Country | Country Code | State | Type of ID | Subtype of ID | Version | Description |
Algeria | DZA | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2018 | Driving License |
Algeria | DZA | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2016 | Identification Card |
Algeria | DZA | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2012 | Passport |
Angola | AGO | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2011 | Carta de Condução (Driving License) |
Angola | AGO | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2017 | Bilhete de Identidade de Cidadão Nacional (Identity Card of National Citizen) |
Angola | AGO | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2000 | Passaporte / Passport |
Benin | BEN | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2022 | Permis de Conduire (Driving License) |
Benin | BEN | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2010 | Carte Nationale D'Identite (National I.D. Card) |
Benin | BEN | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2017 | Carte D'Identité Cedeao / ECOWAS Identity Card |
Benin | BEN | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2021 | Certificat D'Identification Personnelle (Personal Identification Certificate) |
Benin | BEN | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2016 | Passeport (Passport) |
Benin | BEN | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2021 | Passeport (Passport) |
Botswana | BWA | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2020 | Driving License |
Botswana | BWA | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2020 | National Identity Card |
Botswana | BWA | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2009 | National Passport |
Burkina Faso | BFA | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2017 | Permis de Conduire (Driving License) |
Burkina Faso | BFA | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2012 | Carte Nationale D'Identite Burkinabe (National Identity Card) |
Burkina Faso | BFA | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2013 | Passeport (Passport) |
Burkina Faso | BFA | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2018 | Passeport (Passport) |
Burkina Faso | BFA | ALL | TravelDocument | CONSULAR_CARD | 2020 | Carte Consulaire (Consular Card) |
Burundi | BDI | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2016 | Permis de Conduire (Driving License) |
Burundi | BDI | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2014 | Passeport (Passport) |
Burundi | BDI | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2018 | Passeport (Passport) |
Burundi | BDI | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2022 | Passeport (Passport) |
Cameroon | CMR | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2009 | Permis de Conduire (Driving License) |
Cameroon | CMR | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2020 | Permis de Conduire (Driving License) |
Cameroon | CMR | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2008 | Carte Nationale D'Identite (National Identity Card) |
Cameroon | CMR | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2016 | Carte Nationale D'Identite (National Identity Card) |
Cameroon | CMR | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2013 | Passeport (Passport) |
Cameroon | CMR | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2021 | Passeport (Passport) |
Cameroon | CMR | ALL | VoterIdentification | VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2020 | Carte D'Electeur (Voter's Card) |
Cape Verde | CPV | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2013 | Permis de Conduire (Driving License) |
Cape Verde | CPV | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2012 | Bilhete de Identidade de Cidadão Nacional (Identity Card of National Citizen) |
Cape Verde | CPV | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2018 | Cartão Nacional de Identificação (National Identity Card) |
Cape Verde | CPV | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2005 | Passaporte / Passport |
Cape Verde | CPV | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2017 | Passaporte / Passport |
Central African Republic | CAF | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2010 | Permis de Conduire (Driving License) |
Central African Republic | CAF | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2018 | Passeport (Passport) |
Comoros | COM | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2010 | Carte Nationale D'Identite (National Identity Card) |
Comoros | COM | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2012 | Passeport (Passport) |
Congo | COG | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2016 | Permis de Conduire (Driving License) |
Congo | COG | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2019 | Carte Nationale D'Identite (National Identity Card) |
Congo | COG | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2013 | Passeport Ordinaire / Ordinary Passport |
Congo | COG | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2019 | Passeport (Passport) |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | COD | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2017 | Permis de Conduire National (Driving License) |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | COD | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2009 | Passeport (Passport) |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | COD | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2015 | Passeport (Passport) |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | COD | ALL | TravelDocument | CONSULAR_IDENTITY_CARD | 2020 | Consular Identity Card |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | COD | ALL | VoterIdentification | VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2010 | Carte D'Electeur (Voter's Card) |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | COD | ALL | VoterIdentification | VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2022 | Carte D'Electeur (Voter's Card) |
Djibouti | DJI | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2017 | Passeport (Passport) |
Egypt | EGY | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2012 | Driving License |
Egypt | EGY | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2000 | Identity Card |
Egypt | EGY | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2021 | Foreign Residence Card |
Egypt | EGY | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2008 | Passport |
Egypt | EGY | ALL | Visa | VISA | 2017 | Visa |
Equatorial Guinea | GNQ | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2021 | Documento de Identidad Personal (Identity Card) |
Equatorial Guinea | GNQ | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2016 | Pasaporte (Passport) |
Equatorial Guinea | GNQ | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2020 | Pasaporte (Passport) |
Eritrea | ERI | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2021 | Identity Card |
Eritrea | ERI | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2018 | Passport |
Eswatini | SWZ | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2007 | Driver's License |
Eswatini | SWZ | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2011 | National Identity Card |
Eswatini | SWZ | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2017 | Passport |
Ethiopia | ETH | ADDIS_ABABA | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2020 | Addis Ababa City Resident ID Card |
Ethiopia | ETH | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2004 | Driving License |
Ethiopia | ETH | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2010 | Driving License |
Ethiopia | ETH | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2011 | Driving License |
Ethiopia | ETH | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2016 | Passport |
Gabon | GAB | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2011 | Carte Nationale D'Identite (National Identity Card) |
Gabon | GAB | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2021 | Carte D'Identite Consulaire (Consular Identity Card) |
Gabon | GAB | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2009 | Passeport / Passport |
Gabon | GAB | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2013 | Passeport / Passport |
Gabon | GAB | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2022 | Passeport / Passport |
Ghana | GHA | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2008 | Driver License |
Ghana | GHA | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2018 | Driver License |
Ghana | GHA | ALL | IdentificationCard | ECOWAS | 2019 | ECOWAS Identity Card |
Ghana | GHA | ALL | MedicalCard | VOTER_MEDICAL_CARD | 2016 | NHIS Membership Identification Card |
Ghana | GHA | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2007 | Passeport / Passport |
Ghana | GHA | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2010 | Passeport / Passport |
Ghana | GHA | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2023 | Passport |
Ghana | GHA | ALL | TravelDocument | CONSULAR_CARD | 2023 | Carte Consulaire (Consular Card) |
Ghana | GHA | ALL | VoterIdentification | VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2010 | Voter Card |
Ghana | GHA | ALL | VoterIdentification | VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2020 | Voter Card |
Guinea | GIN | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2020 | ECOWAS Identity Card |
Guinea | GIN | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2007 | Passport |
Guinea | GIN | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2014 | Passport |
Guinea | GIN | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2018 | Passport |
Guinea-Bissau | GNB | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2021 | Passport |
Ivory Coast | CIV | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2000 | Permis de Conduire (Driving License) |
Ivory Coast | CIV | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2014 | Permis de Conduire (Driving License) |
Ivory Coast | CIV | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2009 | Carte Nationale D'Identite (National Identity Card) |
Ivory Coast | CIV | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2020 | Carte Nationale D'Identite (National Identity Card) |
Ivory Coast | CIV | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2021 | Attestation D'Identite (Identity Card) |
Ivory Coast | CIV | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2016 | Passeport / Passport |
Kenya | KEN | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2019 | Driving License |
Kenya | KEN | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2020 | Driving License |
Kenya | KEN | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2011 | Identity Card |
Kenya | KEN | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2020 | National Identity Card |
Kenya | KEN | ALL | IdentificationCard | REFUGEE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2016 | Refugee ID Card |
Kenya | KEN | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2023 | National Identity Card |
Kenya | KEN | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 1997 | Passeport / Passport |
Kenya | KEN | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2007 | Passeport / Passport |
Kenya | KEN | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2008 | Passeport / Passport |
Kenya | KEN | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2015 | Passeport / Passport |
Kenya | KEN | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2021 | Foreigner Certificate |
Kenya | KEN | ALL | VoterIdentification | VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2010 | Electors Card |
Kenya | KEN | ALL | Military | MILITARY_CARD | 2023 | Defence Forces Identity Card |
Lesotho | LSO | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2012 | Driving License |
Lesotho | LSO | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2018 | National Identity Card |
Lesotho | LSO | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2016 | Passeport / Passport |
Liberia | LBR | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2010 | National Identification Card |
Liberia | LBR | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2017 | Passport |
Libya | LBY | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2014 | Passport |
Madagascar | MDG | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2018 | Permis de Conduire (Driving License) |
Madagascar | MDG | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2021 | Permis de Conduire (Driving License) |
Madagascar | MDG | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2016 | Kara Panondrom Pirenena (National Identity Card) |
Madagascar | MDG | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2013 | Pasipaoro (Passport) |
Madagascar | MDG | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2017 | Pasipaoro (Passport) |
Malawi | MWI | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2012 | Passeport / Passport |
Malawi | MWI | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2021 | Passeport / Passport |
Malawi | MWI | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2015 | Driving License |
Malawi | MWI | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2017 | Citizen Identification Card |
Mali | MLI | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2023 | Carte D'Identite Cedeao (ECOWAS Identity Card) |
Mali | MLI | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2016 | Passeport / Passport |
Mauritania | MRT | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2018 | Passeport / Passport |
Mauritania | MRT | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2021 | Passeport / Passport |
Mauritania | MRT | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2015 | Carte D'Identification (Identity Card) |
Mauritania | MRT | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2020 | Carte D'Identification (Identity Card) |
Mauritius | MUS | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2013 | National Identity Card |
Mauritius | MUS | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2013 | Passeport / Passport |
Morocco | MAR | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVER_LICENSE | 2001 | Permis de Conduire (Driving License) |
Morocco | MAR | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVER_LICENSE | 2020 | Permis de Conduire (Driving License) |
Morocco | MAR | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2008 | Carte Nationale D'Identite (National Identity Card) |
Morocco | MAR | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2020 | Carte Nationale D'Identite (National Identity Card) |
Morocco | MAR | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2009 | Passeport / Passport |
Mozambique | MOZ | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2015 | Carta de Condução (Driving License) |
Mozambique | MOZ | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2021 | Carta de Condução (Driving License) |
Mozambique | MOZ | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2015 | Bilhete de Identidade (Identity Card) |
Mozambique | MOZ | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2019 | Bilhete de Identidade (Identity Card) |
Mozambique | MOZ | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2020 | Bilhete de Identidade (Identity Card) |
Mozambique | MOZ | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2016 | Passaporte / Passport |
Mozambique | MOZ | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2020 | Passaporte / Passport |
Mozambique | MOZ | ALL | VoterIdentification | VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2010 | Cartão de Eleitor (Voter Card) |
Mozambique | MOZ | ALL | VoterIdentification | VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2023 | Cartão de Eleitor (Voter Card) |
Namibia | NAM | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2017 | Carta de Condução (Driving License) |
Namibia | NAM | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2022 | Permis de Conduire (Driving License) |
Namibia | NAM | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2006 | National Identity Card |
Namibia | NAM | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2014 | Ordinary Passport |
Namibia | NAM | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2018 | Ordinary Passport |
Namibia | NAM | ALL | VoterIdentification | VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2014 | Voter Card |
Niger | NER | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2017 | Passeport / Passport |
Nigeria | NGA | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVER_LICENSE | 2019 | National Drivers License |
Nigeria | NGA | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2003 | National Identity Card |
Nigeria | NGA | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2010 | National Identification Number Slip (NINS) |
Nigeria | NGA | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2015 | National Identity Card |
Nigeria | NGA | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2016 | National Identification Number (NIN) |
Nigeria | NGA | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2019 | National Identification Number Slip |
Nigeria | NGA | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2022 | National Identification Number (NIN) |
Nigeria | NGA | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2023 | National Identification Number Slip |
Nigeria | NGA | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2019 | Passeport / Passport |
Nigeria | NGA | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2020 | Passeport / Passport |
Nigeria | NGA | ALL | VoterIdentification | VOTER_IDENTIFICATION | 2014 | Voter's Card |
Nigeria | NGA | ALL | VoterIdentification | VOTER_IDENTIFICATION | 2018 | Voter's Card |
Nigeria | NGA | LAGOS | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_CARD | 2015 | Lagos State Resident Card |
Nigeria | NGA | ALL | TravelDocument | CONSULAR_CARD | 2023 | Consular Card |
Republic of Chad | TCD | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2018 | Passeport / Passport |
Republic of Chad | TCD | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2020 | Passeport / Passport |
Rwanda | RWA | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2008 | Uruhushya Rwo Gutwara Ibinyabiziga (Driving License) |
Rwanda | RWA | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2019 | Indangamuntu (National Identity Card) |
Rwanda | RWA | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2019 | Pasiporo (Passport) |
Rwanda | RWA | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2020 | Passeport / Passport |
Sao Tome and Principe | STP | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2018 | Passeport / Passport |
Senegal | SEN | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2010 | Carte Nationale D'Identite (National Identity Card) |
Senegal | SEN | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2017 | Carte D'Identite Cedeao (ECOWAS Identity Card) |
Senegal | SEN | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2014 | Passeport / Passport |
Seychelles | SYC | ALL | IdentificationCard | NATIONAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2010 | National Identity Card |
Seychelles | SYC | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2017 | Passeport / Passport |
Seychelles | SYC | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2023 | Passeport / Passport |
Sierra Leone | SLE | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2018 | Motor Driver's License |
Sierra Leone | SLE | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2023 | Motor Driver's License |
Sierra Leone | SLE | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2017 | Passeport / Passport |
Sierra Leone | SLE | ALL | VoterIdentification | VOTER_IDENTIFICATION | 2010 | Voter ID Card |
Sierra Leone | SLE | ALL | VoterIdentification | VOTER_IDENTIFICATION | 2020 | Voter Registration Card |
Somalia | SOM | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2015 | Driver License |
Somalia | SOM | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2007 | Passport |
Somalia | SOM | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2010 | Passport |
Somalia | SOM | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2018 | Passport |
South Africa | ZAF | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2005 | Carta de Conducao (Driving License) |
South Africa | ZAF | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 1996 | National Identity Card |
South Africa | ZAF | ALL | IdentificationCard | NATIONAL_IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2015 | National Identity Card |
South Africa | ZAF | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2007 | Passeport / Passport |
South Africa | ZAF | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2009 | Passeport / Passport |
South Africa | ZAF | ALL | Visa | WORK_VISA | 2010 | Zimbabwean Exemption Permit (ZEP) |
South Sudan | SSD | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2014 | Nationality Certificate |
South Sudan | SSD | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2012 | Passport |
Sudan | SDN | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2018 | Passport |
Tanzania | TZA | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2017 | Driving License |
Tanzania | TZA | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2014 | Citizen Identity Card |
Tanzania | TZA | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2015 | Citizen Identity Card |
Tanzania | TZA | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2005 | Pasipoti (Passport) |
Tanzania | TZA | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2018 | Pasipoti (Passport) |
Tanzania | TZA | ALL | VoterIdentification | VOTER_IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2015 | Kadi Ya Mpiga Kura (Voter's Card) |
The Gambia | GMB | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2019 | Carte D'Identite Cedeao (ECOWAS Identity Card) |
The Gambia | GMB | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2002 | Passeport / Passport |
The Gambia | GMB | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2012 | Passeport / Passport |
The Gambia | GMB | ALL | ResidenceDocument | RESIDENCE_PERMIT | 2023 | Resident Permit - ''B'' Ecowas |
Togo | TGO | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2021 | Carte Nationale D'Identite (National Identity Card) |
Togo | TGO | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2017 | Passeport / Passport |
Trinidad and Tobago | TTO | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 1998 | Driver's Permit |
Trinidad and Tobago | TTO | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2011 | National Identification Card |
Trinidad and Tobago | TTO | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2006 | Driver's License |
Trinidad and Tobago | TTO | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2007 | Passport |
Trinidad and Tobago | TTO | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2016 | Passport |
Tunisia | TUN | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2002 | Permis de Conduire (Driving License) |
Tunisia | TUN | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2012 | Permis de Conduire (Driving License) |
Tunisia | TUN | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2008 | Identity Card |
Tunisia | TUN | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2003 | Passport |
Uganda | UGA | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2015 | Permis de Conduire / Driving Permit |
Uganda | UGA | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2018 | Permis de Conduire / Driving Permit |
Uganda | UGA | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2021 | Permis de Conduire / Driving License |
Uganda | UGA | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2014 | National ID Card |
Uganda | UGA | ALL | Other | REFUGEE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2018 | Refugee Identity Card |
Uganda | UGA | ALL | Other | REFUGEE_IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2022 | Refugee Identity Card |
Uganda | UGA | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2003 | Passeport / Passport |
Uganda | UGA | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2018 | Passeport / Passport |
Uganda | UGA | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2023 | Passeport / Passport |
Zambia | ZMB | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2020 | Driving License |
Zambia | ZMB | ALL | IdentificationCard | COMMON_WEALTH_REGISTRATION_CARD | 2019 | Commonwealth Registration Card |
Zambia | ZMB | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2019 | National Registration Card |
Zambia | ZMB | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2008 | Passeport / Passport |
Zimbabwe | ZWE | ALL | DriversLicense | DRIVERS_LICENSE | 2000 | Drivers License |
Zimbabwe | ZWE | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2010 | National Registration Card |
Zimbabwe | ZWE | ALL | IdentificationCard | IDENTIFICATION_CARD | 2011 | National Registration Card |
Zimbabwe | ZWE | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2011 | Passport |
Zimbabwe | ZWE | ALL | Passport | NATIONAL_PASSPORT | 2022 | Passport |
Updated 4 days ago