 14/2/24, originally planned for 13/2/24)

Web app:

  1. Onboarding – User was stucked on “Hang on” screen if front/back Id capture fails 3 times
  2. Onboarding/Face capture - ‘Get ready’and ’Uploading’ message stops showing after the face was removed from the frame and ‘No face detected’ message appears, stopping the processing ring
  3. Onboarding/Id capture – Id was auto-captured while manual capture button is active or pressed “Need help” button
  4. Onboarding/Authentication - The wrong message for a blocklisted user no longer appears in 1:N
  5. Onboarding/Gov validation - “Documento não suportado no momento” translation added for brazilian users in the government validation screen
  6. Onboarding/Global Watchlist - The global watchlist is implemented as a processing module
  7. Onboarding/Video selfie – Added Portuguese language support for voice consent processing


  1. Dashboard/Rules - The Unknown status is added in the status dropdown for the Government Validation recognition status in the business rules.
  2. Dashboard/Sidebar – Redirection was to 404 page in account settings page when clicking on the Admin user’s name in the left panel
  3. Dashboard/Session – Contracts can be fetched with pagination and scroll within contracts is present in the “Other” tab
  4. Dashboard/Flow - Added flag disableSmsOption to hide SMS as option in redirect through flow configuration


  1. Server/Webhooks - Added externalCustomerId to webhook notifications
  2. Server/Modules- field questionsCount is discontinued on flow level, now we return voiceConsentQuestions within VIDEO_ONBOARDING module configuration
  3. Server/Gov Val - government validation for BR IDs will be executed regardless of the document type as long as it has CPF and name and selfie for face validation
  4. Server/eKYB - improved address_verification match accuracy for UK
  5. Server/Gov Val - improvements of solution implemented for when OCR mistakenly assigns an N to (last) names that include an Ñ to change if the OCR read them without an Ñ
  6. Server/Authentication - All face attributes are now configurable for authentications with new flags under faceDetection in /omni/authentication-configuration/
  7. Server/Backend - Added flag disableSmsOption to hide SMS as option in redirect through flow configuration
  8. Server/Authentication - Added flag externalCustomerId in 1toN response when available and includeExternalIdForAuth flag is set to true for relevant clientId
  9. Server/Backend – “customerId” is present in score response
  10. Server/Backend – no more overwrites when caching during the face login
  11. Server/eKYC – Right error message wasn’t present when inaccurate country code is entered
  12. Server/eKYB – Right error message wasn’t present when inaccurate country code is entered
  13. Server/eKYB - The entire address wasn’t correctly translated from Hebrew to English for the business name


  1. Integrate Face Attributes v1.2 into face processing service - improvements added for hats detection
  2. Deploy digital liveness model v3.0 - model will help to catch more spoofs

ID templates added support or got fixes for:

  1. Mexico - QUINTANA/ DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2002/ - New template supported.
  2. Mexico - GUERRERO/ DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1948/ - New template supported.
  3. Pakistan / Passport / National Passport / 2023 / New template created
  4. Kyrgyzstan / Passport / DIPLOMATIC_PASSPORT / 2021 - New template supported
  5. Brazil / FederalID / POLICE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2023 - New ID supported
  6. Brazil / Other / BIRTH_CERTIFICATE / 2009/ - New template supported.
  7. Brazil / Other / BIRTH_CERTIFICATE / 2010 - New document supported.
  8. Brazil / Other / BIRTH_CERTIFICATE / 2011/ - New template supported.
  9. Moldavia / Identification Card / Identification Card / 2014 / New template supported
  10. United States of America - MASSACHUSETTS / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2004/ - New template supported.
  11. United States of America - MASSACHUSETTS / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2005/ - New template supported.
  12. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1997 - Template revised and improved, field state added on the back side.
  13. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2001 - State field is added
  14. India / Tax Identification / Tax Department / 2010 - Issue Authority field added
  15. Argentina / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2010 - Personal number field changed according to the new marked picture.
  16. India / TaxIdentfication / Tax Depratment / 2019 - Added Issue Authority field
  17. Mexico - Aguascalientes / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2019 - Back switched to entity_segmentation
  18. Mexico - Nuevo Leon / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2020 - Back switched to entity_segmentation
  19. Mexico - Nuevo Leon / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2021 - Back switched to entity_segmentation, address improved
  20. Mexico - Nuevo Leon / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2022 - Back switched to entity_segmentation
  21. Australia - Tasmania / DriversLicense / PROVISIONAL_DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2015 - Front side switched to segmentation model
  22. United States of America - USCIS / Permit / EMPLOYMENT_AUTHORIZATION_CARD / 2018 - Front side switched to the segmentation
  23. France / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1994 - Back side switched to the segmentation only
  24. Mexico - Puebla / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2020 - Back side switched to the segmentation only
  25. Mexico - QUERETARO / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2017 - Back side switched to the segmentation only
  26. Brazil / FederalID / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2021 - Added regions as a fallback for front, improved Issuing Authority, dates and Place on birth on the back based on the new set of samples available. Abbreviated state added from issuing authority
  27. Brazil / FederalID / MILITAR_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2022 - State added, general improvements
  28. Brazil / FederalID / Police Identification Card /. 2022 - Issue authority field added
  29. Brazil / FederalID / MILITAR_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - State and Place of Birth fields now supported
  30. Brazil / FederalID / AIRFORCE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2014 - State field added on the back of this document
  31. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2004 - State field added on the back of this document
  32. Brazil / FederalID / AIRFORCE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2015 - State field added on the back of this document
  33. Estonia / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2010 - Mentions field is added
  34. Estonia / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2021 - Mentions field added on the template in top right corner
  35. Finland / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2000 - Improvement to DoB and Document Number
  36. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1991 - State field added on the back of this document.
  37. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1992 - State field added on the back of this document.
  38. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1995 - State field added on the back of this document.
  39. Great Britain / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2015 - General improvements
  40. Austria / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2014 - Issuing Authority and Name improved
  41. United States of America - DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2021 - front side switched to entity segmentation + region as fallback for class and gender fileds.

Incode Id:

  1. Incode ID – Blocklisted user is blocked as it should be in the Scanner app
  2. Incode ID – The image upload component is customized in the Configuration tab
  3. Incode ID – User who has added more scopes can deactivate the current verification details
  4. Incode ID – The consent screen has been redesigned
  5. Incode ID – The wallet screen has been redesigned
  6. Incode ID – The “Help” arrow is working properly again
  7. Incode ID – Glitch on the switch button has been fixed
  8. Incode ID - Account deleting modal, loader and final screen has been redesigned
  9. Incode ID - Sign Up screen has been redesigned
  10. Incode ID – “Enter your phone number” screen has been redesigned

2024 February 7 - planned production deployment

(release notes published 2/2/24, deployment was on Demo environment 1/2/24, originally planned for 30/1/24)

Web app:

  1. Onboarding/Videoselfie – Handling of denied permissions in VideoSelfie module is added
  2. Onboarding/Watchlist - Country code search is not case sensitive anymore
  3. Onboarding/Document Capture – The skip document capture option is removed from Document capture module


  1. Dashboard/Session - Age estimation check is present in the Liveness Detection tab
  2. Dashboard/Session - Session stays in complete status after manual session review
  3. Dashboard/Session - Video Quality checks are working properly, no difference between icons and results anymore
  4. Dashboard/Session - Selfie is contained within the selfie placeholder
  5. Dashboard/Watchlist - Configure watchlist yypes and configure search profile in watchlist module are optional
  6. Dashboard/Analytics - eKYC/eKYB dashboards are separated into two separate tabs
  7. Dashboard/Authentications - ‘Blocklist Confidence’ column is present again
  8. Dashboard/Watchlist - Tooltips and labels are added in the Watchlist module
  9. Dashboard/Session - IP related fields (ipCountry, ipRegion, ipCity, ipLon, ipLat) are present in Other tab in Device section
  10. Dashboard/Watchlist – New select option “NONE” is present in the business rules for rule name Watchlist type
  11. Dashboard/Session – New rules engine section added - ID Scanner. Section includes all options (B900 Ink Check, UV Dullness Front, UV Dullness Back, Motion Detection Front, Motion Detection Back)
  12. Dashboard/Session - Scanner validations section is present in Id verification tab
  13. Dashboard/Authentications – Identity availability filter is present in Authentications page. Filter has two options (Available/Not Available)

Update - 9/02/24:

  1. Dashboard/Session - Session stays in complete status after manual session review - reverted change until further notice
  2. Dashboard/Filter - Sessions with Pending (Manual) Score can be filtered by status
  3. Dashboard/Government validation - Government validation set as separate module


  1. Server/Authentication - Updated 1to1 API to read organization from ‘uuid’ in request
  2. Server – Adjusted flow fetching on scoring
  3. Server/eKYB - enabled taxIDPostalcode Match and taxIDcitymatch to creditsafe countries
  4. Server/Face Processing - getFaceAttributes call combined with extractFaces
  5. Server/Login – Recognition confidence is above 1
  6. Server/eKYB - Extended registrationStatus from only BR to more countries, corporations and support for Israel state as well
  7. Server/eKYB - Support more KYB countries (Argentina, Ireland, Japan, Sweden, Norway, Vietnam) via ISO codes
  8. Server/Authentications – Blocklisted users are verified instead of being blocked is fixed
  9. Server/Backend – Fetch flow configuration API has been updated with additional configuration fields
  10. Server/Backend – Global Watchlist configuration has been updated with new fields, EnableUserinput is removed
  11. Server/Backend - New processing Global Watchlist endpoint ‘/omni/process/global-watchlist’ added
  12. Server/Backend - Added a new feature (field notExtractedDetails) to return the fields in response "notExtractedDetails", which were not extracted from OCR in the OcrDataResponse
  13. Server/Backend - Added post /omni/scanner-signals endpoint to save fields and signals from scanners
  14. Server/Backend - generated livenessStat in onboarding renamed to AuthenticationAttempt, Remove dummyIdentity id from failed authentication attempts
  15. Server/Backend - Store confidence of 1:N even for failed auth attempts and added new fields into authentication attempt
  16. Server/Backend - Authentication reorganization LivenessStat model changes - Trimmed transactionId to 24 characters and removed hyphens (to match _id format), added sorting and apiKey to search by transactionId, adjusted search queries for dashboard, to filter out (old) auth attempts created on add/face, split insert and update cases in AuthenticationAttemptEventListener

Update 9/02/24:

  1. Server/Document Capture - Support parsing of special symbols for Routing number and Account number for documents


  1. ID Font alteration check is enabled for all passports (no influence on total score)
  2. Id-validation-service: 2.3.0 release includes new model of ID Alteration check and Barcode Validation

ID templates added support or got fixes for:

  1. Panama / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2023 - New ID supported
  2. Panama / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2023 - New ID supported
  3. United Kingdom / IdentificationCard / CITIZENCARD / 2021 - front side improved through segmentation model
  4. Australia / South Australia / Driver License / Drivers License / 2015 / - Back template switched to regular segmentation
  5. Mexico - Jalisco / Drivers license / Drivers license / 2021 - gender and reference number updated
  6. Australia - South_Australia / DriversLicense / HEAVY_VEHICLE_DRIVER_LICENSE / 2015 - Back side of the template switched to segmentation.
  7. Canada - British Columbia / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2022 - Back switched to entity_segmentation, personal number improved
  8. Australia / Tasmania / Driver License / Learners Permit / 2015 - Back template switched to regular segmentation
  9. United States of America - New York / Identification card / Identification card / 2017 - reference number updated
  10. Mexico - Virginia / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2018 - Back side of the template switched to segmentation
  11. Australia - WESTERN_AUSTRALIA / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2016 - back side improved using Segmentation model
  12. Mexico / ResidenceDocument / VISITORS_PERMIT / 2022 - Front Switched to entity_segmentation for general improvements
  13. Panama / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2016 - Classification issues fixed
  14. Mexico / IdentificationCard / SENIOR_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2011 - Switched to Incode OCR, general improvements
  15. Mexico / ResidenceDocument / TEMPORARY_RESIDENCE_CARD / 2012 - template switched to MEX OCR (Incode OCR)
  16. Australia - Capital Territory / Driver License / Driver License / 2015 / - Template switched to segmentation + regions approach
  17. URUGUAY/ IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2001 - Anchors and Unique Words improved in config and filters added for all fields.
  18. Germany / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2010 - Document number and MRZ1 improved (OQIS → 0015)
  19. Germany / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2021 - Filters updated for Document number and MRZ1 (OQIS → 0015)
  20. Germany / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2007 - Document number and name parsing improved
  21. Poland / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2013 - improvements using the Segmentation model + mask (front side)

Incode Id:

  1. Incode ID - Returning user (Welcome back) screen is not present anymore.
  2. Incode ID - Remove 24h persistent verification in storage
  3. Incode ID - No pre - populated Phone number on Sign Up, Sign In page
  4. Incode ID – “personalNumber” is added and create incode id’s incode-id/confirm/verification endpoint
  5. Incode ID – load enabled and disabled FAN ID card images from configuration
  6. Incode ID – If verification strategy FAN ID is selected additional section with header Fan ID Configuration will be displayed.
  7. Incode ID – If FAN ID verification strategy is selected “Enable QR bit” button is present.
  8. Incode ID – Consent screen can’t load after account is created
  9. Incode ID – After signing out and launching assisted onboarding again there is no “Returning user” screen
  10. Incode ID – ISE 500 is present for Enable Fan ID
  11. Incode ID - The message does not reach the user for completed sessions
  12. Incode ID - Webhook is returning token which can last for 48h
  13. Incode ID - New scope is present for user data in incode id (Face authentication photo)
  14. Incode ID - New scope is present for user data in incode id (Personal Number)

Update 9/02/24:

  1. Incode ID - New assisted onboarding can be created after finishing an assisted onboarding
  2. Incode ID - ”Identity QR” scope is removed from Configuration/Incode ID page.
  3. Incode ID - When the session is not complete, the WhatsApp message will arrive after a certain time that has been set
  4. Incode ID – The token obtained via the webhook can be used after 48 hours
  5. Incode ID – The Assisted flow requires a client ID in the URL.
  6. Incode ID – “Incode ID Default” is present in the dashboard when default flow is started
  7. Incode ID – When flow ID is configured in the client’s dashboard configuration, all sessions are connected to that flow id

2024 January 24 - planned production deployment

(release notes published 21/1/24, deployment was on Demo environment 19/1/24, originally planned for 16/1/24)

Web app:

  1. Onboarding/VideoSelfie - Switch to the front camera in VideoSelfie module was fixed
  2. Onboarding/VideoSelfie - When user fails 3 times Face Recognition, flow gets stucked
  3. Onboarding/ Government Validation module - Government Validation animation can be skipped (new option added)
  4. Onboarding/Login - Face wasn’t getting auto-captured
  5. Onboarding/Government validation - ”Identity not verified” was missing when country is not supported
  6. Onboarding/Government validation - Flow got stuck on the “Identity not verified” screen when identity isn’t verified
  7. Onboarding/Forms - New predefined question is present for CPF number
  8. Onboarding/Forms - Intro screen from form module is removed
  9. Onboarding/Conference - Conference call can be established again
  10. Onboarding/Videoselfie - Consent wasn’t not part of default configuration for default VS
  11. Onboarding/Videoselfie - Update for Video Selfie ID and Selfie capture experience based on newer design
  12. Onboarding/Government validation – Wrong message was shown for scraping v1 & v2 when government validation passes – correction is done for proper feedback message
  13. Onboarding/Videoselfie - User was shown the “All good!” success message but the actual session never ended
  14. Onboarding/ID capture - Manual capture button not appearing after the time set in the configuration
  15. Onboarding/Videoselfie – Id capture asked for back when only Front ID is selected in config which led to session to end and score to fail


  1. Dashboard/Forms - New predefined question is present for CPF number in the Forms module
  2. Dashboard/Session - Display source for document number is added in OCR
  3. Dashboard/Session - Correct responsive UI of the section and icons in Liveness detection section
  4. Dashboard/Authentications – Filter search “Final result:FAIL” wasn’t worked
  5. Dashboard/Watchlist – Updated configuration for Global Whitelist module
  6. Dashboard/Session – Show session status when data is partially deleted
  7. Dashboard/Sessions – Status filter ‘Deleted’ added for partially deleted sessions


  1. Server/Web VideoSelfie analytics events (for consent and camera switch front/back)
  2. Server/Government validation - Issue with gov validation once ID type was not known (Colombian IDs)
  3. Server/Forms - New predefined question is present for CPF number
  4. Server/Government validation - Brazil – improvements for CPF validation
  5. Server/Videoselfie - Add event when video selfie checks are recorded on session level
  6. Server/Videoselfie - Surface videoselfie quality checks in scores (videoFileIsPresent, videoFileIsNotEmpty, videoFileHasAudio, videoFileHasVideo)
  7. Server/OCR - Improve INE address parsing
  8. Server/Government validation – Brazil - Change logic for non DL IDs to do validation once present CPF
  9. Server/ID validation - Crosscheck added for INE IDs – checking front of one type and back side of another type of ID
  10. Server/Government validation - Flow got stuck on the “Identity not verified” screen when identity isn’t verified
  11. Server/OCR - New Jersey DL document number validator check
  12. Server/Global watchlist - Update Global WL config with new fields


  1. New face liveness model v6.0 should help in reducing FN
  2. Handle manual capture in wasm – to avoid manual capture triggering if auto capture already started

ID templates added support or got fixes for:

  1. United States of America - Hawaii / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2021 - New template supported
  2. United States of America - Arizona / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2023 - New template supported
  3. Bolivia / Identification Card / Identification Card / 2023 / New template supported
  4. United States of America - Alabama / Identification card / Identification card / 2005 - New document supported
  5. Seychelles / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2023 - New template supported
  6. Saudi Arabia / Residence Document / Residence Permit / 2020 / New template supported
  7. Ireland / Passport / National Passport / 2013 - Template switched to segmentation + masking + regions
  8. Germany / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2017 - Templated switched to segmentation
  9. Netherlands / Passport / National Passport / 2014 - Template switched to segmentation + regions as backup approach
  10. Romania / Passport / National Passport / 2019 - all fields improved
  11. Ukraine / Passport / National Passport / 2015 - all fields improved
  12. Kazakhstan / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2016 - Migrated to entity_segmentation, overall improvements
  13. United States of America - Maryland / DriversLicense / PROVISIONAL_DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2016 - Config name has been changed
  14. Mexico - Sonora / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2016 - Conditions field switched to Classes field
  15. Mexico / Chihuahua / Driver License / DriversLicense/ 2016 - Added reference number
  16. Bahrain / Identification card / Identification card / 2019 - all fields improved
  17. Puerto Rico / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2019 - Templated switched to segmentation
  18. Netherlands / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2018 / the front side template is switched to Segmentation model
  19. Mexico / IdentificationCard / SENIOR_IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2013 - template switched to regions + mexican OCR

Incode Id:

  1. Incode ID - Continue button not getting enabled after entering phone number
  2. Incode ID - separate OTP and create incode id’s add/phone endpoint
  3. Incode ID – faceAuthenticationPhoto – new handle which should return the most recent photo taken for the user authentication
  4. Incode ID/Universal identity - success screen once Incode ID has been created
  5. Incode ID - Assisted Onboarding - Consent screen can’t load after account is created
  6. Incode ID - Unable to create a new assisted onboarding after previous attempt has finished
  7. Incode ID - Remove 24h persistent verification in storage

2024 January 10 - planned production deployment

(release notes published 4/1/24, deployment was on Demo environment 4/1/24, originally planned for 2/1/24)

Web app:

  1. Onboarding/Geolocation - Add option to skip geolocation
  2. Onboarding - deprecate “Region” choosing
  3. Onboarding/User consent - Meet WCAG 2.1 level AA accessibility standards
  4. Onboarding/eKYC - Meet WCAG 2.1 level AA accessibility standards
  5. Onboarding/Videoselfie - If a user moves their head outside of the frame during the selfie in VS “Stay still” message blue circle stayed on the screen without the frame
  6. Onboarding/Videoselfie - Camera permission pop-up wasn’t appear properly


  1. Dashboard/Session – Device Risk - ignore missing signals don’t have influence on score
  2. Dashboard/Geolocation - Add option to skip geolocation
  3. Dashboard/Flows - deprecate region when configuring flows
  4. Dashboard/eKYB - UI issue - “City Verification” and “Postal Code Verification” checks color was wrong
  5. Dashboard/Session Info - Font of External Customer ID
  6. Dashboard/Session - Picture icon UI changes, when session info gets new line
  7. Dashboard/Videoselfie - Deprecate “Video Selfie archive available” option
  8. Dashboard/Videoselfie - Add additional filters for video selfie checks
  9. Dashboard/Session info - Incorrect Capture Videos shown in the dashboard
  10. Dashboard/Liveness detection section UI wasn’t not responsive
  11. Dashboard/Analytics - Add analytics tab for ekyb/ekyc
  12. Dashboard/Government validation - Add option to execute gov. validation in the background


  1. Server/Flows - deprecate “Region” choosing
  2. Server/KYB Business Classification - 1 as value of “country” is accepted
  3. Server/US - Florida Document Number Format Validation improvement
  4. Server/Colombian ID - Issue date validity check wasn’t worked
  5. Server/Colombian ID - Introduce ID validation crossChecks for Columbian IDs
  6. Server/Device fingerprint - GeoIP State in Device Fingerprint response
  7. Server/Videoselfie - Deprecate “Video Selfie archive available” option
  8. Server/KYC - Brazil KYC error message was present once cpf is not valid
  9. Server/Rules - Expose hasHat, hasEyesClosed in rules
  10. Server/Analytics - Add analytics tab for ekyb/ekyc
  11. Server/eKYC - Integrate Canada eKYC
  12. Server/eKYB – Handling more efficient “TIN” once invalid
  13. Server/Face login - time diff validation and configurable token in order to forbid any fraudster to manipulate with response
  14. Server/Government validation - Add option to execute gov. validation in the background
  15. Server/AES - Handling Advanced Electronic Signature errors
  16. Server/Panama ID 2016 – Problems with parsing BoD and Blood type

ID templates added support or got fixes for:

  1. Malta / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2021 / New template supported
  2. United States of America / TravelDocument / NEXUS / 2008 - New template supported.
  3. United States of America - US_DEPARTMENT_OF_STATE / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2019 - New template supported
  4. United States of America - ALASKA / Other / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2008 - New template supported.
  5. Ecuador / Drivers license / Drivers license / 2019 - New document supported
  6. United States of America - Illinois / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2020 - New template supported
  7. United States of America - Travel document / Sentri / 2008 - New document supported
  8. United States of America / TravelDocument / FASTEXPRES / 2008 - New template supported.
  9. Panama / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2015 - New template supported.
  10. Canada - Ontario / Other / BIRTH_CERTIFICATE / 2010 - New template supported
  11. United States od America / Other / BIRTH_CERTIFICATE / 2010 - New template supported
  12. United Arab Emirates / Passport / National passport / 2023 - New document supported
  13. United States of America - District of Columbia / Identification card / Identification card / 2023 - New document supported
  14. Uruguay / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2014 - General improvements, all fields updated
  15. Panama / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2016 - Region based approach added in term of improving results.
  16. Ecuador / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2000 - Template revised and filters has been improved.
  17. Moldova / Passport / National passport / 2023 - All fields updated
  18. Mexico - Guerrero / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1991 - Nationality field captured
  19. United States of America - Virginia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2018 - Switched to entity_segmentation (general improvements)
  20. United States of America - Georgia / Identification card / Identification card / 2012 - Name, address, document and reference number improved
  21. United States of America - Lousiana / Drivers license / Drivers license / 2015 - OCR fields improved
  22. Canada - Newfoundland/ DriverLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2018 - Template switched to segmentation (General improvements)
  23. United States of America - Maryland / Drivers license / Drivers license / 2016 - OCR fields improved
    24 United States of America - Maryland / DriversLicense / PROVISIONAL_DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2017 - (template is switched to segmentation model)
  24. United States of America - Florida / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2013 - Switched to entity_segmentation (general improvements)
  25. United States of America - California / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD/ 2018 - Front side of the document switched only on segmentation.
  26. Canada - Saskatchewan/ DriverLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2016 - Template switched to segmentation (General improvements)
  27. United States of America - District of Columbia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2017 - Front side of the document switched only on segmentation.
  28. United States of America - New Mexico / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2016 - front side is switched to Segmentation model
  29. Azerbaijan / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2023 - New ID supported

Incode Id:

  1. Incode ID - fix bad login error when camera permissions are missing
  2. Incode ID - remove deprecated permissions screen
  3. Incode ID - Name in Incode ID API wasn’t aligned with UI