Incode Modules

What is an Incode Verification Module?

An Incode Verification Module is a specific verification step within the onboarding process. Each module could involve different sub-steps and verifications.

Depending on the module type, it may or may not generate a verification module Score and Influence the total Onboarding Score.

Depending on the integration type, each module has configuration options available on the Omni Dashboard and/or the Incode SDKs to control the module behavior and/or how the data is processed.

Core Modules

These verification modules are the most commonly used; more importantly, they generate a Score value (except the Device Information and Geolocation module) and, therefore, influence the total Score of the Onboarding Session. These modules are used during the Onboarding Process.

  • ID Capture
  • ID Validation
  • Face Capture
  • Face Match
  • Device information.
  • Geolocation

Add-on Modules

These verification modules may or may not affect the total Score value and can be added as part of the Onboarding or executed later.

  • User Consent
  • Proof of Address Capture
  • Government Verifications (Third Party Verification Services that generate a score and affect the total session score)
  • Video Selfie (Generates a score and affects the total session score)
  • Global Watchlists
  • Custom Watchlists (Generates a score and affects the total session score)
  • User Signature
  • Phone number Input
  • Email Input
  • CURP verification (Affects the ID Validation module score and, therefore, may affect the total session score)
  • Proof of Address capture
  • Document Capture
  • Fiscal QR Code OCR
  • eKYC
  • eKYB
  • Video Conference
  • Custom Fields
  • Anti Fraud Check
  • Instant BAV
  • Forms
  • Reconnect AI
  • Cryptographic Signature


Module Support by Platform

Even tough the Core Modules are fully supported in all platformas and SDKs, not all the add-on modules are. In some cases they may be fully or partially available only for some specific SDKs or only by the Incode Omni API.