IncdTheme Guide
IncdTheme guide
IncdTheme enables you to change existing default theme or create a new one from scratch.
Available customizations:
- Colors
- Fonts
- Buttons
- Labels
- Custom UI Components (such as Camera Feedback View)
Customization mapping can be found here.
Assets and Strings mapping can be found here.
Check IncdTheme
structure tree inside Xcode for full list of customization.
Check ThemeBuilder.swift
for a concrete example on how to build a full custom theme.
Change existing properties of theme
// 1. Copy current theme
var customTheme = IncdTheme.current
// 2. Edit
customTheme.colors.accent = someAccentUIColor
customTheme.fonts.title = someUIFont
customTheme.labels.title.textColor = someTitleUIColor
customTheme.buttons.primary.states.normal.borderColor = someBorderUIColor
customTheme.buttons.primary.medium.contentInsets = someUIEdgeInsets
// etc.
// 3. Apply edited theme
IncdTheme.current = customTheme
// 4. Apply customization via JSON
let jsonTheme: String // a JSON string with theme configuration check `Omni/Resources/IncdTheme.json` for a full example.
Create a new theme
// 1. Build Theme
let coolTheme = buildCustomTheme()
// 2. Apply edited theme
IncdTheme.current = coolTheme
func buildCustomTheme() -> ThemeConfiguration {
let colorsConfig = ColorsConfiguration(accent: Colors.accent,
primary: Colors.primary,
background: Colors.background,
secondaryBackground: Colors.secondaryBackground,
success: Colors.success,
error: Colors.error,
warning: Colors.warning,
cancel: Colors.cancel)
let fontsConfig = FontsConfiguration(title: Fonts.title,
hugeTitle: Fonts.hugeTitle,
subtitle: Fonts.subtitle,
boldedSubtitle: Fonts.boldedSubtitle,
smallSubtitle: Fonts.smallSubtitle,
body: Fonts.body,
boldedBody: Fonts.boldedBody,
buttonBig: Fonts.buttonBig,
buttonMedium: Fonts.buttonMedium,
textFieldBig: Fonts.textFieldBig,
textFieldMedium: Fonts.textFieldMedium)
let buttonsConfig = ButtonsConfiguration(primary: primaryButton,
secondary: secondaryButton,
text: textButton,
help: helpButton)
let labelsConfig = LabelsConfiguration(title: titleLabelConfig,
secondaryTitle: secondaryTitleLabelConfig,
subtitle: subtitleLabelConfig,
secondarySubtitle: secondarySubtitleLabelConfig,
smallSubtitle: smallSubtitleLabelConfig,
info: infoLabelConfig,
secondaryInfo: secondaryInfoLabelConfig,
body: bodyLabelConfig,
secondaryBody: secondaryBodyLabelConfig,
code: codeLabelConfig)
let customComponents = CustomComponentsConfiguration(cameraFeedback: cameraFeedback,
idCaptureHelp: idCaptureHelp,
idSideLabel: idSideLabel,
separator: separator,
signature: signature,
idAutocaptureCountdownConfiguration: idAutocaptureCountdownConfiguration,
idCaptureFrame: idCaptureFrame)
return ThemeConfiguration(colors: colorsConfig,
fonts: fontsConfig,
buttons: buttonsConfig,
labels: labelsConfig,
customComponents: customComponents)
// MARK: - Buttons
private var primaryButton: ButtonConfiguration {
let normal = ButtonThemedState(backgroundColor: Colors.accent,
cornerRadius: 6,
shadowOffset: CGSize(width: 0, height: 5),
shadowOpacity: 0.15,
shadowRadius: 9,
textColor: .white)
var highlighted = normal
highlighted.backgroundColor = Colors.primary
highlighted.textColor = Colors.accent
highlighted.transform = .init(scaleX: 0.93, y: 0.93)
highlighted.cornerRadius = 12
var disabled = normal
disabled.backgroundColor = .incdDisabled
disabled.textColor = .white
let big = ButtonSizeVariant(minWidth: UIScreen.main.bounds.width-32.0,
contentInsets: Insets.bigInsets)
let medium = ButtonSizeVariant(height: 32.0,
minWidth: (UIScreen.main.bounds.width-Margins.tutorialID)/2,
contentInsets: Insets.mediumInsets)
return ButtonConfiguration(states: .init(normal: normal, highlighted: highlighted, disabled: disabled),
big: big,
medium: medium)
private var helpButton: ButtonConfiguration {
let normal = ButtonThemedState(alpha: 1.0,
backgroundColor: .incdBackground,
borderColor: .incdPrimary,
borderWidth: 1.0,
textColor: .incdPrimary,
iconImageName: "",
iconTintColor: .incdPrimary,
iconPosition: .right,
iconPadding: 8)
return ButtonConfiguration(states: .init(normal: normal))
// MARK: - Labels
private var titleLabelConfig: LabelConfiguration {
LabelConfiguration(textColor: Colors.primaryText)
// MARK: - Camera Feedback
private var cameraFeedbackConfig: CameraFeedbackConfiguration {
CameraFeedbackConfiguration(alpha: 0.75,
backgroundColor: Colors.secondaryBackground,
cornerRadius: 6,
textBackgroundColor: .black.withAlphaComponent(0.3),
textColor: Colors.secondaryText)
private var idCaptureHelp: IDCaptureHelpConfiguration {
IDCaptureHelpConfiguration(commonIssueLayoutOrientation: .horizontal)
private var idSideLabel: IDSideLabelConfiguration {
IDSideLabelConfiguration(alpha: 0.8, backgroundColor: Colors.secondaryBackground, borderColor: Colors.accent, borderWidth: 1.0, cornerRadius: 16)
private var separatorConfig: SeparatorConfiguration {
SeparatorConfiguration(alpha: CGFloat = 0.0,
color: UIColor = .incdSecondaryBackground,
cornerRadius: CGFloat = 0.5,
padding: CGFloat = 16,
thickness: CGFloat = 1)
// Where:
private struct Insets {
static var bigInsets = some UIEdgeInsets
private struct Margins {
static var tutorialID = some CGFloat
private struct Colors {
static var accent = some UIColor
private struct Fonts {
static var title = some UIFont
Updated about 1 month ago