Forward data to your workflow

For integrated workflows, you can forward custom data when initialising your workflow. This option is available when workflow is initialized on your side via /omni/start endpoint.

Custom Fields

Start endpoint can receive a key-value map in "customFields" parameter. The list of keys needs to be defined in Configuration -> General -> Custom Fields

Define custom fields in Configuration->General

Define custom fields in Configuration->General

Custom fields will be displayed on Single session page.

Two most common usages:

Data already collected about user that needs to be crosschecked

You might already have user first and last name in your system and you want to make sure that user who is doing verification matches the one you have in your system. Setting up a crosscheck between data read from ID user presented during workflow journey and what you have passed on start will give you the information wether user is who you expect them to be.

  • Add crosscheck node to your workflow. Crosscheck is in the Process section
Add Cross check node to workflow

Add Cross check node to workflow

  • Configure your crosscheck but adding new comparison and selecting sources and fields that should be compared. One source should be CUSTOM_FIELDS and the other is usually ID. You can add more than one comparison in the crosscheck node. When naming a comparison its name should not contain following special characters: `!, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, (, )
Add new comparison

Add new comparison

Select sources and fields for comparison

Select sources and fields for comparison

  • Add a condition that would examine crosscheck result

    Use crosscheck in conditions

    Use crosscheck in conditions

Passing internal identifiers, tags, markers

These can be used to identify different sessions or connect with internal systems. For connection between Incode session and your session it is recommended to use externalCustomerId parameter. This parameter is a separate parameter in start call.

External Customer Id

  • For connection between Incode session and your session it is recommended to use externalCustomerId parameter. This is an optional string parameter in omni/start call.

Configuration id

  • This is a workflow id that user will go through. Workflow id can be found on Dashboard. Click ... for a workflow and Copy ID
Click Copy ID to get workflow id

Click Copy ID to get workflow id

Redirection Url

Override redirection url from workflow settings in case you want to have granular redirection per user or any other group that requires different redirection url. Format of url must be: https://your.url