[BETA] NFC Scan - Integration & Usage Guide


  • An ICAO 9303 compliant travel document to scan the NFC chip in.


While any ICAO 9303 document could theoretically be scanned, the tutorials in the module assume the document is a Passport booklet.


In your module-level app/build.gradle, add the Incode library for NFC alongside any required dependencies. See the Library Dependencies section for more info.


To add the NFC Scan module to the flow, simply:

1) Create a new NfcScan module with its Builder class:

val nfcScan = NfcScan.Builder()
NfcScan nfcScan = new NfcScan.Builder()

2) Add it to a FlowConfig.Builder:


3) Add this callback to your IncodeWelcome.OnboardingListener:

override fun onNfcScanCompleted(nfcScanResult: NfcScanResult) {
  // NFC scan completed. Process result.
public void onNfcScanCompleted(@NonNull NfcScanResult nfcScanResult) {
  // NFC scan completed. Process result.

Methods for NfcScan.Builder():

  • setShowNfcSymbolConfirmationScreen(): If true, a screen asking the user if their document contains an NFC chip will be shown. If disabled, it's recommended to handle this case yourself to prevent a user without an NFC symbol on their passport from getting stuck. Default is true.
  • setProcessNfcData(): If true, the data read from the NFC chip will be used to validate identity. How it's used depends on how the FaceMatch module is configured. Default is true.

Returning result of the module is an NfcScanResult object which contains:

  • resultCode: A ResultCode indicating if scanning succeeded, or a known issue caused it to not succeed. See the Javadoc for more info.
  • compositeCheckDigit: A Char representing the digit used to check the integrity of all the data in the MRZ of the document.
  • dateOfBirth: A String in "yyMMdd" format of the date of birth of the document owner.
  • dateOfBirthCheckDigit: A Char representing the digit used to check the integrity of the dateOfBirth field.
  • dateOfExpiry: A String in "yyMMdd" format of the document's expiration date.
  • dateOfExpiryCheckDigit: A Char representing the digit used to check the integrity of the dateOfExpiry field.
  • documentCode: A String representing what type of ICAO 9303 compliant document this is. For example, a passport booklet is "TD3". Can be one of: TD1-3, MRVA, or MVRB.
  • documentNumber: A String representing the 9 most significant digits of the passport number, CIC, etc.
  • documentNumberCheckDigit: A Char representing the digit used to check the integrity of the documentNumber field.
  • gender: A String representing the gender of the document owner. Can be one of: MALE, FEMALE, UNKNOWN, or UNSPECIFIED.
  • issuingStateOrOrganization: A String containing the 3 Letter Code of which authority issued this document. For example, for US Passports, this code is: "USA".
  • nationality: A String = A String containing the 3 Letter Code of the document owner's nationality. For example, for UK Passports, this code is: "GBR".
  • optionalData1: A String with the contents of the first optional data for TD-1 and 3 style MRZs.
  • optionalData2: An optional String with the contents of the second optional data for TD-1 style MRZs only.
  • personalNumber: A String with the personal number of the document owner if it's encoded in optionalData1.
  • personalNumberCheckDigit: An optional Char representing the digit used to check the integrity of the personalNumber field. This is only populated if documentCode is "TD3".
  • primaryIdentifier: A String representing the primary means of identifying the document. Typically, this is the document owner's last name.
  • secondaryIdentifier: A String representing secondary means of identifying the document. Typically, this is the document owner's other names besides the last.
  • secondaryIdentifierComponents: An Array<String> of all the individual names that make up the secondaryIdentifier. For example, if the document owner's name is "John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt", the secondaryIdentifierComponents would be this array: ["John", "Jacob", "Jingleheimer"].
  • faceBitmap: A Bitmap of the image found on the NFC chip. See the Android documentation for more info.

Face Match and NFC Scanning:

If NfcScan.Builder().setProcessNfcData() is set to true, the data read from the NFC chip will be processed on the backend and can be used in the FaceMatch module. Moreover, when NFC data is available on the backend, 2 new FaceMatch.MatchTypes become available on top of the default ID_SELFIE type:

  • NFC_SELFIE: Compares the image from the NFC chip to the Selfie taken in the SelfieScan module.
  • NFC_3_WAY: Compares the cropped ID image from the IdScan module, to the image from the NFC chip, as well as the Selfie taken in the SelfieScan module.

Capturing Multiple IDs and NFC Scanning:

If your Flow includes capturing multiple IDs before an NFC scan is initiated, the nfc module is only supported for the first ID.


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