

Flutter SDK Documentation

Flutter version >=1.20.0



    	url: git@github.com:Incode-Technologies-Example-Repos/IncdOnboardingFlutter.git
	    ref: master

Additional setup for iOS

  1. Verify LFS is installed and running Git LFS Documentation
  2. Change your Podfile so it requires deployment target 13 or higher.
-platform :ios, '10.0'
+platform :ios, '13.0'
  1. Run pod install
cd ios && pod install cd ..
  1. Adapt Info.plist by adding:
  • NSCameraUsageDescription The SDK uses the camera in order to verify the identity of the customer, e.g. in ID scan, Selfie scan and so on.
  • NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription The SDK uses the current user location in order to detect exact location for Geolocation step.
  • NSMicrophoneUsageDescription The SDK uses microphone for performing a video call during Video Conference step or for doing speech recognition during Video Selfie.

Additional setup for Android

  1. Modify app/build.gradle so that you enable multiDexEnabled and set the minimum API level to 21:
defaultConfig {
  multiDexEnabled true
  minSdkVersion 21
  1. Modify your build.gradle so it contains Artifactory username and password, provided by Incode:
allprojects {
  repositories {
+    jcenter()
+    maven {
+      url "https://repo.incode.com/artifactory/libs-incode-welcome"
+      credentials {
+        username = "ARTIFACTORY_USERNAME"
+        password = "ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD"
+      }
+    }
  1. Modify your app/build.gradle to add dependency:

+   implementation 'com.android.support:multidex:1.0.3'

Other optional dependencies can be added for optimized Face Login features:

  • Add 'com.incode.sdk:model-mask-detection:3.0.0' to detect face mask during face login.
  • Add 'com.incode.sdk:model-liveness-detection:2.0.0' to use local liveness by specifying .hybrid or .local FaceAuthMode for face login.
  • Add 'com.incode.sdk:model-face-recognition:3.0.0' to use local face recognition by specifying .local FaceAuthMode for face login.

Updating to latest version

Run flutter pub upgrade or flutter packages upgrade, and in case iOS SDK version was updated run pod install --repo-update and pod update IncdOnboarding inside your ios folder.