Get Onboarding URL

How to get the URL to start the onboarding process

You can get two types of Onboarding URLs:

  • Static URL: Created automatically by the Workflow, is the same for all users.
  • Dynamic URL: Generated by calling the Omni API after a session start.

Static URL

You can get the static Onboarding URL by clicking the link icon from the Workflows list shown on Omni Dashboard.


Dynamic URL

In the backend, you will need to implement an endpoint that creates a session and then generates the onboarding URL.

  1. Create an onboarding session following this guide Create a Session.
  2. Get an Onboarding URL following this guide Generate Onboarding URL.

Dynamic onboarding URLs are flexible, and you can add metadata to the onboarding session, such as externalCustomerId, custom-fields, and redirectionURL.

A sample of such a combined endpoint is presented below for your convenience.

// Combined endpoint that calls incodes `omni/start` and then with the token calls `0/omni/onboarding-url`
// to retrieve the unique onboarding URL for the newly created session.
app.get('/onboarding-url', async (req, res) => {
  // Start Session 
  const startHeader = {
    'Content-Type': "application/json",
    'x-api-key': API_KEY,
    'api-version': '1.0',
  const startParams = {
    configurationId: CONFIGURATION_ID,
    countryCode: "ALL",
    language: "en-US",
    // redirectionUrl: "",
    // externalCustomerId: "some value to identify the user in your system",
  const responseStart = await fetch(
      method: 'POST',
      body: JSON.stringify(startParams),
      headers: startHeader
  const startData = await responseStart.json();
  // Generate URL
  const onboardingHeader = {
    'Content-Type': "application/json",
    'x-api-key': API_KEY,
    'api-version': '1.0',
  const responseOnboardingUrl = await fetch("<<DEMO_URL>>0/omni/onboarding-url", {method: 'GET', headers:onboardingHeader});
  const onboardingUrlData = responseOnboardingUrl.json();
  res.json({url: onboardingUrlData.url, interviewId: startData.interviewId, token: startData.token});


Return just what is needed

We are returning more things thats just the url, depending on the implementation you might need the token to securely ask for the user scores, or maybe use the interviewId to use as a reference to your own systems.

This data is added here we can show you how to get it, but always try to return the minimum of information in your end product.

Setup Redirect URL and CorrelationId (required for Redirect and Back)

When you are doing a Redirect and Back integration, once the Onboarding process is finished, the end user will be redirected back to an specific url on the Web Application to continue the process. You will also need a value stored in a cookie or local storage to identify the user coming back.

You will need to:

  • Create this URL entry point to be able to receive the end users back (e.g.
  • Setup this URL in the Workflow configuration or during the /start call.
  • Choose a unique identifier for this session and save it in a way can retrieve it back.

Setup Redirect URL in Workflow

Go to Workflows > Open workflow designer > Edit, Click on the pencil next to the workflow name and fill the Redirect URL field in the popup. Set this up so it goes to a page specifically made to receive user back from the Incode's Web Flow (e.g.

Setup redirectionUrl during session creation

Use this option to set and specific URL every time, probably even sending some custom parameters unique for that session.

  const startParams = {
    configurationId: CONFIGURATION_ID,
    countryCode: "ALL",
    language: "en-US",
    redirectionUrl: "",
    //externalCustomerId: "some value to identify the user in your system",



You can also take advantage of the externalCustomerId parameter to link this session to a user unique identifier that you might need later.

Setup a CorrelationId

When the user is back from the Incode's flow, there will be no data point in the URL to let you know which user is coming back, so you will need to setup a correlationId to continue the process.

This correlationId could be anything, the user id or an interview id are the most common ones, but for security in this step it would be a good idea to generate a unique identifier to work as a correlation to the original session to avoid exposing user or interview ids to the frontend, and Instead store this delicate information in your backend.

The details on how to increase the security of your information is up to you. but for our simplest case, you can use interviewId as correlation and return it along with the token, then store this 2 values Client Side (Browser Local Storage, Browser Cookies, etc.), make sure you can retrieve this data later when the user is sent to redirectionUrl.

What’s Next

Implement your selected integration