Cordova SDK Release Notes


2.4.0 (June 24th 2024)

  • Added addEKYC and addAntifraud module to the startOnboardingSection method
  • VideoSelfie result on Android now returning status instead of success to be aligned with iOS platform
  • Aligned some faceMatchData response fields between Android and iOS

Using Android SDK version 5.28.0, iOS 5.28.0-d.

2.3.0 (Oct 31st 2023)

  • Added non-UI faceMatch method
  • Added addVideoSelfie module to the startOnboardingSection method
  • Fixed addSelfie params maskCheckEnabled and lensesCheckEnabled
  • Implemented automatically skipping back ID for one-sided documents if provided configurationId has that configured

Using Android SDK version 5.19.0, iOS 5.20.0-d.

2.2.0 (Sept 26th 2023)

Using Android SDK version 5.17.2, iOS 5.17.0-d.

2.1.0 (July 11th 2023)

  • Fixed onEvent function in iOS

Using Android SDK version 5.16.0, iOS 5.17.0-d.

1.1.0 (June 2023)

  • Advanced plugin with modules and respective parameters
  • Added token mechanism to initialize the SDK
  • Updated Android minSdk to 21 and compileSdk to 33
  • Supported theme and translations for both platforms.
  • Added User and Machine learning consent.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Using Android SDK version 5.16.0, iOS 5.16.0-d.

1.0.2 (January 2023)

  • Basic Incode Cordova plugin to conduct KYC process
  • Updated Android minSdk to 17 and compileSdk to 31