Fetch Videoselfie Video File

About videoselfie video file

If the videoselfie module is part of your onboarding flow, you can fetch the final video file once the user has completed the module. The video might not be immediately available, it might take up some minutes for the video encoded video file to be ready.

How to know when the video file is ready?

There's 2 ways:

  // other scores
  "videoConference": {
    	// ... other scores
      "videoFileIsPresent": {
            "status": "OK" // this one is OK once we have the file available for download

How to fetch video file?

You can obtain a signed, temporal url to download the video file with the get download URL of video recording endpoint. The url provided is valid for one hour. You can re-generate the url has many times as you want, in case the url you got has already expired

Sample response

    "url": "<signed_url>"