INE Scraping

The purpose of this webhook is to notify customers when the results of an INE scraping verification are available. INE scraping functionality is based on the execution of an asynchronous process, this process runs in background and once the results from the “INE Listas Nominales” are retrieved, these results are updated as part of the Onboarding Scores. To know when this asynchronous process has finished, it is highly recommended to implement the INE Scraping Webhook. This webhook is a simple HTTP request notification that will be triggered when the INE scraping process has finished. To configure your callback URL, navigate to the Dashboard and select Configuration -> Webhooks, and then enter your URL under INE SCRAPING WEBHOOK URL (OPTIONAL). For more information see the webhook introduction page.

INE Scraping Process

INE Scraping Webhook Details

When INE Scraping is enabled and configured, the following two HTTP requests are sent:

  1. INE Scraping In Progress
    1. This request will be received when an INE scraping process is triggered and is in progress.
  2. INE Scraping Finished.
    1. This request will be received when an INE scraping process has finished.
    2. Once the FINISHED status is received, the /omni/get/score API can be called to retrieve the results about the “INE Listas Nominales” verification.

In Progress Request


Request Payload

POST Body:

  • InterviewId: String, mandatory. Session ID.
  • externalId: String, optional. External ID - only if it was sent in start.
  • ScrapingStatus:IN_PROGRESS String, mandatory.


Response body must be {"success": "true"}

  • success: Boolean. Flag indicating client received notification successfully.

Finished Request



  • InterviewId: String, mandatory. Session ID.
  • externalId: String, optional. External ID - only if it was sent in start.
  • ScrapingStatus:FINISHED String, mandatory.


Response body must be {"success": "true"}

  • success: Boolean. Flag indicating client received notification successfully.