eKYC Reason Codes
Reason codes are helpful for eKYC to be able to interpret why your risk levels (Overall Risk, Phone Risk, TaxID Risk, Email Domain Risk, and Address Risk) are returning as "low", "medium", "high" or "very_high". Today, you can view these reason codes on our dashboard results or our API response.
In our single session dashboard result, you may see reason codes populated, here in this example:

eKYC Reason Codes on Single Session Dashboard Results
You can hover on a specific result to understand what the code means or you can scroll to the bottom of this page to see the full list of reason codes.

eKYC Reason Codes Description
If you are leveraging our API response, you may see reason codes here is an example of how you may see reason codes show up at the high level and within each riskLevel:
"kyc": [
"key": "customer",
"reasonCodes": [
"key": "addressRiskLevel",
"status": "low",
"reasonCodes": [
"key": "taxIdAddressMatch",
"status": "fuzzy"
"key": "taxIdDobMatch",
"status": "nomatch"
"key": "taxIdLevel",
"status": "high",
"reasonCodes": [
"key": "taxIdMatch",
"status": "fuzzy"
"key": "taxIdNameMatch",
"status": "fuzzy"
"key": "taxIdStateMatch",
"status": "exact"
"key": "overallLevel",
"status": "high"
Full list of reason codes here:
Reason Code | DESCRIPTION | STATUS (If empty, reason code is live) |
TSBF | Sparse regular volume of phone risk scoring traffic across our network on this number over the past 90 days. | NEW added 10/24 |
TSBG | Continuous regular volume of phone risk scoring traffic across our network on this number over the past 90 days. | NEW added 10/24 |
TSBH | Very high volume of phone risk scoring traffic across our network on this number over the past 90 days. | NEW added 10/24 |
TSBI | Very high volume of phone risk scoring traffic across our network on this number over the past 24 hours. | NEW added 10/24 |
TSBJ | Very low volume of phone risk scoring traffic across our network or none at all was ever observed on this number | NEW added 10/24 |
TSBN | Low volume of phone risk scoring traffic across our network on this phone number over the past 24 hours. Very low volume of phone risk scoring traffic, or none at all over the past 90 days. | NEW added 10/24 |
TSBO | Less than expected activity for this number. | NEW added 10/24 |
TSCG | Extremely significant activity for a risky range that this number belongs to over the past 90 days. | NEW added 10/24 |
TSCH | Extremely significant activity for a risky range that this number belongs to over the last 24 hours. | NEW added 10/24 |
TSDC | Behavior pattern that suggests this number is being used by a bot. Although we expect a submitted number engaged in A2P traffic to communicate with automated systems, we don’t expect the user of that number to be an automated system. | NEW added 10/24 |
TSDD | Phone risk scoring traffic on risky services on this number over the past 90 days. | NEW added 10/24 |
TSDE | Phone risk scoring traffic on risky services on this number over the past 24 hours. | NEW added 10/24 |
TSDF | High volume of phone risk scoring traffic on risky services on this number over the past 90 days. | NEW added 10/24 |
TSDG | High volume of phone risk scoring traffic on risky services on this number over the past 24 hours. | NEW added 10/24 |
TSDH | Phone risk scoring traffic on risky services on the range this number belongs to over the past 90 days. | NEW added 10/24 |
TSDI | Phone risk scoring traffic on risky services on the range this number belongs to over the past 24 hours. | NEW added 10/24 |
TSDJ | High volume of phone risk scoring traffic on risky services on the range this number belongs to over the past 90 days. | NEW added 10/24 |
TSDK | High volume of phone risk scoring traffic on risky services on the range this number belongs to over the past 24 hours. | NEW added 10/24 |
TSDL | Very high volume of phone risk scoring traffic on risky services on this number over the past 90 days. | NEW added 10/24 |
TSDM | Very high volume of phone risk scoring traffic on risky services on this number over the past 24 hours. | NEW added 10/24 |
TSDN | Very high volume of phone risk scoring traffic on risky services on the range this number belongs to over the past 90 days. | NEW added 10/24 |
TSDO | Very high volume of phone risk scoring traffic on risky services on the range this number belongs to over the past 24 hours. | NEW added 10/24 |
TSDP | Extremely high volume of phone risk scoring traffic in a very short period (less than 1 hour) on the range this number belongs to. | NEW added 10/24 |
TSMA | This number was seen in phone risk scoring traffic in the last 1 day. | NEW added 10/24 |
TSMB | This number was seen in phone risk scoring traffic in the last 7 days. | NEW added 10/24 |
TSMC | This number was seen in phone risk scoring traffic in the last 15 days. | NEW added 10/24 |
TNSA | This number was seen in phone risk scoring traffic in the last 1 month. | NEW added 10/24 |
TSNB | This number was seen in phone risk scoring traffic in the last 2 months. | NEW added 10/24 |
TSNC | This number was seen in phone risk scoring traffic in the last 3 months. | NEW added 10/24 |
TSOA | This number was not seen in phone risk scoring traffic in the last 3 months. | NEW added 10/24 |
TSKU | This number is too short to be a valid phone number. | NEW added 10/24 |
TSLI | Very high volume of phone risk scoring traffic on this email address over the past 24 hours. | NEW added 10/24 |
TSLJ | Very high volume of phone risk scoring traffic on this email address over the past 90 days. | NEW added 10/24 |
TSLK | Behavior pattern that suggests this email address is being used by a software program. | NEW added 10/24 |
TSLN | This email address is invalid and could not have been used by a genuine end user. | NEW added 10/24 |
TSLO | This email address may have originated from a service providing temporary email addresses; these temporary addresses can be used to conceal the identity of the end user. | NEW added 10/24 |
ACV | Country Validated | Deprecated |
AHNI | Invalid house/building number | Deprecated |
AHR | Historical resident matched | Deprecated |
AII | Invalid Input | Deprecated |
AMCC | Missing country_code | Deprecated |
AMI | Missing Input | Deprecated |
ANF | Not Found | Deprecated |
APA | Partial Address | Deprecated |
APAI | Both parsed and postal address parameters provided, postal address parameters ignored | Deprecated |
APCC | Input postal code was corrected | Deprecated |
APNV | Street, Postcode, City, Country. Premise not validated Validated | Deprecated |
ARNF | Resident not found at address | Deprecated |
ASC | Input state corrected | Deprecated |
ASCV | State, Country Validated | Deprecated |
EA1Y | The email address was first seen at least 1 year ago | |
EA2Y | The email address was created within the last 2 years | |
EA4M | The email address was created within the last 4 months | |
EA4Y | The email address was created more than 4 years ago | |
EA6M | The email address was created within the last 6 months | |
EAC1F | The email address was confirmed as suspected fraud once across our email data provider's customer network | |
EACMF | The email address was confirmed as suspected fraud multiple times across our email data provider's customer network | |
EADP | Disposable email domain | |
EAF1 | The email address was confirmed as fraudulent to our email data provider by 1 of their customers | |
EAF2 | The email address was confirmed as fraudulent to our email data provider by 2 of their customers | |
EAF3 | The email address was confirmed as fraudulent to our email data provider by 3 or more of their customers | |
EAF4Y | The email address was first seen at least 4 years ago | |
EAFC | The email address was confirmed as fraudulent by you or by our email data provider. | |
EAG1 | The email address was confirmed as good to our email data provider by 1 of their customers | |
EAG2 | The email address was confirmed as good to our email data provider by 2 of their customers | |
EAG3 | The email address was confirmed as good to our email data provider by 3 of their customers | |
EAG4 | The email address was confirmed as good to our email data provider by 4 of their customers | |
EAG5 | The email address was confirmed as good to our email data provider by 5 of their customers | |
EAG6 | The email address was confirmed as good to our email data provider by 6 or more of their customers | |
EAHF | The email address has high probability of being associated to fraud due to multiple risk factors based on our email data provider's proprietary algorithm (e.g. validaty, age, fraud history) | |
EALLI | The email address is linked to a low risk LinkedIn account (based on the account's number of connections and posting activity) | |
EALSM | The email address is linked to a low risk social media account (based on the account's number of connections and posting activity) - e.g. Facebook, Yahoo, Pandora... | |
EALTW | The email address is linked to a low risk Twitter account (based on the account's number of connections and posting activity) | |
EAM | The email address was created within the last month | |
EAMC | Multiple email addresses with similar handle patterns were recently queried at our email data provider for the company the email owner is tied to | |
EAMF | The email address mailbox is full (i.e. the owner has exceeded allowable capacity of email service | |
EAMI | Multiple email addresses with similar handle patterns were recently queried at our email data provider for the transaction industry it has been previously tied to (e.g. Banking / Finance, Gaming...) | |
EAMP | The email address mailbox existed in the past and is no longer available | |
EANA | The email address mailbox is no longer active | |
EANE | The email address does not exist | |
EANI | Not enough information was found for the provided email address to determine a risk assessment | |
EANP | No email address was provided for risk assessment | |
EAPF | The email address syntax follows patterns that have been found to be associated to fraud | |
EAQ3 | The email address has been queried in a short amount of time to our email data provider by 3 of their customers | |
EAQ4 | The email address has been queried in a short amount of time to our email data provider by 4 of their customers | |
EAQM | The email address has been queried in a short amount of time to our email data provider by more than 4 of their customers. | |
EASI | The email address syntax is not valid | |
EAVQ | Different variations of the email address which points to the same inbox were recently queried. For instance, if was queried before, then will be considered as tumbled. | |
EAW | The email address was created within the last week | |
# REF! | The email address was created within the last year | |
ED4M | The email domain was created within the last 4 months | |
EDCH | The email domain is tied to a category type (e.g. banking, webmail...) with high fraud rates | |
EDCO | The email domain country is considered to be risky | |
EDDN | The email domain does not exist in our email data provider's registry (note: this domain might still have valid DNS record) | |
EDHA | The email domain is considered to be high risk based on our email data provider's proprietary algorithm (e.g. validaty, age, fraud history) for the company the email owner is tied to | |
EDHC | The email domain is considered to be high risk based on our email data provider's proprietary algorithm (e.g. validaty, age, fraud history) for the category type of the company the email is tied to | |
EDHI | The email domain is considered to be high risk based on our email data provider's proprietary algorithm (e.g. validaty, age, fraud history) for the transaction industry it has been previously tied to (e.g. Banking / Finance, Gaming...) | |
EDHN | The email domain is considered to be high risk across our data provider's network based on their proprietary algorithm (e.g. validaty, age, fraud history) | |
EDI | Invalid email domain | |
EDL | The email domain is considered to be low risk based on our email data provider's proprietary algorithm (e.g. validaty, age, fraud history) | |
EDLC | The email domain is considered to be low risk based on our email data provider's proprietary algorithm (e.g. validaty, age, fraud history) for the category type of the company the email is tied to | |
EDM | The email domain is considered to be medium risk based on our email data provider's proprietary algorithm (e.g. validaty, age, fraud history) | |
EDNP | The email address handle contains numeric patterns | |
EDPR | The email domain is considered to be risky based on our data provider's proprietary algorithm (e.g. validaty, age, fraud history) | |
EDPR | The email domain is considered to be risky based on our data provider's proprietary algorithm (e.g. validaty, age, fraud history) | |
EDVH | The email domain is considered to be very high risk across our data provider's network based on their proprietary algorithm (e.g. validaty, age, fraud history) | |
EDVHC | The email domain is considered to be very high risk based on our email data provider's proprietary algorithm (e.g. validaty, age, fraud history) for the company the email owner is tied to | |
EDVHI | The email domain is considered to be very high risk based on our email data provider's proprietary algorithm (e.g. validaty, age, fraud history) for the transaction industry it has been previously tied to (e.g. Banking / Finance, Gaming...) | |
EE24 | Expected level of activity for this email address over the last 24-hours | |
EE90 | Expected level of activity for this email address over the past 90 days | |
EMA24 | More than expected activity for this email address over the last 24-hours | |
EMA90 | More than expected activity for this email address over the past 90 days | |
ESG24 | Significant activity for this email address to or from risky services over the last 24 hours | |
ESG90 | Significant activity on this email address to or from risky services over the last 90 days | |
EVS24 | Very significant activity for this email address to or from risky services over the last 24 hours | |
EVS90 | Very significant activity on this email address to or from risky services over the last 90 days | |
PA15 | Activity on this number in the last 15 days | |
PA24 | Activity on this number in the last 24 hours | |
PA2M | Activity on this number in the last two months | |
PA3M | Activity on this number in the last three months | |
PABA | The address provided in the request is a business address | |
PABM | The address provided resulted in a better match than the normalized address | |
PACF | The address provided in the request matches the address of a U.S.correctional facility | |
PADU | The address provided in the request is a dual address (e.g. 123 Main St PO Box 99) | |
PAE | Some empty address fields where completed through address normalization for the address match check | |
PAHR | The address provided in the request is for a high-rise (i.e. contains apartment or building sub-units) | |
PAIN | The address provided in the request is inactive (e.g. new developments may have addresses but will be 'inactive' until somebody moves in. Or, after Hurricane Katrina, addresses in the affected area were marked as inactive for a time.) | |
PALT | The address provided in low tenure | |
PAM | Activity on this number in the last month | Deprecated |
PAMA | The address provided in the request is tied to multiple active addresses (e.g. the address might be missing a suite or apartment number) | |
PAML | The address provided in the request is a military address | |
PANN | There is no name and address information associated with the phone number provided | |
PANV | The address provided could not be verified | |
PAPM | The address provided is associated with a Private Mailbox operator (e.g. UPS Store) | |
PAPO | The address provided is a PO Box | |
PAUD | The address provided in the request is an undeliverable address | |
PAV | The address provided is vacant (i.e. unoccupied in the past 90 days) | |
PAVN | The address provided in the request is valid and has been normalized prior to calculating the match score | |
PAW | Activity on this number in the last seven days | Deprecated |
PBOT | Behavior pattern that suggests this number is being used by a bot | Deprecated |
PCC | Behavior pattern that suggests this number is being used by a call center | Deprecated |
PDI | The phone record data has a death indicator (i.e. it has been identified as that person having died) | |
PE24 | Expected activity for this number over the last 24 hours | |
PE90 | Expected activity for this number over the past 90 days | |
PECD | Expected call duration for this number over the past 90 days | Deprecated |
PELT | Expected activity on this number over a tenure greater than or equal to 90 days (long-term) | Deprecated |
PES | Expected success for this number over the past 90 days | Deprecated |
PES90 | Extremely significant activity for a risky range that this number belongs to over the past 90 days | Deprecated |
PFIS | Few incoming calls were successful for this number | Deprecated |
PFN | A family name was found and used in the name matching calculation | |
PFOI | Few outgoing calls were successful and very few incoming calls were successful for this number | Deprecated |
PFOS | Few outgoing calls were successful for this number | Deprecated |
PFRD | This number has been flagged as a source of fraud. Score always recommends to block this number | |
PH90 | Higher than expected activity on this number within one or more 24-hour periods within the last 90 days. Spikes. Spikes within one hour are also considered here | Deprecated |
PHAI | Activity towards this number is coming from a higher than expected quantity of unique phone numbers | Deprecated |
PHAO | Activity from this number is going to a higher than expected quantity of unique phone numbers | Deprecated |
PHLT | Higher than expected activity on this number over a tenure greater than or equal to 90 days (long-term) | Deprecated |
PHRL | The provided phone number is associated with a high-risk line type (Non-Fixed VoIP or Prepaid MVNO) - (available for most carriers with consent) | |
PHSLT | Higher than expected activity on this number within one or more 24-hour periods within the tenure (either short or long-term tenure). Spikes. Spikes within one hour are also considered here | Deprecated |
PILE | The number of identities associated with the phone number has exceeded our phone data provider's suggested limit. This could be an indication of a higher risk of fraudulent activity. | |
PINV | This is an invalid number | |
PLEA | Much less than expected activity or none at all for this number over the past 90 days. Cannot classify | |
PLLT | Lower than expected activity on this number over a tenure greater than or equal to one week (long-term) | Deprecated |
PLS | Less success than expected for this number over the past 90 days | Deprecated |
PLST | Lower than expected activity on this number over a tenure less than one week (short-term). Cannot classify | Deprecated |
PMA24 | More than expected activity for this number over the last 24 hours | |
PMA90 | More than expected activity for this number over the past 90 days | |
PMAE | More activity than expected was seen going from this number towards unassigned phone numbers. Both the volume of activity and the quantity of unique unassigned numbers are considered here | Deprecated |
PMAIC | More activity than expected coming to this number from numbers of risky countries (such as those with more fraud). Both the risk level of the country and the amount of traffic between the number and that country are considered here | Deprecated |
PMAOC | More activity than expected going from this number towards numbers of risky countries (such as those with more fraud). Both the risk level of the country and the amount of traffic between the number and that country are considered here | Deprecated |
PMAOP | More activity than expected is going from this number towards premium numbers. Both the quantity of premium numbers and the amount of traffic to those numbers are considered here | Deprecated |
PMAOT | More activity than expected is coming from this number towards toll-free numbers. Both the quantity of toll-free numbers and the amount of traffic from those numbers are considered here | Deprecated |
PML | The phone number provided has been matched with the identity information (e.g. name, address) for more than 90 days (long tenure) | |
PMNA | The provided mobile phone number is not active (available for most carriers with consent) | |
PMO | The phone number provided has been matched with the identity information (e.g. name, address), and the ownership or association to this phone number was not recent, however, there is no known, newer ownership or association found, a.k.a., the ownership is 'older'. | |
PMST | The phone number provided has been matched with the identity information (e.g. name, address) for between 8 and 90 days (short tenure) | |
PMS | More success than expected for this number over the past 90 days. Impact depends on activity level: for higher than expected activity this is a risk signal for expected or lower than expected activity this is a trust signal | Deprecated |
PMU | The phone number provided has been matched with the identity information (e.g. name, address) for an unknown amount of time (unknown tenure) | |
PMVS | The phone number provided has been matched with the identity information (e.g. name, address) for less than 7 days (very short tenure) | |
PN3M | No activity on this number in the last three months | Deprecated |
PNC | The first and last name provided in the request are combined in one field | |
PNMB | The phone number provided is not a mobile line type | |
PNN | A nickname was found and used in the name matching calculation (e.g. Bill matches with William) | |
PNNS | There is no network status information associated with the phone number provided | |
PNO | The phone number provided has been matched with the identity information (e.g. name, address), and a newer ownership or association has recently been connected to the phone number | |
PNPB | The phone number provided is a non-personal business line | |
PNRR | This number was recently reported as removed from distribution so finding activity from it is unexpected for a good user. The service takes into account the number of reports of removal before making this determination | Deprecated |
PNS | The first and last name provided were swapped compared to the phone number records | |
PNU | The phone number provided has been updated | |
POD | The ownership match for the provided phone number was found prior to a disconnect date | |
PPC3 | The postal code provided matches the first 3 digits of the address on record for this phone number | |
PPC5 | The postal code provided matches the first 5 digits of the address on record for this phone number | |
PPC6 | The postal code provided matches the first 6 digits of the address on record for this phone number (Canadian phone numbers only) | |
PPC9 | The postal code provided matches the first 9 digits of the address on record for this phone number | |
PPGR | This number is associated with a pager | |
PPN | This is a premium number | |
PPPH | This number is associated with a payphone | |
PPRT | The provided phone number is currently in a ported state. | |
PPV | A successful person search verification was run for the provided phone number | |
PRC | This number is associated with a risky carrier | |
PRCO | The country code of this number is for a risky country one that originates a disproportionate share of fraud attacks | |
PRM | The provided phone number identity matching was only based on raw user data | |
PROM | This number is used for special technical purposes by telecom companies such as for roaming | |
PRP | This number has a risky prefix | |
PRSA | This number has risky static attributes (like VOIP phone type or being on a blocklist) | |
PRSK | This number has another phone type that is risky and that is not covered by any of the other number_type reason codes | |
PRSV | TeleSign or BICS reserved this number for use by customers with our applications (for example to send verification messages) but it appears that it is being used for a different purpose | |
PSCD | Shorter or longer than expected call duration for this number over the past 90 days | Deprecated |
PSDBM | The person identity matched has a SSN issued prior to either the submitted DOB or the selected person identity's DOB (if no DOB was submitted). This can indicate a higher risk of the identity being synthetic. | |
PSFE | You have flagged this number as safe. Score always recommends to allow this number | Deprecated |
PSG24 | Significant activity for a risky range that this number belongs to over the last 24 hours | |
PSG90 | Significant activity for a risky range that this number belongs to over the past 90 days | Deprecated |
PSM90 | Some activity for a risky range that this number belongs to over the past 90 days | Deprecated |
PSMDB | The person identity matched has multiple DOB records. This can indicate a higher risk of the identity being synthetic. | |
PSMRN | The person identity matched has a high number of relatives with the same/similar name. This may indicate the identity is synthetic. | |
PSMSN | The person identity matched has multiple unique SSNs. This can indicate a higher risk of the identity being synthetic. | |
PSTF | Significant activity on this number to or from risky services over the past 90 days | |
PTFN | This is a toll-free number | |
PTL | This number is invalid because it is too long even after the application of cleansing rules | |
PTO | The phone record data retrieval timed out | |
PVLA | Very little activity or none at all for a risky range that this number belongs to over the past 90 days. Also returned if the number does not belong to a risky range | Deprecated |
PVLS | Much less success than expected or no success at all for this number over the past 90 days | Deprecated |
PVMN | This is a voicemail number | |
PVOIP | This is a VOIP number | |
PVRC | This number is associated with a very risky carrier | |
PVS24 | Very significant activity for a risky range that this number belongs to over the last 24 hours | |
PVS90 | Very significant activity for a risky range that this number belongs to over the past 90 days | |
PVST | Very little activity or none at all was ever observed on this number. Very short tenure. Cannot classify | Deprecated |
PVSTF | Very significant activity on this number to or from risky services over the past 90 days | |
TFAD1 | Facta Active Duty alert. Active for one year | |
TFADF | Facta Active Duty Alert with Fraud victim. Active for 1 year | Deprecated |
TFADI | Facta Active Duty Alert with Fraud victim - initial alert. Active for 90 days. | Deprecated |
TFVE | Facta Fraud victim extended alert. Active for 7 years | Deprecated |
TFVI | Facta fraud victim initial alert. Active for 90 days | Deprecated |
TH3AA | High risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of attributes of addresses that the consumer is tied to | Deprecated |
TH3AH | High risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the supplied SSN aligns with the consumer's address history | Deprecated |
TH3AI | High risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the supplied SSN might belong to another person not yet credit activ | Deprecated |
TH3AO | High risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the consumer appears to have a better SSN | Deprecated |
TH3AS | High risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the consumer is tied to addresses linked to synthetic fraud | Deprecated |
TH3BO | High risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether there is a better owner for the SSN | Deprecated |
TH3CH | High risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of the depth of the consumer's history with this information | Deprecated |
TH3DB | High risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the supplied SSN aligns with the consumer's DOB | Deprecated |
TH3DI | High risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether any of the supplied information corresponds to a deceased individual | Deprecated |
TH3ED | High risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the email domain or structure of the handle are suspicious | Deprecated |
TH3FG | High risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the SSN is tied to a clump of SSNs empirically used for fraud | Deprecated |
TH3FR | High risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the consumer is tied to fraud code records | Deprecated |
TH3IT | High risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the consumer is tied to an ITIN | Deprecated |
TH3MR | High risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of how well the supplied information matches Manifest records | Deprecated |
TH3NN | High risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the supplied name or SSN is nonsense | Deprecated |
TH3OM | High risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether other applicants match aspects of this application's information | Deprecated |
TH3PB | High risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether aspects of the supplied PII correspond to bankruptcies | Deprecated |
TH3PH | High risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the phone aligns with the consumer's history | Deprecated |
TH3PR | High risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the supplied phone number corresponds to a risky carrier or line type | Deprecated |
TH3RI | High risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the supplied SSN is a randomly issued SSN | Deprecated |
TH3SA | High risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the SSN might belong to an associate | Deprecated |
TH3SF | High risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the consumer is tied to security freezes | Deprecated |
TH3SM | High risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of how well the start time of the consumer's history aligns with the expected start time | Deprecated |
THAAA | High risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of attributes of addresses that the consumer is tied to | Deprecated |
THAAH | High risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's validation of the consumer's address history | Deprecated |
THAAI | High risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of the provided SSN belonging to another person not yet credit active | Deprecated |
THAAO | High risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of the consumer appearing to have a better SSN | Deprecated |
THAAS | High risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of the consumer being tied to addresses linked to synthetic fraud | Deprecated |
THABO | High risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of there being a better owner for the SSN | |
THACH | High risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of the depth of the consumer's history with this information | Deprecated |
THADB | High risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's validation of the consumer's DOB | Deprecated |
THADI | High risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of the supplied information corresponding to a deceased individual | Deprecated |
THAED | High risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the email domain or structure of the handle are suspicious | Deprecated |
THAFG | High risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of the SSN being tied to a clump of SSNs empirically used for fraud | Deprecated |
THAFR | High risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of the consumer being tied to fraud code records | Deprecated |
THAIT | High risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of the consumer being tied to an ITIN | Deprecated |
THAMR | High risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of how well the supplied information matches Manifest records | Deprecated |
THANN | High risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of the provided name or SSN as nonsense | |
THAOM | High risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether other applications match aspects of this application's information | Deprecated |
THAPB | High risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether aspects of the supplied PII correspond to bankruptcies | Deprecated |
THAPH | High risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's validation of the consumer's phone history | Deprecated |
THAPR | High risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the supplied phone number corresponds to a risky carrier or line type | Deprecated |
THARI | High risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of the provided SSN being a randomly issued SSN | Deprecated |
THASA | High risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the SSN might belong to an associate | Deprecated |
THASF | High risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the consumer is tied to security freezes | Deprecated |
THASM | High risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of the consumer's history start time aligning with the expected record start time | Deprecated |
THPAA | High risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of attributes of addresses that the consumer is tied to | Deprecated |
THPAH | High risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the supplied SSN aligns with the consumer's address history | |
THPAI | High risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the supplied SSN might belong to another person not yet credit activ | Deprecated |
THPAO | High risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the consumer appears to have a better SSN | Deprecated |
THPAS | High risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the consumer is tied to addresses linked to synthetic fraud | Deprecated |
THPBO | High risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether there is a better owner for the SSN | Deprecated |
THPCH | High risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of the depth of the consumer's history with this information | Deprecated |
THPDB | High risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the supplied TaxID aligns with the consumer's DOB | |
THPDI | High risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether any of the supplied information corresponds to a deceased individual | Deprecated |
THPED | High risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the email domain or structure of the handle are suspicious | Deprecated |
THPFG | High risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the SSN is tied to a clump of SSNs empirically used for fraud | Deprecated |
THPFR | High risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the consumer is tied to fraud code records | Deprecated |
THPIT | High risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the consumer is tied to an ITIN | Deprecated |
THPMR | High risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of how well the supplied information matches Manifest records | Deprecated |
THPNN | High risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the supplied name or SSN is nonsense | Deprecated |
THPOM | High risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether other applicants match aspects of this application's information | Deprecated |
THPPB | High risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether aspects of the supplied PII correspond to bankruptcies | Deprecated |
THPPH | High risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the phone aligns with the consumer's history | Deprecated |
THPPR | High risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the supplied phone number corresponds to a risky carrier or line type | Deprecated |
THPRI | High risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the supplied SSN is a randomly issued SSN | Deprecated |
THPSA | High risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the SSN might belong to an associate | Deprecated |
THPSF | High risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the consumer is tied to security freezes | Deprecated |
THPSM | High risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of how well the start time of the consumer's history aligns with the expected start time | |
THTAH | High risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of how consistent the address is with the consumer's history | Deprecated |
THTAV | High risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the address has a high velocity of applications | Deprecated |
THTBE | High risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the applicant appears to be the best owner of the email | Deprecated |
THTBP | High risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the applicant appears to be the best owner of the phone | Deprecated |
THTDI | High risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether any of the supplied information corresponds to a deceased individual | Deprecated |
THTED | High risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the email domain or structure of the handle are suspicious | |
THTES | High risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the email has had suspicious application activity | Deprecated |
THTFG | High risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the SSN is tied to a clump of SSNs empirically used for fraud | Deprecated |
THTFR | High risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the consumer is tied to fraud code records | Deprecated |
THTGP | High risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether there is unusual geographic activity associated with the phone number | Deprecated |
THTHE | High risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of the length of history of the email | Deprecated |
THTIA | High risk ID Theft Score based on Whether application information is tied to an associate. | Deprecated |
THTIH | High risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the IP address aligns with the applicant's physical address history | Deprecated |
THTIP | High risk ID Theft Score based on Whether the IP address has had suspicious application activity. | Deprecated |
THTMX | High risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the application information contains a mix of information from different consumers | Deprecated |
THTNN | High risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the supplied name or SSN is nonsense | Deprecated |
THTOM | High risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether other applicants match aspects of this application's information | Deprecated |
THTPR | High risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the supplied phone number corresponds to a risky carrier or line type | Deprecated |
THTRP | High risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of the number of recent applications associated with the phone | Deprecated |
THTSG | High risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the applicant has a suspicious gap in history | Deprecated |
THTVP | High risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the application's IP address is from a risky VPN | Deprecated |
TL3AA | Low risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of attributes of addresses that the consumer is tied to | Deprecated |
TL3AH | Low risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the supplied SSN aligns with the consumer's address history | Deprecated |
TL3AI | Low risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the supplied SSN might belong to another person not yet credit activ | Deprecated |
TL3AO | Low risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the consumer appears to have a better SSN | Deprecated |
TL3AS | Low risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the consumer is tied to addresses linked to synthetic fraud | Deprecated |
TL3BO | Low risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether there is a better owner for the SSN | Deprecated |
TL3CH | Low risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of the depth of the consumer's history with this information | Deprecated |
TL3DB | Low risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the supplied SSN aligns with the consumer's DOB | Deprecated |
TL3DI | Low risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether any of the supplied information corresponds to a deceased individual | Deprecated |
TL3ED | Low risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the email domain or structure of the handle are suspicious | Deprecated |
TL3FG | Low risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the SSN is tied to a clump of SSNs empirically used for fraud | Deprecated |
TL3FR | Low risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the consumer is tied to fraud code records | Deprecated |
TL3IT | Low risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the consumer is tied to an ITIN | Deprecated |
TL3MR | Low risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of how well the supplied information matches Manifest records | Deprecated |
TL3NN | Low risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the supplied name or SSN is nonsense | Deprecated |
TL3OM | Low risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether other applicants match aspects of this application's information | Deprecated |
TL3PB | Low risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether aspects of the supplied PII correspond to bankruptcies | Deprecated |
TL3PH | Low risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the phone aligns with the consumer's history | Deprecated |
TL3PR | Low risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the supplied phone number corresponds to a risky carrier or line type | Deprecated |
TL3RI | Low risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the supplied SSN is a randomly issued SSN | Deprecated |
TL3SA | Low risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the SSN might belong to an associate | Deprecated |
TL3SF | Low risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the consumer is tied to security freezes | Deprecated |
TL3SM | Low risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of how well the start time of the consumer's history aligns with the expected start time | Deprecated |
TLAAA | Low risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of attributes of addresses that the consumer is tied to | Deprecated |
TLAAH | Low risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's validation of the consumer's address history | Deprecated |
TLAAI | Low risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of the provided SSN belonging to another person not yet credit active | Deprecated |
TLAAO | Low risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of the consumer appearing to have a better SSN | Deprecated |
TLAAS | Low risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of the consumer being tied to addresses linked to synthetic fraud | Deprecated |
TLABO | Low risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of there being a better owner for the SSN | Deprecated |
TLACH | Low risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of the depth of the consumer's history with this information | Deprecated |
TLADB | Low risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's validation of the consumer's DOB | Deprecated |
TLADI | Low risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of the supplied information corresponding to a deceased individual | Deprecated |
TLAED | Low risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the email domain or structure of the handle are suspicious | Deprecated |
TLAFG | Low risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of the SSN being tied to a clump of SSNs empirically used for fraud | Deprecated |
TLAFR | Low risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of the consumer being tied to fraud code records | Deprecated |
TLAIT | Low risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of the consumer being tied to an ITIN | Deprecated |
TLAMR | Low risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of how well the supplied information matches Manifest records | Deprecated |
TLANN | Low risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of the provided name or SSN as nonsense | Deprecated |
TLAOM | Low risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether other applications match aspects of this application's information | Deprecated |
TLAPB | Low risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether aspects of the supplied PII correspond to bankruptcies | Deprecated |
TLAPH | Low risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's validation of the consumer's phone history | Deprecated |
TLAPR | Low risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the supplied phone number corresponds to a risky carrier or line type | Deprecated |
TLARI | Low risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of the provided SSN being a randomly issued SSN | Deprecated |
TLASA | Low risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the SSN might belong to an associate | Deprecated |
TLASF | Low risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the consumer is tied to security freezes | Deprecated |
TLASM | Low risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of the consumer's history start time aligning with the expected record start time | Deprecated |
TLPAA | Low risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of attributes of addresses that the consumer is tied to | Deprecated |
TLPAH | Low risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the supplied SSN aligns with the consumer's address history | Deprecated |
TLPAI | Low risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the supplied SSN might belong to another person not yet credit activ | Deprecated |
TLPAO | Low risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the consumer appears to have a better SSN | Deprecated |
TLPAS | Low risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the consumer is tied to addresses linked to synthetic fraud | Deprecated |
TLPBO | Low risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether there is a better owner for the SSN | Deprecated |
TLPCH | Low risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of the depth of the consumer's history with this information | Deprecated |
TLPDB | Low risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the supplied TaxID aligns with the consumer's DOB | Deprecated |
TLPDI | Low risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether any of the supplied information corresponds to a deceased individual | Deprecated |
TLPED | Low risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the email domain or structure of the handle are suspicious | Deprecated |
TLPFG | Low risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the SSN is tied to a clump of SSNs empirically used for fraud | Deprecated |
TLPFR | Low risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the consumer is tied to fraud code records | Deprecated |
TLPIT | Low risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the consumer is tied to an ITIN | Deprecated |
TLPMR | Low risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of how well the supplied information matches Manifest records | Deprecated |
TLPNN | Low risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the supplied name or SSN is nonsense | Deprecated |
TLPOM | Low risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether other applicants match aspects of this application's information | Deprecated |
TLPPB | Low risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether aspects of the supplied PII correspond to bankruptcies | Deprecated |
TLPPH | Low risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the phone aligns with the consumer's history | Deprecated |
TLPPR | Low risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the supplied phone number corresponds to a risky carrier or line type | Deprecated |
TLPRI | Low risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the supplied SSN is a randomly issued SSN | Deprecated |
TLPSA | Low risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the SSN might belong to an associate | Deprecated |
TLPSF | Low risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the consumer is tied to security freezes | Deprecated |
TLPSM | Low risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of how well the start time of the consumer's history aligns with the expected start time | Deprecated |
TLTAH | Low risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of how consistent the address is with the consumer's history | Deprecated |
TLTAV | Low risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the address has a high velocity of applications | Deprecated |
TLTBE | Low risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the applicant appears to be the best owner of the email | Deprecated |
TLTBP | Low risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the applicant appears to be the best owner of the phone | Deprecated |
TLTDI | Low risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether any of the supplied information corresponds to a deceased individual | Deprecated |
TLTED | Low risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the email domain or structure of the handle are suspicious | Deprecated |
TLTES | Low risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the email has had suspicious application activity | Deprecated |
TLTFG | Low risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the SSN is tied to a clump of SSNs empirically used for fraud | Deprecated |
TLTFR | Low risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the consumer is tied to fraud code records | Deprecated |
TLTGP | Low risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether there is unusual geographic activity associated with the phone number | Deprecated |
TLTHE | Low risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of the length of history of the email | Deprecated |
TLTIA | Low risk ID Theft Score based on Whether application information is tied to an associate. | Deprecated |
TLTIH | Low risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the IP address aligns with the applicant's physical address history | Deprecated |
TLTIP | Low risk ID Theft Score based on Whether the IP address has had suspicious application activity. | Deprecated |
TLTMX | Low risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the application information contains a mix of information from different consumers | Deprecated |
TLTNN | Low risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the supplied name or SSN is nonsense | Deprecated |
TLTOM | Low risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether other applicants match aspects of this application's information | Deprecated |
TLTPR | Low risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the supplied phone number corresponds to a risky carrier or line type | Deprecated |
TLTSG | Low risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the applicant has a suspicious gap in history | Deprecated |
TLTVP | Low risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider's categorization of whether the application's IP address is from a risky VPN | Deprecated |
TNPID | taxId check was not performed due to invalid dob | Deprecated |
TNPIE | taxId check was not performed due to invalid email | Deprecated |
TNPIP | taxId check was not performed due to invalid phone | Deprecated |
TNPIR | taxId check was not performed due to invalid request | Deprecated |
TNPIS | taxId check was not performed due to invalid SSN | Deprecated |
TNPIZ | taxId check was not performed due to invalid zip code | Deprecated |
TNPMS | taxId check was not performed due to missing SSN | Deprecated |
TSRD | Subject reported deceased | |
TSSF | Subject has placed a security freeze on their SSN file | |
TXHR | High-risk category based on past behavior | |
TXMTW | Most trustworthy category based on past behavior | |
TXNA | Not enough of activity or attributes to classify the transaction as either risky or trustworthy | |
TXR | Risky category based on past behavior | |
TXTW | Trustworthy category based on past behavior | |
TXVHR | Highest-risk category based on past behavior | |
PDL | No driver’s license data available to match to submitted driver’s license parameters | |
ASDL | Unable to verify address because CPF consulted does not have a CNH in the official government database | |
TSRF | Tax ID Status (situacao CPF) is not regular. It is suspended or canceled due to pending regularization, being null, with the holder being deceased. | |
TSR | Tax ID Status (situacao CPF) is regular | |
EEPEII | Error from email enrichment provider. This includes error due to invalid input. Some risk assessment features might be limited due to error. | |
PDLA | No driver's license data available to match to submitted driver's license parameters | |
TOAF | On-File Address Reported Associate With Business Higher Potential Fraud Activity | |
TOAB | On-File Address Reported Associate With Business | |
TSOP | Best On-File SSN Recorded As Deceased | |
TSOD | Best On-File SSN Issue Date Cannot Be Verified | |
TPAI | All trades are bankcard trades with phone-address inconsistencies in non-credit data verification | |
TINO | Input SSN does not match on-file SSN | |
TDDA | Different DOB (age) than past application linked to the current applicant | |
TSNA | Input SSN exact match to at least one other but input name and address not connected | |
TSNV | New credit profile with unverifiable SSN or address matches to a different name in non-credit data | |
TTIQ | More than 2 inquiries with the same name and address in the last 28 days | |
TMAI | Multiple address inconsistencies in last 7 days and SSN seen with different phones in last 90 days | |
TSPNM | SSN seen with different phone more than 15 times in last 90 days or input phone does not match on-file phone at least twice in last 90 days | |
TNASM | Name and address seen multiple times in last 90 days with different SSN | |
TPSMT | Phone seen multiple times in last 90 days with different last names | |
TMFSI | Multiple Fraud Shield indicators triggered or unverifiable SSN | |
TPDNV | One or more PII data elements not verified | |
TIAWF | Address Reported Associate With Business Higher Potential Fraud Activity | |
TIAWB | Address Reported Associate With Business | |
TSAC | Current Address Conflict | |
TSAF | Address First Reported < 90 Days | |
TANO | Current Address Not On-file | |
TSDV | SSN Issue Date Cannot Be Verified | |
ASU | The address is deliverable, but the secondary unit information is unnecessary. | |
AIR | The address is deliverable to the building's default address but the secondary unit provided may not exist. There is a chance the mail will not reach the intended recipient. | |
AWS | The address is deliverable to the building's default address but is missing secondary unit information. There is a chance the mail will not reach the intended recipient. | |
AND | The address is not deliverable according to the USPS. | |
AIA | Invalid address | |
A70SS | Tracking data indicates that over 70% of mailpieces sent to this address were delivered successfully and recent mailings were also successful. | |
A4070SS | Tracking data indicates that over between 40% and 70% of mailpieces sent to this address were delivered successfully. | |
A40SS | Tracking data indicates that over less than 40% of mailpieces sent to this address were delivered successfully and recent mailings weren't successful. | |
ANA | No tracking data exists for this address or lob deliverability was unable to find a corresponding level of mail success. | |
ADC | Verified. The input data is correct. | |
ADCMS | Verified. The input data is correct. All input data was able to match in databases after some or all elements were standardized. | |
ADCUD | Verified. The input data is correct although some input data is unverifiable due to incomplete data | |
AASE | Verified. The input data is acceptable but in an attempt to standardize user input errors were introduced. | |
AFM | Fixed. The input data is matched and fixed. (Example: Brighon - UK -> Brighton - UK) | |
AFMNCC | Fixed. The input data is matched and fixed but some elements such as Sub-building number and house number cannot be checked | |
AFMSCC | Fixed. The input data is matched but some elements such as Street cannot be checked. | |
AFAEI | Fixed. The input data is acceptable but errors were introduced in an attempt to standardize user input. | |
AMICC | Missing Info. The input data cannot be corrected completely. | |
AMICCMM | Missing Info. The input data cannot be corrected completely and there were multiple matches found in databases. | |
AMICCSE | Missing Info. The input data cannot be corrected completely and only some elements were found. | |
AUICCM | Unverified. The input data cannot be corrected or matched. | |
TNAPD | Greater than 50% of tradelines in last 90 days have same name and address but different phone occurred in last 7 days | |
TSPNA | Same SSN phone or name and address seen more than 3 times in last 7 days |
Updated 3 months ago