Platform Release Notes 2025

Below are the release notes for the Incode Omni API, dashboard, and webflow onboarding changes. To view release notes for the SDKs, please view the corresponding sections.

2025 February 20 - planned production deployment

(release notes published 13/2/25, deployment was on Demo environment 13/2/25 - version 1.31)

Web app:

  1. Onboarding/Id capture - Manual ID upload option didn't honor the 'skipBackIdCapture' after the front was uploaded
  2. Onboarding/Face capture - Feedback messages in assisted mode have been replaced by updated versions
  3. Onboarding/QES - Screens for the new 'Qualified Electronic Signature' module have been added to flows and workflows
  4. Onboarding/ID capture - Wrong payload was displayed for event camera feedback “Show back of ID”
  5. Onboarding/ID capture - The age assurance image preview during onboarding was not blurred when 'Passport' was selected in the ID picker
  6. Onboarding/ID capture - Retake option did not occur on the second page for two-sided ID Passports
  7. Onboarding/Face capture - The “aria-expended” attribute has been removed for WCAG accessibility standards
  8. Onboarding/ID capture - The list of instructions was not marked up as list in classes for WCAG accessibility standards
  9. Onboarding/Face capture - The 'Keep your eyes open' feedback message was displayed even if the person was occasionally blinking
  10. Onboarding/Face capture - The selfie autocapture wasn't functional due to the frequent 'Keep your eyes open' message
  11. Onboarding/Phone number - Focusing on the phone number input was not applied immediately after the module was opened, in accordance with WCAG accessibility standard
  12. Onboarding/Face capture - The 'alt=matched' attribute has been replaced with the 'aria-label=Recently taken photo was successfully matched' attribute to comply with WCAG accessibility standards
  13. Onboarding/Flow - CTA pressed buttons have been darkened by 20%
  14. Onboarding/Flow - New “No internet connections” screen has been added


  1. Dashboard/Face capture - Age verification (privacy-focused) check has been removed from the module and added to the flow/WF root path
  2. Dashboard/Workflows - The 'Redirect origin only' option has been added to the workflow builder
  3. Dashboard/Hippa - The HIPAA user was unable to save configurations
  4. Dashboard/Flows - Visual glitch was present on sessions count column
  5. Dashboard/eKYC - CA SEQUENCE has been added as a source for eKYC module in flows and workflows
  6. Dashboard/Comply advantage - The client reference has been changed to the ClientId/SessionId format
  7. Dashboard/CMS (Case Management System) – Once the session was manually reviewed with one answer, the user was able to change the result
  8. Dashboard/Session - UI issues were present in the 'Device Risk Signals' section of the 'Risk' tab
  9. Dashboard/Compliance - The LOGIN_ATTEMPT event was not visible under the Audit Logs tab
  10. Dashboard/Certificate Issuance - Added new functionalities to the Issuance Certificate module for password creation and certificate download


  1. Server/PoA - Added support for new V5C Logbook document type to Proof of Address service
  2. Server/Session - “ocrResultsId” field is no longer present in session response when session cleaner is executed
  3. Server/FR - Adjusted face recognition threshold for signature and certificate download
  4. Server - Implemented metadata support and added backward compatibility with the previous behavioral risk solution
  5. Server/Flows & Workflows - Age assurance for Face Capture and ID Capture modules has been moved to Flow/Workflow configuration. It can no longer be set individually for ID or Face but is now exclusively configured at the complete Flow/Workflow level
  6. Server/OCR - Improved data extraction logic for Argentinian IDs to handle cases where barcode data is corrupted
  7. Server/Geolocation - Enhanced geolocation logic to use the next available location data (area) when an exact address (street and number) is not retrieved. This ensures that all other geolocation values are still populated, improving data completeness
  8. Server/OCR - Updated OCR processing to map the RUN (Rol Único Nacional) from Chilean IDs as the Personal ID Number
  9. Server/Business Rules - Enhanced business rule logic to ensure that when using date values only compatible operators are available. If date values are expected to be converted for numerical comparison, a review has been initiated to address cases where rules are not triggering as expected
  10. Server/Business Rules - Enhanced the rule engine by adding documentFrontState and documentBackState as operands for ID Validation and ID Validation Second ID
  11. Server/Age Assurance - Updated session handling to delete both the selfie image and face template after they have been used when Age Assurance is enabled
  12. Server/ID Validation - Added Support for Optional stateCode Parameter
  13. Server/eKYB - Improved the handling of tax ID inputs to ensure smoother submission and prevent errors
  14. Server/eKYB - Introduced a new "Unverified" status in the API response to ensure consistency with the US KYB and BR KYB
  15. Server/eKYB - Enhanced support for French (FR) tax ID processing in the eKYB system
  16. Server/PoA - Introduced support for reading and storing the Fiscal QR code from PDF documents. “Fiscal QR Response” is visible in Dashboard→Single-Session→Other tab providing easy access to the data
  17. Server/Certificate Issuance - Added new functionalities to the Issuance Certificate module for password creation and certificate download
  18. Server/Video Selfie - New configuration has been introduced to limit quality checks to the last X seconds when enabled
  19. Server/Government Validation - Improved flow and module property handling for processing government validation


  1. ID validation - improvements on id-preprocessing model to accept more back ID types
  2. ID liveness - further improvements on the model
  3. PoA - Added support for “V5C Logbook” documents
  4. ID validation - Added flags for enable/disable id processing checks
  5. PoA - Added support in detection QR Barcodes on PoA documents
  6. Selfie detection - Improved model for detecting selfie faces within face capture module (web platform)

ID templates - added support or got fixes for:
New supported templates:

  1. Gabon / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2020 - New document supported
  2. Indonesia / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2023 - New document supported
  3. Brazil / FederalID / POLICE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1969 - New document supported
  4. Peru / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1997 - New document supported
  5. El Salvador / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2024 - New document supported
  6. Brazil / FederalID / POLICE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1991 - New document supported
  7. Nigeria / VoterIdentification / VOTER_IDENTIFICATION / 2024 - New document supported
  8. Argentina / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2008 - New document supported
  9. Tanzania - Zanzibar / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2013 - New document supported
  10. Congo / TravelDocument / CONSULAR_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  11. Peru / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1989 - New document supported
  12. Peru / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1988 - New document supported
  13. Peru / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1977 - New document supported
  14. United States of America - Illinois / Other / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - New document supported
  15. Argentina - Formosa / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2024 - New document supported
  16. Switzerland / Visa / VISA / 2022 - New document supported
  17. Ivory Coast / TravelDocument / CONSULAR_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  18. Argentina / TravelDocument / CONSULAR_CARD / 2022 - New document supported
  19. Democratic Republic of the Congo / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2022 - New document supported
  20. Dominica / IdentificationCard / DIPLOMATIC_PASSPORT_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  21. Dominica / MedicalCard / SOCIAL_SECURITY_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  22. Ghana / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2019 - New document supported
  23. Honduras / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2023 - New document supported
  24. Cambodia / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2021 - New document supported
  25. Nigeria / TravelDocument / CONSULAR_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  26. Philippines / IdentificationCard / SENIOR_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1994 - New document supported
  27. Rwanda / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  28. Rwanda / TravelDocument / REFUGEE_TRAVEL_DOCUMENT / 2024 - New document supported
  29. Tanzania / IdentificationCard / POLICE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  30. United States of America - Tennessee / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2024 - New document supported
  31. Nigeria / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2013 - New document supported
  32. Nigeria / Military / MILITARY_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2023 - New document supported
  33. Peru / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2025 - New document supported
  34. Peru / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1961 - New document supported
  35. Peru / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1960 - New document supported
  36. Peru / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1959 - New document supported
  37. Ivory Coast / MedicalCard / MEDICAL_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  38. United Nations / IdentificationCard / UNHCR_CARD / 2022 - New document supported
  39. Cameroon / IdentificationCard / REFUGEE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2022 - New document supported
  40. Peru / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1950 - New document supported
  41. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1897 - New document supported
  42. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1896 - New document supported
  43. Peru / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1949 - New document supported
  44. Kenya / MedicalCard / MEDICAL_CARD / 2018 - New document supported
  45. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1894 - New document supported
  46. Philippines / IdentificationCard / POLICE_CLEARANCE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2019 - New document supported
  47. Peru / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1948 - New document supported
  48. Peru / Military / MILITARY_CARD / 2022 - New document supported
  49. South Korea / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2018 - New document supported
  50. Philippines / IdentificationCard / DISABILITY_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1995 - New document supported
  51. Uganda / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2024 - New document supported
  52. Mexico - Quintana Roo / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1997 - New document supported
  53. Mexico / Military / MILITARY_CARD / 2025 - New document supported
  54. Mexico - Tabasco / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2019 - Only config files created for Data Collection
  55. Zambia / VoterIdentification / VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - New document supported
  56. Tanzania / MedicalCard / MEDICAL_CARD / 2019 - New document supported
  57. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1889 - New document supported
  58. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1891 - New document supported
  59. Uganda / Visa / VISA / 2024 - New document supported
  60. Peru / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1945 - New document supported

Changes to current templates:

  1. Chile / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2013 - Alias nameOfTheAlias created out of nameOfTheField
  2. Chile / Passport / EMERGENCY_PASSPORT / 2022 - Alias personalIdNumber created out of personalNumber
  3. Chile / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2024/r2 - Alias personalIdNumber created out of personalNumber
  4. Chile / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2007 - Alias personalIdNumber created out of personalNumber
  5. Chile / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2013 - Alias personalIdNumber created out of personalNumber
  6. Argentina / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2001/r3 - Document classification improved
  7. Argentina - MISIONES / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2008 - Document classification improvement
  8. Panama / ResidenceDocument / PERMANENT_RESIDENCE_CARD / 2015 - Template improved in general

2025 February 10 - planned production deployment

(release notes published 4/2/25, deployment was on Demo environment 4/2/25 - version 1.30, originally planned demo env 30/1/25 and saas env originally planned 6/2/25)

Web app:

  1. Onboarding/eKYC - UI discrepancies were present after the changes made for eKYB

Update 07/02:

  1. Onboarding/eKYC - The eKYC screen wasn't scrollable on older browser versions
  2. Onboarding/Face capture - Manual capture wasn't triggered on the first click
  3. Onboarding/ID capture - The ID frame overlay wasn't switching between portrait and landscape


  1. Dashboard/Video Selfie - New “Execute video quality check for the last seconds of the video” check has been added (hidden by default)
  2. Dashboard/Crosschecks - A different icon has been added to indicate when crosscheck doesn’t run due to missing fields
  3. Dashboard/Modules - New “Certificate Issuance” module has been added
  4. Dashboard/Session - New fields have been added under the 'Device Risk Signals' and 'Behavioral Risk' sections in the 'Risk' tab
  5. Dashboard/Session - Personal Number crosscheck wasn't functional


  1. Server/OCR - The letter 'Ñ' in names was being read as 'N' without the tilde for Mexican IDs
  2. Server/OCR - Last names (full name and surname) in Russian internal passports were displayed in Latin script instead of Cyrillic
  3. Server/OCR - Errors occurred when parsing the date, height, and weight fields
  4. Server/Government Validation - The Transaction ID from Government Validation was missing in the database
  5. Server/Modules - New “Certificate Issuance” module has been added
  6. Server/AES - AES functionality has been refactored
  7. Server/Filters - The 'Needs Review' queue didn’t have a size limit
  8. Server/OCR - Improper barcode validation of Argentinian IDs
  9. Server/Webhook - Implemented webhook for manual validation
  10. Server/API - The Liveness API has been improved


  1. OCR - Added support to use classificator as per region (EU production)
  2. OCR - Problems with MRZ data parsing for Bolivian Residence Permit document
  3. OCR - The document number from the MRZ1 line was not extracted as the reference number for the Panama Residence Card
  4. Id-validation-service: 2.13.0 release includes new model improvements
  5. id-foundation-service: 0.1.0 release implements a Vision-Language Model for identity document verification and fraud detection
  6. Entity segmentation model (version 9.17) has been updated with new template

ID templates - added support or got fixes for:
New supported templates:

  1. Mexico / Military / MILITARY_CARD / 2010 - New document supported
  2. Bolivia / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2024 - New document supported
  3. Democratic Republic of the Congo / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2024 - New document supported
  4. Democratic Republic of the Congo / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2023 - New document supported
  5. Rwanda / TravelDocument / LAISSEZ_PASSER / 2023 - New document supported
  6. Zambia / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2020 - Only config file created for Data Collection
  7. Mexico - Guerrero / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1927 - New document supported
  8. Mexico - Guerrero / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1926 - New document supported
  9. Peru / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1970 - New document supported
  10. Peru / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1969 - New document supported
  11. Peru / Military / MILITARY_CARD / 2021 - New document supported
  12. Peru / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1968 - New document supported
  13. Peru / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1967 - New document supported
  14. Peru / DriverLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 1966 - New document supported
  15. Peru / DriverLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 1964 - New document supported
  16. Dominica / Military / MILITARY_CARD / 2023 - New document supported
  17. Peru / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1958 - New document supported
  18. Peru / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1957 - New document supported
  19. Peru / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1955 - New document supported
  20. Peru / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1953 - New document supported
  21. Philippines / IdentificationCard / POLICE_CLEARANCE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - New document supported
  22. Philippines / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_CARD / 1970 - New document supported
  23. Philippines / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_CARD / 1968 - New document supported
  24. Philippines / IdentificationCard / SENIOR_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1992 - New document supported
  25. Slovenia / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2021 - New document supported
  26. Latvia / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2024 - New document supported
  27. Tanzania / MedicalCard / MEDICAL_CARD / 2011 - New document supported
  28. Peru / DriverLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1951 - New document supported
  29. Panama / ResidenceDocument / PERMANENT_RESIDENCE_CARD / 2023 - Classification changed from “PAN|ALL|ResidenceDocument|RESIDENCE_PERMIT|2023” to “PAN|ALL|ResidenceDocument|PERMANENT_RESIDENCE_CARD|2023" ; Engineering fix: Panama Residence Card - MRZ parsing
  30. Panama / ResidenceDocument / PERMANENT_RESIDENCE_CARD / 2015 - Classification changed from “PAN|ALL|ResidenceDocument|RESIDENCE_PERMIT|2015” to “PAN|ALL|ResidenceDocument|PERMANENT_RESIDENCE_CARD|2015"
  31. Bolivia / Visa / VISA / 2023 - Only config file created for Data Collection

Changes to current templates:

  1. United States of America - Washington / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2018 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach - front side
  2. Zimbabwe / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2011 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach. Specific field improvements: lastName, givenNames
  3. Philippines -TaxIdentification / TAX_IDENTIFICATION / 2017 - Template switched to enitity_segmentation approach
  4. Mexico / Military / MILITARY_CARD / 2010 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach : Fallback approach added: regions
  5. Mexico / MedicalCard / MEDICAL_CARD / 2010 - template switched to entity_segmentation approach
  6. Venezuela / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2000 - New field added: mentions
  7. Vietnam / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2003 - Template improved in general
  8. Guatemala / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2000 - Document classification improved. idAlteration disabled on template level
  9. Kenya / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2011 - ID alteration disabled on template level. Template switched to entit_segmentation approach
  10. Great Britain / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2007 - Specific field upgrades: documentNumber
  11. Great Britain / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2018 - Specific field improvements: givenNames
  12. Great Britain / DriversLicense / DRIVER_QUALIFICATION_CARD / 2022 - Document classification improved. Specific field improvements: givenNames
  13. United Kingdom / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2008 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach ; Fallback approach added: regions
  14. United Kingdom / DriversLicence / PROVISIONAL_DRIVER_LICENSE / 2007 - Specific fields improved ; name ; document Number
  15. Italia / IdentificationCard / DOMESTIC_DOCUMENT_OF_IDENTITY / 2000 / r2 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach - front side. Fallback approach added: regions
  16. Uganda / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2014 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach ; Fallback approach added: regions
  17. Kenya / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2020 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach. Fallback approach added: regions
  18. Kenya / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach. Fallback approach added: regions
  19. Kenya / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2023 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach
  20. Zimbabwe / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2011 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach - front side. Fallback approach added: regions
  21. Philippines / IdentificationCard / UMID_CARD / 2001 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach - front side
  22. United States of America - District of Columbia / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2017 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach - front side
  23. Colombia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2000 - Specific field improvements: refNumber
  24. Honduras / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2009 / r2 - Document series expired enabled on template level
  25. Russia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2008 - Specific field improvements: givenNames, lastName
  26. Vietnam / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2005 - Specific field improvements: name
  27. Vietnam / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2022 - Specific field improvements: name
  28. Guatemala / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2011 - Document classification improved. idAlteration disabled on template level
  29. Bolivia / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2018 - Template improved in general
  30. Bolivia / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2010 / r2 - Template improved in general
  31. South Korea / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2000 - Template improved in general
  32. Netherlands / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2006 - Sensitive data redacted
  33. Puerto Rico / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2008 - Template improved in general
  34. Puerto Rico / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2019 - Specific field improvements: Address field
  35. Puerto Rico / VoterIdentification / VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2015 - Template improved in general ; idAlteration disabled on template level
  36. Puerto Rico / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2018 - Specific field improvements: lastName, givenNames, address, birthDate, issueDate
  37. Germany / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2019 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  38. Bolivia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2023 - Template improved in general
  39. Bolivia / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2018/ r3 - Template improved in general
  40. Germany / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2017 - MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  41. India / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2011 - onlyFront enabled on template level

2025 January 23 - planned production deployment

(release notes published 20/1/25, deployment was on Demo environment 20/1/25 - version 1.29, originally planned demo env 16/1/25)

Web app:

  1. Onboarding/Video Selfie - The speech term was displayed in incorrect language
  2. Onboarding/Face Capture - The face was captured before the Face Capture screen opened when Face Recording was enabled
  3. Onboarding/ID capture - A blank screen appeared on the ID Capture screen when a specific configuration was applied
  4. Onboarding/Face capture - The quality of autocaptured selfie images has been improved
  5. Onboarding/Kiosk - ID image on ID capture screen was flipped
  6. Onboarding/Language setting - Language support for Hmong and Somali has been added
  7. Onboarding/OIDC - The trouble scanning link has been removed from the QR code screen
  8. Onboarding - The 'Try Again' error screen message has been improved
  9. Onboarding/Face capture - Selfie local lenses check has been enabled
  10. Onboarding/ID capture - The auto-capture best frame lookup has been implemented, and the quality of ID capture has been increased

Update 21/01:

  1. Onboarding/Face capture - Screen “Done!” has been updated to the “Scan complete” (Note: changes will be present after Saas deploy)

Update 29.01:

  1. Onboarding/Face capture - The 'Take off your glasses' message was displayed on the screen during manual capture, even when the face was not in the frame
  2. Onboarding/Flow - The class prefixes “IncodePrimaryButton” and “IncodeStartButton” have been added to onboarding buttons
  3. Onboarding/Flow - The flow restarted when 'Capture optional ID page' was set, and only the passport was included in the accepted documents


  1. Dashboard/Watchlist - When the fuzziness was different from 1 in the Watchlist module configuration, the Watchlist module wasn't present on the Dashboard or in the Event logs
  2. Dashboard/Side bar - The status page has been removed, and a new redirection has been implemented for users
  3. Dashboard/Workflows - The “Show Document Chooser” check wasn't functional
  4. Dashboard/ID capture - The “Accepted Documents” setting from the ID capture module was not applied correctly
  5. Dashboard/Compliance - Updated endpoint - only events from the past 30 days are displayed. To view older events, user needs to use timestamps filter to expand date rang
  6. Dashboard/Flow - Mark session as expired after input field has been updated with “Log session expiration after [x] minutes"
  7. Dashboard/Compliance - The wrong error message was displayed when the user was logged out
  8. Dashboard/ID capture – New checkbox “Back Id Only (barcode)” has been added in the ID capture module
  9. Dashboard/Session – A “Completed” status was displayed when the user rejected camera permissions and hadn't finished the workflow
  10. Dashboard/Hipaa – Support for HIPAA-specific requirements has been added
  11. Dashboard/ML consent - The ML consent checkbox will only be present if the supported languages are English, Portuguese, or Spanish
  12. Dashboard/ID validation - Additional option has been added within “Disable Expiration Date” check - “Expiration tolerance (in days)”
  13. Dashboard/Session - The cropped selfie appeared in the main placeholder
  14. Dashboard/Modules - New “Qualified electronic signature - QES” module has been added
  15. Dashboard/Custom Watchlist - The “Allowlist” option has been limited to admins only
  16. Dashboard/Hippa - Implement single session search page
  17. Dashboard/ID capture - The “Capture optional ID page” check is added for root and per country settings (when twoSidedDocument enabled)

Update 24/01:

  1. Dashboard/Government Validation - Government validation was failing because the card number and document number were mapped to the wrong fields for the Australian driver's license

Update 29.01:

  1. Dashboard/Authentications - Authentications method and unsuccessful login attempts were missing


  1. Server/Authentications - Add support for authentication recording
  2. Server/Webhook - Onboarding completed notification was missing if user has finished the onboarding flow
  3. Server/ID capture - Underage check and punched holes were always performed although they are excluded by default on dashboard (if ID capture module is just added)
  4. Server/ID capture - BIRTH DATE wasn’t present in ID OCR when Age assurance is enabled with Show document chooser screen check disabled and Passport removed from accepted documents in ID Capture module config
  5. Server/Rules - Face recognition rule was triggered although Face recognition score was null
  6. Server/PoA - Added support for generic type so we can return the extracted information (address)
  7. Server/Compliance - Updated endpoint for fetching audit logs of events
  8. Server/Curp - Incorrect curp was linked to the session, preventing user to have retry attempt
  9. Server/OCR - Added additional attributes detection for Indian digital IDs
  10. Server/Data Sharing Consent - Added event for Sign Combined Consent
  11. Server/OCR - Improvements for decode barcodes from British Columbia (Canada) documents
  12. Server/Template level - Screen ID liveness disabled for some digital driver license documents
  13. Server - Expiration DateCrosscheck was passing when two different values are present within the ID
  14. Server - Updated crypto service with latest version to avoid any security risks
  15. Server - Added HIPAA endpoints for the Flow
  16. Server - Data validation results were overriden by face validation results when they are received async
  17. Server - Age Assurance was executed when enabled for Selfie and not for ID
  18. Server/ID validation - For “Disable expiration date check” has been added expiration tolerance with instruction on how to use
  19. Server/Curp - Webhook for failed retry has been added
  20. Server/Antifraud - Extend query for document number field in Antifraud
  21. Server/OCR - Re-implemented region templates on ML side
  22. Server/Antifraud - Introduce logic for tackle cases once female change last name
  23. Server/Government validation - Implement support for checking documents with SoT - Australia
  24. Server/QES - Added new module for flows & workflows - Qualified Electronic Signature
  25. Server/Government validation - Updated url for Chile government validation check
  26. Server/OCR - twoSidedDocument option has been added on server side to support Indian passports (and in future for the visas)
  27. Server/ID capture - New option “Capture additional ID page” in ID Capture module is added for root and per country settings (when twoSidedDocument enabled)
  28. Server/OCR - spouseName was missing for Indian passports on dashboard and response
  29. Server/Authorization server - Added fullName custom field on /start call when reading OKTA profile
  30. Server/ID capture - Option “enable ID recording” is set hidden by default within ID capture module for new organizations
  31. Server/Rules - Added Rule Engine support for additional attributes
  32. Server/OCR - Integration of v2 endpoint for ID preprocess service to support foldable documents
  33. Server/Crosschecks - The “ONE_FIELD_MISSING” result was missing when the PoA address wasn't available during the CrossCheck comparison in the single session

Update 29.01:

  1. Server/Watchlist - An empty response was present in the watchlist-result endpoint


  1. Id-validation-service: 2.12.0 release includes new model improvements
  2. Tamper Check model (version 5.0) includes new model improvements
  3. Deploy constrained (SDK) PAD Liveness v7.0 – Major improvements of the model
  4. Deploy Physical Video Liveness v2.0 – Major improvements of the model
  5. Deploy digital video liveness PAD v2.0 – Major improvements of the model
  6. Update classification templates in preprocessing service

ID templates - added support or got fixes for:
New supported templates:

  1. Mexico - Quintana Roo / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2013 - New document supported
  2. India - Sikkim / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2020 - New document supported
  3. Georgia / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2021 - New document supported
  4. United States Of America / TribalIdentification / TRIBAL_IDENTIFICATION / 2024 - New document supported
  5. India / IdentificationCard / MASKED_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2005 - New template supported
  6. Canada - Northwest Territories / DriversLicense / TEMPORARY_DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2024 - New document supported
  7. India - Telangana / IdentificationCard / POLICE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - New document supported
  8. Mexico - Guerrero / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1929 - New document supported
  9. Pakistan - Sindh / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2024 - New document supported
  10. Philippines / IdentificationCard / SENIOR_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1999 - New document supported
  11. Philippines / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_CARD / 1984 - New document supported
  12. Philippines / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_CARD / 1983 - New document supported
  13. Pakistan / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2021 - New document supported
  14. Brunei / Military / MILITARY_CARD / 2020 - New document supported
  15. Serbia / IdentificationCard / DIPLOMATIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - New document supported
  16. Belgium / Passport / TRAVEL_DOCUMENT / 2024 - New document supported
  17. India - West Bengal/ DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2002 - New document supported
  18. Nigeria - Lagos / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_CARD / 2020 - New document supported
  19. Philippines / IdentificationCard / SENIOR_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1998 - New document supported
  20. Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2022 - New document supported
  21. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1906 - New document supported
  22. Philippines / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_CARD / 1982 - New document supported
  23. Peru / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 1975 - New document supported
  24. Mexico - Guerrero / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1928 - New document supported
  25. Uruguay / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2016 - New document supported
  26. Taiwan / IdentificationCard / DIPLOMATIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  27. United States of America - New Jersey / Other / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2024 - Only config file created for Data Collection
  28. Philippines / IdentificationCard / DISABILITY_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2000 - New document supported
  29. Turkey / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  30. United Kingdom / IdentificationCard / DIPLOMATIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2024 - New document supported
  31. India / VoterIdentification / VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2022 - New document supported
  32. Peru / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 1973 - Only config files created for Data Collection
  33. Argentina / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 1992 - New document supported
  34. Romania / DriversLicense / DRIVER_QUALIFICATION_CARD / 2022 - New document supported
  35. Philippines / IdentificationCard / DISABILITY_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1999 - New document supported
  36. United Kingdom / IdentificationCard / DISABILITY_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020 - New document supported
  37. Syria / DriversLicense / INTERNATIONAL_DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2019 - New document supported
  38. Spain - Military / MILITARY_CARD / 2020 - New document supported
  39. Argentina - Misiones / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2020 - New document supported
  40. Philippines / IdentificationCard / SENIOR_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1997 - New document supported
  41. Spain / DriversLicense / DRIVER_CARD / 2020 - Only config file created for Data Collection
  42. Mexico - Morelos / DriverLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE/ 2020 - New document supported
  43. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1905 - New document supported
  44. Brazil / FederalID / DOMESTIC_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1904 - New document supported
  45. Philippines / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_CARD / 1981 - New document supported
  46. Philippines / IdentificationCard / DISABILITY_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 1998 - New document supported
  47. United Nations / IdentificationCard / UNHCR_CARD / 2023 - New document supported
  48. Venezuela / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2024 - New document supported
  49. United Kingdom / DriversLicense / DRIVER_QUALIFICATION_CARD / 2022 - New document supported
  50. India - West Bengal / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2000 - New document supported
  51. India / IdentificationCard / AIRFORCE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2023 - New document supported
  52. Philippines / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_CARD / 1977 - New document supported
  53. Philippines / ResidenceDocument / ALIEN_CERTIFICATE_OF_REGISTRATION / 2020 - New document supported
  54. Sweden / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2024 - New document supported

Changes to current templates:

  1. Peru / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2021 - Specific field improvements: Document number
  2. Paraguay / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2023 - Personal number switched to Document number, Document number switched to Reference number, New field added: Personal number
  3. Australia - Victoria / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2014/ r3 - Given name switched to Last Name. Last name switched to Given Name
  4. Panama / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2023 - documentNumber switched to referenceNumber, referencelNumber switched to documentNumber
  5. India - Telangana / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2014 - Document classification improved
  6. India - Andhra Pradesh / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2011 - Document classification improved
  7. Canada - Quebec / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2009 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  8. United States of America - Missouri / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2020 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  9. United States of America - New York / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2022 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  10. United States Of America - California / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE UNDER21/ 2018 - OCR provider switched to Incode; Template switched to entity_segmentation approach
  11. United States of America - New York / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2017 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  12. United States of America - South Carolina / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2010/ r1 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  13. United States Of America - California / DriversLicense / PROVISIONAL_DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2018 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  14. United States of America - New York / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2017 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  15. United States of America - New York / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2017 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  16. United States OF America / Illinois / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2016 - OCR provider switched to Incode OCR
  17. United States of America - South Carolina / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2018/ r1 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  18. United States of America - Pennsylvania / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2018/ r1 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  19. Nicaragua / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2010 - Engineering fix: NIC|ALL|IdentificationCard|IDENTIFICATION_CARD|2010
  20. Portugal / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2008 - General template improvements. Specific field improvement: givenNames, lastName
  21. United States of America - Uscis / ResidenceDocument / PERMANENT_RESIDENT_CARD_ALLAGES / 2023 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  22. United States of America - Uscis / ResidenceDocument / PERMANENT_RESIDENT_CARD_ALLAGES / 2010 - OCR provider switched to Incode. MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  23. United States of America - Uscis / Permit / EMPLOYMENT_AUTHORIZATION_CARD / 2022/ r2 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  24. United States of America - US_DEPARTMENT_OF_STATE / TravelDocument / PASSPORT_CARD_ALLAGES / 2012 - OCR provider switched to Incode. MRZ lines extracted by Incode OCR
  25. Australia - Tasmania / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2023 - documentNumber switched to refNumber
  26. Australia - Queensland / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2011 - Document number switched to Reference number, Reference number switched to Document number
  27. Australia - New South Wales / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2012 - refNumber switched to documentNumber. documentNumber switched to refNumber
  28. Australia - Queensland / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2019 / r1 - refNumber switched to documentNumber. documentNumber switched to refNumber
  29. United States Of Ameriica - Ohio / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2018 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  30. United States of America - California / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2018 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  31. United States of America - New Jersey / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2018 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  32. United States of America - New Jersey / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2011 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  33. United States OF America - Indiana / DriverLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2010 - OCR provider switched to Incode OCR ; Existing field removed: restrictions
  34. United States of America - Georgia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2019 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  35. United States of America - Utah / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2021 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  36. United States of America - Arizona / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2001 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  37. United States of America - Missouri / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2012 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  38. United States of America - Arizona / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2014 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  39. United States of America - Hawaii / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2015 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  40. United States Of America - Florida / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2004 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  41. United States of America - Wyoming / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2020 - OCR provider switched to Incode OCR
  42. United States of America - Tennessee / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2016 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  43. United States Of America - Tennessee / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2019 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  44. United States of America - South Carolina / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2017 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  45. United States of America - Arizona / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2023 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  46. United States of America - Florida / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2017 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  47. United States Of America - USCIS / Permit / EMPLOYMENT_AUTHORIZATION_CARD / 2018 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  48. United States of America - Texas / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2020/ r3 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  49. United States Of America - Oklahoma / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2021 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  50. United States OF America - Colorado / DriverLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2016 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  51. United States of America - Texas / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020/ r2- OCR provider switched to Incode
  52. United States of America - North Carolina / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2015/ r2 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  53. United States of America - Illinois / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2016/ r1 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  54. United States of America - Texas / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2009/ r2 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  55. United States of America - North Carolina / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2018/ r1 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  56. United States of America - Florida / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2017/ r1 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  57. Panama / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2023 - documentNumber switched to referenceNumber. referencelNumber switched to documentNumber
  58. United States Of America - New Hampshire / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2017 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  59. United States OF America - Pennsylvania / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2017 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  60. United States of America - Texas / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE_UNDER21 / 2020/ r3 - OCR provider switched to Incode. Specific field improvements: Address
  61. United States Of America - Nevada / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2010 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  62. United States of America - Alabama / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2010 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  63. United States of America - Alabama / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2010 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  64. United States of America - Minnesota / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2018 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  65. United States Of America - New York / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2017 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  66. United States of America - Mississippi / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2016 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  67. United States of America - Mississippi / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2016 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  68. United States of America - Missouri / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2012 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  69. United States of America - Missouri / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2020 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  70. United States of America - Montana / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2016 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  71. United States of America - Tennessee / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2016 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  72. United States Of America - New York / MedicalCard / MEDICAL_CARD-2015 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  73. United States of America - Texas/ IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2020 / r2 - OCR provider switched to Incode. Specific field improvements: Address
  74. United States of America - Texas / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2009/r3 - OCR provider switched to Incode. Specific field improvements: Address
  75. United States of America - Florida / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2017 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  76. United States of America - Arizona / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2014 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  77. United States of America - West Virginia / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2020 / r2 - OCR provider switched to Incode. Specific field improvements: Address
  78. United States of America - Idaho / DriversLicense . DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2016 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  79. United States of America - Wisconsin/ IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2023 /r2 - OCR provider switched to Incode.
  80. United States of America - Virginia/ DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2023 /r4 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  81. Panama / ResidenceDocument / RESIDENCE_PERMIT / 2015 - Specific field improved: givenNames; lastName
  82. Italy / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2010 - Specific field improvements: givenNames, lastName, birthPlace, issuingAuthority
  83. Brazil / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2023 - Specific field improvements: documentNumber
  84. United States Of America - South Dakota / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_2010 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  85. Brazil / FederalID / DIGITAL_IDENTITY_CARD / 2020 - screenLiveness disabled on template level
  86. Brazil / FederalID / DIGITAL_IDENTITY_CARD / 2021 - screenLiveness disabled on template level
  87. Mexico - CDMX / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2000 - New field added: birthPlace
  88. United States Of America - New York / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD_UNDER21 / 2022 - OCR provider switched to Incode OCR
  89. Argentina / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2015 - Specific field improvements: Class
  90. United States of America - US Department of State / Visa / VISA_ALLAGES / 2009 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  91. Ecuador / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2021 - Template improved in general
  92. United States Of America - Hawaii / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2015 - Ocr provider switched to Incode
  93. United States of America - Louisiana / DriversLicense / LEARNERS_PERMIT / 2015 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  94. Guatemala / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2016 - Template improved in general
  95. United States of America - Minnesota / DriversLicense / ENHANCED_DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2018 - OCR provider switched to Incode
  96. Cuba / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2016 - Template improved in general
  97. Israel / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2009 - Specific field improvements: birthDate
  98. Costa Rica / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2000 - Specific field improvements: documentNumber
  99. India - Karnataka / DriversLicense / DRIVERS_LICENSE / 2005 - Specific filled improved: name
  100. Malaysia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2012 - Specific field improvements: Full name
  101. India / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2005 - Document additional attributes stage added to template
  102. India / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2019 - twoSidedDocument enabled on template level
  103. India / Passport / NATIONAL_PASSPORT / 2005 - twoSidedDocument enabled on template level
  104. Colombia / IdentificationCard / IDENTIFICATION_CARD / 2020/ r3 - Template switched to entity_segmentation approach. Fallback approach added: regions. OCR provider switched to Incode
  105. South Korea / DriversLicense / DRIVER_LICENSE / 2000 - Specific field improvements: Expiration date